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Mika - the new artistic director @ Star Academie Canada


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Broadcast on 5 April 2021


La quotidienne - Épisode 29


VK ( a part of MIKA ) 2021.04.05 SA La quotidienne - Épisode 29



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Here is the Post Mortem after the Sunday show - a part where Lara Fabien discusses Mika's show with the students.

They were all impressed by what they have seen on the screen.

Well. they were laughing during Heroes - but what made them laugh was a huge red  bow on Lunou's head.

They laughed as well during I Can't Help Falling in Love - first for the big mushrooms in the background, second - for the faces Jacob and Guillaume had while singing. But Lara said that one of the profs (Arianne ) was crying. It was beautiful and poetic that both guys accepted to play the role of the gey couple. Which is not evident for everybody. Lara recalled a photo session where she posed with Eva Longoria in a "gay" photo session. So she knows how it is.



Looks like the mushrooms on the stage attracted attention of many people.

Why mushrooms? asks Lara.

Why mushrooms? ask students.


Well it looks like Lara knows the answer - but she told it only when the cameras were off :no:


All in all the show will stay as a wonderful souvenir for all students.

In the future they will look at the video and say: This is how I started!


But Rosalie sad: oh, OK, I have this show  and in the future I will have a photo of me singing in the bar with 3 people in the audience. And I will say: This is how I started.:lol3:





Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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2 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Here is the Post Mortem after the Sunday show - a part where Lara Fabien discusses Mika's show with the students.

They were all impressed by what they have seen on the screen.

Well. they were laughing during Heroes - but what made them laugh was a huge red  bow on Lunou's head.

They laughed as well during I Can't Help Falling in Love - first for the big mushrooms in the background, second - for the faces Jacob and Guillaume had while singing. But Lara said that one of the profs (Arianne ) was crying. It was beautiful and poetic that both guys accepted to play the role of the gey couple. Which is not evident for everybody. Lara recalled a photo session where she posed with Eva Longoria in a "gey" photo session. So she knows how it is.



Looks like the mushrooms on the stage attracted attention of many people.

Why mushrooms? asks Lara.

Why mushrooms? ask students.


Well it looks like Lara knows the answer - but she told it only when the cameras were off :no:


All in all the show will stay as a wonderful souvenir for all students.

In the future they will look at the video and say: This is how I started!


But Rosalie sad: oh, OK, I have this show  and in the future I will have a photo of me singing in the bar with 3 people in the audience. And I will say: This is how I started.:lol3:





With this I confirm my theory ... maybe I would have to say it in another thread ... but I believe that mushrooms are .... ice cream!😊😄

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1 hour ago, Megustaelpulpo said:

With this I confirm my theory ... maybe I would have to say it in another thread ... but I believe that mushrooms are .... ice cream!😊😄


That would explain it, at least. :naughty: The colours look a bit unhealthy tho in that context... :mf_rosetinted:

My thought was that it has to do with the gay bars he went to as a teenager, and he mentioned several times that drugs were usual there. :hypo: With that, also the slightly electronic version of the song makes sense, Mika said in the secret song show that they played electronic music at these clubs.


Indeed I had never thought of interpreting the lyrics of that Elvis song specifically about gay love, but listening to the lyrics, it makes sense, it even gives it a lot more meaning that way. With this, I can also understand much better why Mika likes that song so much.

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On 4/6/2021 at 1:45 PM, Kumazzz said:


Broadcast on 5 April 2021


La quotidienne - Épisode 29


VK ( a part of MIKA ) 2021.04.05 SA La quotidienne - Épisode 29




La quotidienne - Épisode 29



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2 hours ago, mellody said:


Eso lo explicaría, al menos. :travieso: Los colores se ven un poco insalubres aunque en ese contexto ...: mf_rosetinted:

Mi pensamiento era que tenía que ver con los bares gay a los que iba cuando era adolescente, y mencionó varias veces que las drogas eran habituales allí. : hipo: Con eso, también tiene sentido la versión ligeramente electrónica de la canción, dijo Mika en el programa de canciones secretas que tocaban música electrónica en estos clubes.


De hecho, nunca había pensado en interpretar la letra de esa canción de Elvis específicamente sobre el amor gay, pero escuchar la letra tiene sentido, incluso le da mucho más significado de esa manera. Con esto, también puedo entender mucho mejor por qué a Mika le gusta tanto esa canción.

I don't understand how they didn't  ask him to explain the meaning, now we will never know for sure ... but I think that is how you say.

I was surprised by that interpretation of the song, because he said it was a song that her mother liked very much. So I didn't associate it with a gay couple, ...the lyrics and the interpretation ..now I understand why it is a special song for him.

