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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread (Part 7)


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He's not my boy. He is an adult making his living out of us. I don't like clowns but I do like his music and primarily that's what I want to hear about.


OK..I´m used to call him "boy" so that´s why I said it :dunno:

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Does anyone know who is Brion Rock (whoisbrionrock)?

Mika replied him 2 hours after his twitter-bitter-tweet and...I'm confused:blink:

Is there any connection?


I reckon he's just a fan that Mika randomly decided to reply to.

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It is uncalled for, but that's life. If he can't handle it, then he's in the wrong business. :dunno:


I agree. This is the kind of stuff people tweet to another favourite singer of mine all the time:




One of Mika's so-called fans tweets every day that I'm fat, ugly, etc. He attracts weirdos and he can't really expect to never receive any negative feedback when the rest of us have to put up with this sh*t every day. :dunno:

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So young. So wise.


Thanks. :pinkbow:


You know, a year ago I'd probably be in this thread, defending Mika and saying how rude everyone on twitter is, but I guess I've grown quite heartless in my old(er) age. :naughty:

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I agree. This is the kind of stuff people tweet to another favourite singer of mine all the time:




One of Mika's so-called fans tweets every day that I'm fat, ugly, etc. He attracts weirdos and he can't really expect to never receive any negative feedback when the rest of us have to put up with this sh*t every day. :dunno:


oh I´m sorry to hear that sweetie :sad::huglove:

you know what? people are cruel"! let´s face it! I´m 15 years old so what do I know? But I think that people can be soo cruel sometimes.. :(

It´s a unfair world isn´t it?

well ignore the ignorants sweetie! :huglove: You´re beautiful no matter what they say :blush-anim-cl:

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At the end of the day, it's his twitter account and he can put what he wants on it.

He's not the only artist to mix work tweets with personal tweets (and when I say personal, I mean random funny, silly, informative etc), so if he wants to post pics of himself doing stuff that may or not be work related, that's up to him.

We don't have to read them, or comment on them, but if he wants to do it, we can't stop him.

I hope he keeps tweeting, I've already said I like his random tweets. Like Tiibet said, I would love him to start vlogging/blogging again, you get more from them. I discovered so much stuff from them I never knew exsisted, and really miss them. But as long as he's tweeting, whatever he tweets, it means he's still connecting with us in one medium. No matter how strange or short they may be.

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well ignore the ignorants sweetie! :huglove: You´re beautiful no matter what they say :blush-anim-cl:


Oh you're sweet :huglove:


I wasn't looking for sympathy, it's fine. Just saying that my sympathy for Mika because people are poo-pooing his clown pic is fairly limited :teehee: He chose this path and you have to take the bad with the good. And his good is pretty damn good from where I'm sitting.

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Oh you're sweet :huglove:


I wasn't looking for sympathy, it's fine. Just saying that my sympathy for Mika because people are poo-pooing his clown pic is fairly limited :teehee: He chose this path and you have to take the bad with the good. And his good is pretty damn good from where I'm sitting.



I was just being sincere honey and I dont like sympathy as well BUt sometimes its good to feel that someone cares abou you.:biggrin2:

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At the end of the day, it's his twitter account and he can put what he wants on it.

He's not the only artist to mix work tweets with personal tweets (and when I say personal, I mean random funny, silly, informative etc), so if he wants to post pics of himself doing stuff that may or not be work related, that's up to him.

We don't have to read them, or comment on them, but if he wants to do it, we can't stop him.

I hope he keeps tweeting, I've already said I like his random tweets. Like Tiibet said, I would love him to start vlogging/blogging again, you get more from them. I discovered so much stuff from them I never knew exsisted, and really miss them. But as long as he's tweeting, whatever he tweets, it means he's still connecting with us in one medium. No matter how strange or short they may be.


+1 couldnt agree more with you

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He shared the pic with us . And only. And got a negative reactions. And almost claim as if He is some executer of order and did not meet the customer of requests ...

