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hi evreryone, I'm the latest MFC baby!!!


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I just want to introduce myself (I don't know if it's the good way to do it:cheerful_h4h:)


so, I'm french, but actualy working in the UK till july.

I use to know MIKA very bravely, only the most popular songs from the radio... it was a few years ago. last years, i was at home with my parents and there where nothing on tv, so i was changing channels all of the times... i finaly found one which was a Mika's concert. i've decided to teach my parents about "not TOO OLD things", so we have watch it together and i've discover his other songs (and immediatly love it) :mf_lustslow:... there also were an interview at the end, and i've found his personnality very cute and nice:teehee:.

from this day, i was always listening the radio, only to catch some Mika's songs!!:roftl:; and i had never enouth, of course. so, in may of the last year, i've buy his two albums in the same time and took it in overdose... well, everyone around me was borred about it, exept me, and i carry on to listening it non stop!!!

the only matter is that, in may on the last year was the time i was supposed to revised all my two lasts years lessons as i had my exams soon (for the higher national diploma, an equivalent); but i was disturbed by those two CDs i always wanted to listen instead of working for my exam.


so, a message for you MIKA: if i would have fail my exams, it would have been your fault:sneaky2:


this is my own Mika stoty


i do appologies about my english mistakes i've probably done!


nothing else to say about me, enless: is there a MFC meeting planed for the compiègne concert???

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yes I'm going in compiègne. i'm so looking forward it.

i saw that a lot of people from mfc are going but i havn't see

anything about a meeting. and i don't know how it's orgenised usualy.

and i also wonder if some are trying to meet mika after the show...

if someone has answere, i'm taking it:naughty:

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Bienvenue!!! Have a lot of fun here :)


Usually MFC-ers meet at the queue before the gig. Of course a m&g can never be guaranteed but after most concerts fans have been able to meet Mika.


25 days til Compiegne:biggrin2:

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I just want to introduce myself (I don't know if it's the good way to do it:cheerful_h4h:)


so, I'm french, but actualy working in the UK till july.

I use to know MIKA very bravely, only the most popular songs from the radio... it was a few years ago. last years, i was at home with my parents and there where nothing on tv, so i was changing channels all of the times... i finaly found one which was a Mika's concert. i've decided to teach my parents about "not TOO OLD things", so we have watch it together and i've discover his other songs (and immediatly love it) :mf_lustslow:... there also were an interview at the end, and i've found his personnality very cute and nice:teehee:.

from this day, i was always listening the radio, only to catch some Mika's songs!!:roftl:; and i had never enouth, of course. so, in may of the last year, i've buy his two albums in the same time and took it in overdose... well, everyone around me was borred about it, exept me, and i carry on to listening it non stop!!!

the only matter is that, in may on the last year was the time i was supposed to revised all my two lasts years lessons as i had my exams soon (for the higher national diploma, an equivalent); but i was disturbed by those two CDs i always wanted to listen instead of working for my exam.


so, a message for you MIKA: if i would have fail my exams, it would have been your fault:sneaky2:


this is my own Mika stoty


i do appologies about my english mistakes i've probably done!


nothing else to say about me, enless: is there a MFC meeting planed for the compiègne concert???

Welcome to the MFC. The Compiegne concert sounds wonderful. I think that's where he's singing some new songs! I can't go because I have to make certain I can sit down, so I only go to see Mika in theatres.

*Is dying to see the vids of Compienge*

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thanks for all your wellcomes, et merci au français aussi:biggrin2:


someone told me earlier:

"Bienvenue!!! Have a lot of fun here


Usually MFC-ers meet at the queue before the gig. Of course a m&g can never be guaranteed but after most concerts fans have been able to meet Mika."


i've never done that before: wait for meeting an artist... if someone is ok to take me to it... i would realy enjoy to come with you... (if my boyfriend allow me to:blink::blink::blink:)

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:bye: Coucou et bienvenue au MFC :huglove:

Comme Minnie , je suis française , comme mon pseudo ne l'indique pas :naughty: et je m'exprime presque toujours en anglais ici :wink2:

Je serai aussi à Compiègne , si je ne me perds pas en route car je n'ai pas le sens de l'orientation :doh: et j'espère aussi qu'il y aura un M&G :fangurl:

Amuses toi bien ici :wink2:

Le MFC, c'est comme Mika, ça rend accro :lmfao:

Félicitations pour tes examens :clap:

Découvrir les deux albums de Mika en même temps, ça a dû être une expérience extraordinaire :swoon:

C'est ton premier concert de Mika, le 9 juillet?

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yes, compiègne is gonna be so good!!!

(sorry for french people, i answere in english since a lot of MFCers do not speak french... well, i guess so)


before the 9th (which is coming), i saw Mika only one time: at the Eurockéennes de Belfort. i was completly in the front of the scene, and in the middle. so i can have see him so good! but unfortunatly, he didn't watch me at all:crybaby::puppy_eyes::tears: i don't understand why! ok, we was a few thousands, but that's still sad.


i'm looking forward a m&g!!!

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