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"The Origin of Love" - the pieces of a puzzle


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Well, here's something at least... Celebrate is FINALLY available on US iTunes!

:yay: The video has been for sale for a few weeks now, but now I can actually buy the single!


Still no mention of the album, however. :sneaky2:

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I still cant understand all this mess about the release date. First of all, I can´t understand why it can´t be released the same date EVERYWHERE. I mean, it doesn´t matter if Canada is Tuesday and Spain Monday, I can wait for 24 hours... but releasing the album in Europe on 17th/25th September and then, in October in UK, doesn´t make sense to me. HE WILL FAIL IN UK. Don´t forget how easy is to download music FOR FREE in this world. I´m sure no one of us will do it,but if there are people over there, in UK, curious about his music (not real fans, just random people thinking of listening to Mika´s music now) they will find all the songs in youtube almost a month in advance of the date that they can buy the album!!! WTF??


I understand it could be because of Muse release date. But then, most intelligent IMO would be to pospone it in the whole world, not just in UK...


I have no idea of this world, but seriously, sounds pretty odd to me...

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I still cant understand all this mess about the release date. First of all, I can´t understand why it can´t be released the same date EVERYWHERE. I mean, it doesn´t matter if Canada is Tuesday and Spain Monday, I can wait for 24 hours... but releasing the album in Europe on 17th/25th September and then, in October in UK, doesn´t make sense to me. HE WILL FAIL IN UK. Don´t forget how easy is to download music FOR FREE in this world. I´m sure no one of us will do it,but if there are people over there, in UK, curious about his music (not real fans, just random people thinking of listening to Mika´s music now) they will find all the songs in youtube almost a month in advance of the date that they can buy the album!!! WTF??


I understand it could be because of Muse release date. But then, most intelligent IMO would be to pospone it in the whole world, not just in UK...


I have no idea of this world, but seriously, sounds pretty odd to me...

I agree.

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I still cant understand all this mess about the release date. First of all, I can´t understand why it can´t be released the same date EVERYWHERE. I mean, it doesn´t matter if Canada is Tuesday and Spain Monday, I can wait for 24 hours... but releasing the album in Europe on 17th/25th September and then, in October in UK, doesn´t make sense to me. HE WILL FAIL IN UK. Don´t forget how easy is to download music FOR FREE in this world. I´m sure no one of us will do it,but if there are people over there, in UK, curious about his music (not real fans, just random people thinking of listening to Mika´s music now) they will find all the songs in youtube almost a month in advance of the date that they can buy the album!!! WTF??


I understand it could be because of Muse release date. But then, most intelligent IMO would be to pospone it in the whole world, not just in UK...


I have no idea of this world, but seriously, sounds pretty odd to me...


totally agree, the album just needs to get released in one country then it'll be all over the internet as fast as you can click your fingers !!!


i don't understand all these separate release dates being so far apart !!!

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Have you considered that the album is probably going to leak anyway? I heard it a full month early last time because it was being flogged on eBay by people who had received advanced copies (media, etc.) Not long after it was mistakenly made available for sale on iTunes Mexico and there was a full blown worldwide leak. This was before it was released anywhere, even the early date in Japan.


I think he needs time to get out there in the UK and US and promote the album before it hits the shelves. I think releasing it early in countries where he is currently popular is going to pre-empt some illegal downloading rather than causing it. I think it's much more likely that someone in France is waiting to download it the second they can get their hands on it than someone in the UK is.


That's just my hypothesis. We'll see what happens. :naughty:

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I think people who want to download the album illegaly will do it anyway also when the release date was the same all over the world. Those people don´t think about Mika´s or any other artist´s success but only their own advantage ( I have one collegue who told how stupid I am to buy any album.....). People who want to buy the album will wait and buy it when available.

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What on earth is he doing? Maybe it's just me buy I can't see Underwater having any hit potential/impact on the casual listener.


I think it needs a damn good music video and it could succeed perhaps.

It reminds me of a powerful ballad like One Republic's Apologize (although that video wasn't all that amazing but the song was)

Please Mika, make a mind blowing music video for this one :aah:

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I think it needs a damn good music video and it could succeed perhaps.

It reminds me of a powerful ballad like One Republic's Apologize (although that video wasn't all that amazing but the song was)

Please Mika, make a mind blowing music video for this one :aah:


I see your point and I suppose his last ballad single was Happy Ending!


It's funny you mention Apologize as my brother is with them like I am like with Mika :teehee:


Once Origin of Love at some point is a single I'll be happy. :wink2::wub2:

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I see your point and I suppose his last ballad single was Happy Ending!