I've never seen a negative reaction and ridicule on pretty ugly drawings with Mika that appear from time to time. But all polite and no one mocked . Mika is a public person ... Therefore it is possible to show their "phew!" to Him? From the rear, from those whom He expects to support ... Need to be more a gentler to Him. Negative catches and without our intervention

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He shared the pic with us . And only. And got a negative reactions. And almost claim as if He is some executer of order and did not meet the customer of requests ...

I've never seen a negative reaction and ridicule on pretty ugly drawings with Mika that appear from time to time. But all polite and no one mocked . Mika is a public person ... Therefore it is possible to show their "phew!" to Him? From the rear, from those whom He expects to support ... Need to be more a gentler to Him. Negative catches and without our intervention


I agree to that :)

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And this is supposed to mean what? :dunno:


Prime example of why I get annoyed. WTF? To me that looks like an infantile, passive agressive tweet that clarifies nothing and just adds more fuel to the fire.

If he is going to be outspoken, then he should be outspoken and just rant. I'd LOVE for him to go on twitter or on a blog, like he did in the old days, and write what he really feels. I don't care if he's moaning about his fans, his work, or whatever. I want to see HONEST, real, Mika. I fear that this Mika is gone forever, and all we get is this buzz buzz pee pee bee bollox that is a red herring to distract from the fact that he is not willing to communicate.

Which I have said a 100 times: he doesn't need to communicate. That is fine with me, I can accept that and live happily without him attempting any contact with us at all. But please don't patronise us and insult my intelligence just posting this random (not even arty,quirky,original) stuff, which means nothing, and really achieves nothing either.


Why can't he just be honest and upfront, if he wants to say things? Just say it!


He may be upset because of yesterday :teehee:


Well, if that is the case, then really, IMO he needs to growapair.

Honestly :blush-anim-cl:. If that is the worst sort of criticism that he gets, surely it's not a bad thing.


He posted a picture of himself looking like a clown. Negative feedback was bound to happen.


It is uncalled for, but that's life. If he can't handle it, then he's in the wrong business. :dunno:



Yes, exactly. And the thing is, he posts any old rubbish and he gets hundreds of tweets declaring their undying love. Surely he can put up with a few not so good ones? I'm not saying that anyone should tolerate abuse, but come on, this does not constitute abuse of any type. He gets far more lovely dovey stuff than the bad :dunno:



One of Mika's so-called fans tweets every day that I'm fat, ugly, etc. He attracts weirdos and he can't really expect to never receive any negative feedback when the rest of us have to put up with this sh*t every day. :dunno:



And we don't get his millions to compensate for the bad times :biggrin2:



You know, a year ago I'd probably be in this thread, defending Mika and saying how rude everyone on twitter is, but I guess I've grown quite heartless in my old(er) age. :naughty:


Ah shut it :lmfao: old age. I just think that as someone said, I know that Mika is capable of far more and better, and this upsets me because I feel like we've lost him. That he's changed way too much in some ways, and not changed enough in others. I don't even know how to explain it because only people who feel similarly will understand it.

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Oh I don't know what to make of all this. I really do see both sides of the argument.


On the one hand I do believe anyone is free to tweet what they want, as nobody is obliged to read it or follow the account, let alone respond, after all. The clown face was freaky and random and obscure and I admit I didn't think anything of it, other than it just being Mika messing around, and I was amused by people's (mostly) jokey, predictable, nay traditional coulrophobic response to it. It's what we do isn't it, on the internets :naughty:.


Taken in the context of his recent tweets though, I do see what some people are getting upset about, i.e. that they feel he isn't keeping us informed of the truly interesting things he might be getting up to at the moment. The bee tweets got old VERY quickly, and all this mysterious cloak-and-dagger to-ing and fro-ing from Montreal to Mexico to Miami to Mars, it's disorientating, and not particularly entertaining. But, as I think Rose (and perhaps others) have said, it really is up to him what he communicates and I don't think it's necessary to chide him for it. Although yeah, he should perhaps expect that some people will (not everyone is as laissez-faire as me I guess) and take it on the chin if they do...but.. Am I making sense? I'm really tired and not thinking straight :blink:...