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A weekly magazine

7 Jours

8 Apr 2021



Comme directeur artistique, Mika a sans aucun doute laissé sa marque sur la cuvée 2021 de Star Académie. Rigueur, rires et liberté sont au coeur des propos qu’il a partagés avec nous.


Mika, êtes-vous fier de votre travail comme directeur artistique à Star Académie?


J’ai un drôle de concept de la fierté. Je ne suis jamais trop fier de rien. Je suis trop impatient pour être fier. Je sais toutefois que j’ai pris du plaisir à faire ce travail et que, à quelques reprises, je me suis arrêté pour me dire: «Wow! ça, on n’a jamais vu ça ailleurs!» Mais au-delà des feux d’artifice ou des fleurs, ce qui m’a plu le plus, ce sont des moments comme celui où Maëva et Annabel ont repris Boom Boom Boom, car j’avais l’impression que la chanson ne m’appartenait plus. J’ai éprouvé beaucoup de plaisir à redécouvrir quelque chose que j’avais pourtant écrit.


Qu’est-ce que ça vous apporte de partager votre savoir avec de jeunes artistes?


Ils me font rire! Ils ont cette légèreté tellement sympathique. À un moment donné, on pense avoir tout vu, mais la jeunesse arrive toujours avec de nouvelles perspectives.


Qu’aimeriez-vous qu’ils retiennent de vos apprentissages?


Qu’il faut bosser pour survivre dans ce métier, et ce, peu importe votre âge.

Les compétitions et les concours de chant, c’est très bien, parce qu’il y a la lumière et les écrans partout. Mais comment vas-tu te défendre lorsqu’il faudra que tu ailles chercher cette lumière et la mettre sur toi? C’est avec de la rigueur qu’on y arrive!


En ce sens, votre enseignement était bienveillant, mais aussi très honnête!


Ça ne sert à rien d’être faux et de dire à outrance: «Oh, tu me touches, je suis ému!» Parfois oui, mais ça doit demeurer exceptionnel. Je pense qu’avec de jeunes artistes il faut un mélange de tendresse et d’enthousiasme, mais aussi d’honnêteté et de rigueur. Il ne faut pas aller vers la dureté et piocher sur les gens, mais avoir la candeur de dire rapidement ce qui est bien et moins bien, et de ne pas s’y accrocher.


Avez-vous eu le temps de discuter avec les autres professeurs de l’Académie?


J’ai surtout discuté avec Ariane Moffatt et Lara Fabian. Elles ont un regard très maternel envers les Académiciens. Elles donnent beaucoup d’elles-mêmes avec franchise. Elles partagent avec générosité autant ce qu’elles ressentent dans leur coeur que dans leur tête. On n’a jamais l’impression qu’elles lisent un script sur un iPad, comme ce qu’on verrait aux États-Unis, par exemple. Et elles me font rire! Il y a tellement de choses que les téléspectateurs ne voient pas. Par exemple, pendant le medley de demandes spéciales avec Gregory Charles, Lara était debout sur sa chaise et chantait presque plus fort que les Académiciens. C’est fantastique parce que ça démontre que, même si on est sérieux dans la vie, quand il y a de la musique, c’est le temps de se laisser aller!


Vous qui avez visité les plateaux de télévision du monde entier, seriez-vous capable de pointer l’ingrédient spécial de la recette québécoise?


C’est le mélange entre les séquences qui sont vraiment travaillées et les autres qui sont beaucoup plus dans l’esprit du moment, voire improvisées. Ce mélange-là, il est très québécois et à l’image des gens d’ici, je pense. Par exemple, au Québec, on peut manger dans un restaurant où tous les plats sont extrêmement étudiés et travaillés et de niveau international, mais c’est toujours fait avec une énergie plutôt cool. Ici, on fait bien les choses, mais sans se prendre la tête!


Les Académiciens sont extrêmement solidaires entre eux... Avez-vous déjà vécu une collégialité semblable en début de carrière?


Non. Bien que mon profil public ait démarré dans la vingtaine, j’étais sur scène dès l’âge de 8 ans. Quand on commence aussi jeune et qu’on doit performer devant 3000 personnes, ça change notre mentalité par rapport aux autres. C’est un drôle de métier où l’on est entouré d’énormément de gens tout en restant très seul parfois. J’avoue que d’avoir vu chanter les Académiciens ensemble après les Variétés, soulagés de leur soirée, ça m’a réchauffé le coeur. Tout à coup, j’ai vu les gamins en eux, et ça m’a touché.


Que leur souhaitez-vous?