It's funny you mention Apologize as my brother is with them like I am like with Mika :teehee:


Once Origin of Love at some point is a single I'll be happy. :wink2::wub2:


That's cool :naughty: I was actually about to accidently write One Directon at first lol I always mix names up :doh: And yeah, Origin of Love would make an awesome single!

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I want to buy it (and I will when it's released in my country), but I also want to hear it as soon as possible. :teehee:


Yes it's not an either/or proposition. I didn't get my first copy of TBWKTM from an illegal download, but I didn't pay for it. Once it was released I bought the deluxe version because I was at the SW concert and wanted the live songs. I also bought the Asian version later because I was in Japan when it came out and I wanted the Tofu doll.


I think hardcore fans are going to buy it for other reasons and not just to listen to some stolen mp3s. And I think for the casual fan in the UK or US who liked LICM but hasn't been following Mika's career for the past few years - they are not going to be scouring the net on September 17th waiting for the French edition to leak.


It reminds me of a powerful ballad like One Republic's Apologize (although that video wasn't all that amazing but the song was)


What Apologize needed was Timbaland. The original version was very weak and I never would have listened to it. But once it was produced properly it became one of my favourites.


Mika should have hooked up with Timbaland instead of Pharrell. :naughty:

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I have a funny story about Timbaland, when he came here, but it's totally off topic :teehee: I think it's funny that he claimed that song as his own by putting One Republic as featuring artists. But he's a great producer. I did enjoy the original version personally though, think it had more heart and soul put in it, but yeah, Timbaland made it a commercial hit I guess.

As for Pharrell, I'm disappointed as a fan of his as well as Mika fan :sneaky2:

Maybe Tah Dah can make up for it, but I doubt it will. :(

He didn't even want to be in the music video, that little diva... (I'm assuming)

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yeah, sure Timbaland's eh eh makes more sense than the lyrics Pharrell added to Celebrate:mf_rosetinted:


I did enjoy the original version personally though, think it had more heart and soul put in it, but yeah, Timbaland made it a commercial hit I guess.


Heart and soul is great if you can sing like a motherf*cker (as someone on my YouTube once said about Mika :lmfao:) but weak vocals need a little magic injected into them IMO. So it wasn't Timbaland's eh eh that did it, but working the vocals and the rest of the song.


As for Pharrell, I'm disappointed as a fan of his as well as Mika fan :sneaky2:

Maybe Tah Dah can make up for it, but I doubt it will. :(

He didn't even want to be in the music video, that little diva... (I'm assuming)


I'm going to assume he wasn't asked.


I think if you're going to do this kind of thing you DO need to have the producer in charge and use the vocalist as a feature. You can't just throw in a couple of lines of rap and expect that's going to turn a song into a hit. You have to go all in with it and Celebrate is not all-in.


I love Sia on Flo Rida's Wild Ones and I think if Mika wanted to use someone like this to make a name for himself in the US it would have been better to go that route than try to make it fit on his own album. I think he could write a great hook/chorus and of course his vocals would be awesome on a rap song.

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I love Sia on Flo Rida's Wild Ones and I think if Mika wanted to use someone like this to make a name for himself in the US it would have been better to go that route than try to make it fit on his own album. I think he could write a great hook/chorus and of course his vocals would be awesome on a rap song.


Oooh yes, I would love to see this happen some day :wub2:

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The different release dates for the CD/download are a bit baffling but I don't see why the album can't be streamable from just before the date of the earliest release. :dunno: for example, via mikasounds.com. Seriously, what is there to lose from doing this? People who want to buy the product will still do so on its release, and those who want to steal it will still do so... I don't see what the problem is. So many artists do it this these days.


That way everyone the world over gets the opportunity to hear the record at the same time and everyone's happy.


I know we are dealing with a huge record company machine here so that's probably why this will never happen. Having said that, MGMT did it with their second album and they are signed to Sony/Columbia..so it can be done.

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At the French iTunes "Le soleil mal luné" is now called "Comme un soleil (revision)". Could that mean that it has been modified or what? I have ordered the Frech deluxe version on Amazon, so I'll see what I get...

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What on earth is he doing? Maybe it's just me buy I can't see Underwater having any hit potential/impact on the casual listener.


Damn Agree on you!!

I'm starting to get mad at someone who's in charge of entire album promotion.it's such a mess I've never seen!! :shocked:

First,Celebrate the 1st single is such a mistake, Second, album releasing date is diffrent everywhere that's a mistake..and Underwater?? Holy god I love this song but THIS IS NOT HIT SINGLE FOR WORLDWIDE!

ps : I'd like to add that album cover to list above too :mf_rosetinted:


Origin of Love the song is huge...if the mixing and recording is as good as the live one and if it powerful as live one...it would be huge.... plz../..:crossed:

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