I pretty much moved on from being a big fan a while ago now, but I still care enough about him and his career to be disturbed by this though, too:


I hope not! Setting aside Mika's blink-and-you-miss-him appearance in that other boring Loubitan comercial, I've been dreading that his new "projects" would be things like that. Things that are of absolutely no interest to the mainstream cd-buying public, or limited edition things that are only available in posh shops.

I know no one wants Mika to be too mainstream, but he does need to be less exclusive.


I agree completely with this. I do not give a fig about how many designers he knows or hangs around with or name drops or works with, unless it is something DIRECTLY connected to his music. I would much rather hear that he has written a new song, or maybe even get a snippet of that new song in demo form, or something.


So many bands and artists these days (and especially in these tough times for the industry) ARE finding great ways to connect with fans and build and maintain loyalty and interest through so-called hiatus periods between albums, even down to releasing songs as they are written, so that it's more like an ongoing relationship with the fans rather than 'make one album, flog it to death, disapppear for three years (and tweet about bees and clowns now and then)'.


Sorry for any incoherent-ness, I'm off to bed now :naughty:

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Prime example of why I get annoyed. WTF? To me that looks like an infantile, passive agressive tweet that clarifies nothing and just adds more fuel to the fire.

If he is going to be outspoken, then he should be outspoken and just rant. I'd LOVE for him to go on twitter or on a blog, like he did in the old days, and write what he really feels. I don't care if he's moaning about his fans, his work, or whatever. I want to see HONEST, real, Mika. I fear that this Mika is gone forever, and all we get is this buzz buzz pee pee bee bollox that is a red herring to distract from the fact that he is not willing to communicate.

Which I have said a 100 times: he doesn't need to communicate. That is fine with me, I can accept that and live happily without him attempting any contact with us at all. But please don't patronise us and insult my intelligence just posting this random (not even arty,quirky,original) stuff, which means nothing, and really achieves nothing either.


Why can't he just be honest and upfront, if he wants to say things? Just say it!




Well, if that is the case, then really, IMO he needs to growapair.

Honestly :blush-anim-cl:. If that is the worst sort of criticism that he gets, surely it's not a bad thing.







Yes, exactly. And the thing is, he posts any old rubbish and he gets hundreds of tweets declaring their undying love. Surely he can put up with a few not so good ones? I'm not saying that anyone should tolerate abuse, but come on, this does not constitute abuse of any type. He gets far more lovely dovey stuff than the bad :dunno:






And we don't get his millions to compensate for the bad times :biggrin2:





Ah shut it :lmfao: old age. I just think that as someone said, I know that Mika is capable of far more and better, and this upsets me because I feel like we've lost him. That he's changed way too much in some ways, and not changed enough in others. I don't even know how to explain it because only people who feel similarly will understand it.


I agree with you on that, but at the same time I really don't want to think that. Did I make sense? :naughty: (I'm sleepy and getting very lazy to type in english and build coherent sentences, sorry) :blush-anim-cl:


Trying to sum it up: I miss all the buzz (no pun intended) that was in the air before the release of TBWKTM. The vlogs, the little snippets of the songs, the blog... I liked it better than pee bee tweets I can't understand. :naughty:


And if he's fed up with Twitter, then cancel the account. I mean, there was life before it, and certainly will be too, after it. :teehee: If it's because of nasty comments, then I need to ask where the "I don't care what people say, I do what I like" Mika is... :dunno:




Just to add something... I'm not really worried about his tweets, and prefer not to make a big deal out of it... I'd just like to understand them better, put them in a context, and not just see them as random Mika-stuff. Because I know myself, I'll get tired of it. :naughty:


This said... I can't wait to see him on stage again in July. And really hope he's changed the show a bit by then. :teehee: Don't get me wrong, boss...I really loved the previous shows, but new stuff would be muuuuuch appreciated. Thanks. :aah:

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Prime example of why I get annoyed. WTF? To me that looks like an infantile, passive agressive tweet that clarifies nothing and just adds more fuel to the fire.