Être sur scène, c’est presque tribal. Pendant un concert de deux heures, ta voix, tes pieds, ton regard doivent parler aux gens, et ça devient quasi cérémonial, car tu te sens possédé par quelque chose qui n’a rien à voir avec la vie de tous les jours. C’est extrêmement cathartique! Ce qui différencie les amateurs des professionnels, c’est que l’amateur n’assume pas ça jusqu’au bout et se pose des questions, tandis que le professionnel est toujours fluide, courageux et libre. Je leur souhaite de trouver cette liberté totale!


Qu’est-ce qui vous attend après Star Académie?


Ce sont des mois intenses d’écriture. On m’attend en France et en Italie, mais d’abord et avant tout, j’irai passer quatre jours chez moi aux ÉtatsUnis. Avec la covid, j’ai été beaucoup suspendu dans les airs ces derniers temps et j’ai hâte de rentrer à la maison.


Le Variété de Star Académie, dimanche 19 h, à TVA.

La quotidienne de Star Académie, lundi au jeudi 19 h 30, à TVA.




As artistic director, Mika has undoubtedly left his mark on Star Académie's 2021 vintage. Rigor, laughter and freedom are at the heart of what he shared with us.

Mika, are you proud of your work as artistic director at Star Académie?


I have a funny concept of pride. I'm never too proud of anything. I am too impatient to be proud. I do know, however, that I enjoyed doing this job and that a few times I stopped and said to myself, “Wow! we've never seen that elsewhere! " But beyond the fireworks or the flowers, what I liked the most were moments like when Maëva and Annabel took over Boom Boom Boom, because I had the impression that the song did not 'belonged more. I took great pleasure in rediscovering something that I had previously written.

What does it do for you to share your knowledge with young artists?

They make me laugh! They have this so nice lightness. At some point, you think you've seen it all, but young people always come with new perspectives.

What would you like them to take away from your learning?

That you have to work to survive in this business, no matter how old you are.

Competitions and singing contests are great, because there are lights and screens everywhere. But how are you going to defend yourself when you have to go find that light and put it on yourself? It is with rigor that we get there!

In this sense, your teaching was benevolent, but also very honest!

There is no point in being false and saying outrageously, "Oh, you touch me, I'm moved!" Sometimes yes, but it must remain exceptional. I think that with young artists you need a mixture of tenderness and enthusiasm, but also honesty and rigor. You don't have to be harsh and pick on people, but have the candor to quickly say what's right and wrong, and not get hung up on it.

Did you have time to chat with the other academics at the Academy?

I mainly spoke with Ariane Moffatt and Lara Fabian. They have a very maternal gaze towards Academicians. They give a lot of themselves with frankness. They generously share what they feel in their hearts as much as in their heads. It never feels like they're reading a script on an iPad, like you'd see in the United States, for example. And they make me laugh! There is so much that viewers don't see. For example, during the Special Requests medley with Gregory Charles, Lara was standing in her chair and singing almost louder than the Academicians. It's fantastic because it shows that, no matter how serious you are in life, when there is music, it's time to let go!

You who have visited television sets around the world, would you be able to identify the special ingredient in the Quebec recipe?

It's the mix between the sequences that are really worked on and the others that are much more in the spirit of the moment, even improvised. This mixture is very Quebecois and like the people here, I think. For example, in Quebec, you can eat in a restaurant where all the dishes are extremely studied and worked on and of international level, but it is always done with a rather cool energy. Here, we do things well, but without taking the lead!

Academicians are extremely supportive of each other ... Have you ever experienced a similar collegiality at the start of your career?

No. Although my public profile started in my twenties, I was on stage from the age of eight. When you start so young and have to perform in front of 3000 people, it changes our mentality in relation to others. It's a funny job where you are surrounded by a lot of people while being very lonely at times. I admit that seeing the Academicians sing together after the Variety, relieved of their evening, warmed my heart. Suddenly I saw the kids in them, and it touched me.

What do you wish them?

Being on stage is almost tribal. During a two hour concert, your voice, your feet, your gaze must speak to people, and it becomes almost ceremonial, because you feel possessed by something that has nothing to do with everyday life. It’s extremely cathartic! What differentiates amateurs from professionals is that the amateur doesn't take it all the way and asks questions, while the professional is always fluid, courageous and free. I wish them to find this total freedom!

What to expect after Star Académie?

These are intense months of writing. I am expected in France and Italy, but first and foremost, I will spend four days at home in the United States. With covid, I've been hanging in the air a lot lately and can't wait to get home.

Le Variété de Star Académie, Sunday 7 p.m., at TVA.