If he is going to be outspoken, then he should be outspoken and just rant. I'd LOVE for him to go on twitter or on a blog, like he did in the old days, and write what he really feels. I don't care if he's moaning about his fans, his work, or whatever. I want to see HONEST, real, Mika. I fear that this Mika is gone forever, and all we get is this buzz buzz pee pee bee bollox that is a red herring to distract from the fact that he is not willing to communicate.

Which I have said a 100 times: he doesn't need to communicate. That is fine with me, I can accept that and live happily without him attempting any contact with us at all. But please don't patronise us and insult my intelligence just posting this random (not even arty,quirky,original) stuff, which means nothing, and really achieves nothing either.


Why can't he just be honest and upfront, if he wants to say things? Just say it!




Well, if that is the case, then really, IMO he needs to growapair.

Honestly :blush-anim-cl:. If that is the worst sort of criticism that he gets, surely it's not a bad thing.







Yes, exactly. And the thing is, he posts any old rubbish and he gets hundreds of tweets declaring their undying love. Surely he can put up with a few not so good ones? I'm not saying that anyone should tolerate abuse, but come on, this does not constitute abuse of any type. He gets far more lovely dovey stuff than the bad :dunno:






And we don't get his millions to compensate for the bad times :biggrin2:





Ah shut it :lmfao: old age. I just think that as someone said, I know that Mika is capable of far more and better, and this upsets me because I feel like we've lost him. That he's changed way too much in some ways, and not changed enough in others. I don't even know how to explain it because only people who feel similarly will understand it.


I don't feel similarly but I do understand what you mean.

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Prime example of why I get annoyed. WTF? To me that looks like an infantile, passive agressive tweet that clarifies nothing and just adds more fuel to the fire.

If he is going to be outspoken, then he should be outspoken and just rant. I'd LOVE for him to go on twitter or on a blog, like he did in the old days, and write what he really feels. I don't care if he's moaning about his fans, his work, or whatever. I want to see HONEST, real, Mika. I fear that this Mika is gone forever, and all we get is this buzz buzz pee pee bee bollox that is a red herring to distract from the fact that he is not willing to communicate.


Why can't he just be honest and upfront, if he wants to say things? Just say it!




Well, if that is the case, then really, IMO he needs to growapair.

Honestly :blush-anim-cl:. If that is the worst sort of criticism that he gets, surely it's not a bad thing.


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@violet_sky: You can always explain so well :thumb_yello: I can totally understand what you mean, yes, he has SO many ideas...


About his tweet. I feel really bad for him. Maybe he wanted to share something, so he tweeted a pic and told he is in Stockholm. And he got a lot of really hard comments. I'm not pointing anyone or saying people should lie to him. Maybe he is too sensitive. I just feel a bit sad.


Agree with you Tiibet :huh:

He probably got a ton of tweets asking him about news and then when he tweets from time to time, he gets negative feedbacks :huh:


Maybe he does not really want to communicate on his work for now and just tweets to keep the link with us alive ..

Maybe it's still too early to get proper news and updates on the new album..:dunno:

I don't know but I do trust him. He has his own reasons and it's his choice :thumb_yello:


The problem with Twitter is that this kind of direct and immediate link with people allows everyone to comment everything :sneaky2:


Anyway, I really hope he will not pay too much attention to the nasty comments

As I said yesterday, some people don't like when he does not tweet, some others don't like what he tweets

He can not please everyone...

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No more Mikaine and we become strange and funny around here :insane:

Mika, please, can we hear a few samples of your new songs :bow:

That would make everyone so happy :biggrin2:


I guess we will have to wait for a while again..

Maybe we can start a 3rd fire camp on this thread also :naughty:



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