The daily Star Académie, Monday to Thursday 7:30 p.m., at TVA.


page 22 + 23



page 24 + 25



Edited by mellody
corrected translation mistakes and formatting
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29 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

What to expect after Star Académie?

These have been intense months of writing. I am expected in France and Italy, but first and foremost, I will spend four days at home in the United States. With covid, I've been hanging in the air a lot lately and can't wait to get home.



Ah, fab to hear what he's up to! Tho I think the writing rather refers to the future months than the past (or both), it says they ARE intense months of writing, not they have been, I think?

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58 minutes ago, Kumazzz said:

These have been intense months of writing. I am expected in France and Italy, but first and foremost, I will spend four days at home in the United States. With covid, I've been hanging in the air a lot lately and can't wait to get home.

Now we know where he is! But just this week 😆

So maybe there is stuff coming up in France and Italy, hopefully! I’m curious. 

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Btw, it's interesting that he calls the US "home". I suppose maybe because he has an US passport and he designed the Miami house interior together with his family. He invested a lot in this house, maybe that's why it's very dear to his heart. Because usually he says he's at home everywhere, so far I didn't have the impression that he preferred one of his houses over the other. Or maybe he just needs them all to feel at home, and he didn't have much time in Miami since over a year at least, maybe even 2? So maybe it just means that now he needs a bit of this home before going back to another one. :lol:

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51 minutes ago, mellody said:

Btw, it's interesting that he calls the US "home". I suppose maybe because he has an US passport and he designed the Miami house interior together with his family. He invested a lot in this house, maybe that's why it's very dear to his heart. Because usually he says he's at home everywhere, so far I didn't have the impression that he preferred one of his houses over the other. Or maybe he just needs them all to feel at home, and he didn't have much time in Miami since over a year at least, maybe even 2? So maybe it just means that now he needs a bit of this home before going back to another one. :lol:

As a world citizen home is where the heart is. And I think there is a lot of love in many places in the world for him ☺️ There are many sides of him that are represented all over the world, it isn’t confined to one place.  He fortunately doesn’t have to choose.

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1 hour ago, mellody said:

Por cierto, es interesante que él llame a los Estados Unidos "hogar". Supongo que tal vez porque tiene un pasaporte estadounidense y diseñó el interior de la casa de Miami junto con su familia. Él invirtió mucho en esta casa, quizás por eso es muy querida para su corazón. Porque generalmente dice que está en casa en todas partes, hasta ahora no tenía la impresión de que prefiriera una de sus casas a la otra. ¿O tal vez solo los necesita a todos para sentirse como en casa, y no tuvo mucho tiempo en Miami desde al menos más de un año, tal vez incluso 2? Entonces, tal vez solo signifique que ahora necesita un poco de esta casa antes de volver a otra.:jajaja:

I understood that the last sentence was referring to the return to Europe. Didn't I get it right?

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4 minutes ago, Megustaelpulpo said:

I understood that the last sentence was referring to the return to Europe. Didn't I get it right?



I would say so too. Because of covid he spent a lot of time "suspended in the air" - but not at home. I suppose he preferes Italy or France to stay.

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Hmm, in the English version it's "home" both times, but I just read the French version, it's "chez moi" for Miami and "a la maison" at the end. Maison means house, dunno if it can also mean home, as in feeling at home somewhere? So maybe it just means he misses that house? And maybe also the area - if I was him, after the Canadian temperatures I'd also like to hang out under palm trees in Miami for a few days. :naughty: :biggrin2:

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59 minutes ago, mellody said:

Hmm, in the English version it's "home" both times, but I just read the French version, it's "chez moi" for Miami and "a la maison" at the end. Maison means house, dunno if it can also mean home, as in feeling at home somewhere? So maybe it just means he misses that house? And maybe also the area - if I was him, after the Canadian temperatures I'd also like to hang out under palm trees in Miami for a few days. :naughty: :biggrin2:

@mellody yes... 

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Foto del perfil de mikainstagram


A look back at the colorful and joyful two weeks in Montreal. My stay in Canada has come to an end. It was so great to be back in Quebec and be visiting artistic director for @staracademietva for two weeks. Thank you to all the amazing talents, production team and creatives that followed me with open hearts on these amazing numbers. À bientôt et merci!! ❤️🌞❤️
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6 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

A weekly magazine

7 Jours

8 Apr 2021



Comme directeur artistique, Mika a sans aucun doute laissé sa marque sur la cuvée 2021 de Star Académie. Rigueur, rires et liberté sont au coeur des propos qu’il a partagés avec nous.


Mika, êtes-vous fier de votre travail comme directeur artistique à Star Académie? J’ai un drôle de concept de la fierté. Je ne suis jamais trop fier de rien. Je suis trop impatient pour être fier. Je sais toutefois que j’ai pris du plaisir à faire ce travail et que, à quelques reprises, je me suis arrêté pour me dire: «Wow! ça, on n’a jamais vu ça ailleurs!» Mais au-delà des feux d’artifice ou des fleurs, ce qui m’a plu le plus, ce sont des moments comme celui où Maëva et Annabel ont repris Boom Boom Boom, car j’avais l’impression que la chanson ne m’appartenait plus. J’ai éprouvé beaucoup de plaisir à redécouvrir quelque chose que j’avais pourtant écrit.


Qu’est-ce que ça vous apporte de partager votre savoir avec de jeunes artistes?


Ils me font rire! Ils ont cette légèreté tellement sympathique. À un moment donné, on pense avoir tout vu, mais la jeunesse arrive toujours avec de nouvelles perspectives.


Qu’aimeriez-vous qu’ils retiennent de vos apprentissages?


Qu’il faut bosser pour survivre dans ce métier, et ce, peu importe votre âge.


«Ici, on fait bien les choses, mais sans se prendre la tête!»

On pense avoir tout vu, mais la jeunesse arrive toujours avec de nouvelles perspectives .»


Les compétitions et les concours de chant, c’est très bien, parce qu’il y a la lumière et les écrans partout. Mais comment vas-tu te défendre lorsqu’il faudra que tu ailles chercher cette lumière et la mettre sur toi? C’est avec de la rigueur qu’on y arrive!


En ce sens, votre enseignement était bienveillant, mais aussi très honnête!


Ça ne sert à rien d’être faux et de dire à outrance: «Oh, tu me touches, je suis ému!» Parfois oui, mais ça doit demeurer exceptionnel. Je pense qu’avec de jeunes artistes il faut un mélange de tendresse et d’enthousiasme, mais aussi d’honnêteté et de rigueur. Il ne faut pas aller vers la dureté et piocher sur les gens, mais avoir la candeur de dire rapidement ce qui est bien et moins bien, et de ne pas s’y accrocher.


Avez-vous eu le temps de discuter avec les autres professeurs de l’Académie?


J’ai surtout discuté avec Ariane Moffatt et Lara Fabian. Elles ont un regard très maternel envers les Académiciens. Elles donnent beaucoup d’elles-mêmes avec franchise. Elles partagent avec générosité autant ce qu’elles ressentent dans leur coeur que dans leur tête. On n’a jamais l’impression qu’elles lisent un script sur un iPad, comme ce qu’on verrait aux États-Unis, par exemple. Et elles me font rire! Il y a tellement de choses que les téléspectateurs ne voient pas. Par exemple, pendant le medley de demandes spéciales avec Gregory Charles, Lara était debout sur sa chaise et chantait presque plus fort que les Académiciens. C’est fantastique parce que ça démontre que, même si on est sérieux dans la vie, quand il y a de la musique, c’est le temps de se laisser aller!


Vous qui avez visité les plateaux de télévision du monde entier, seriez-vous capable de pointer l’ingrédient spécial de la recette québécoise?


C’est le mélange entre les séquences qui sont vraiment travaillées et les autres qui sont beaucoup plus dans l’esprit du moment, voire improvisées. Ce mélange-là, il est très québécois et à l’image des gens d’ici, je pense. Par exemple, au Québec, on peut manger dans un restaurant où tous les plats sont extrêmement étudiés et travaillés et de niveau international, mais c’est toujours fait avec une énergie plutôt cool. Ici, on fait bien les choses, mais sans se prendre la tête!


Les Académiciens sont extrêmement solidaires entre eux... Avez-vous déjà vécu une collégialité semblable en début de carrière?


Non. Bien que mon profil public ait démarré dans la vingtaine, j’étais sur scène dès l’âge de 8 ans. Quand on commence aussi jeune et qu’on doit performer devant 3000 personnes, ça change notre mentalité par rapport aux autres. C’est un drôle de métier où l’on est entouré d’énormément de gens tout en restant très seul parfois. J’avoue que d’avoir vu chanter les Académiciens ensemble après les Variétés, soulagés de leur soirée, ça m’a réchauffé le coeur. Tout à coup, j’ai vu les gamins en eux, et ça m’a touché.


Que leur souhaitez-vous?


Être sur scène, c’est presque tribal. Pendant un concert de deux heures, ta voix, tes pieds, ton regard doivent parler aux gens, et ça devient quasi cérémonial, car tu te sens possédé par quelque chose qui n’a rien à voir avec la vie de tous les jours. C’est extrêmement cathartique! Ce qui différencie les amateurs des professionnels, c’est que l’amateur n’assume pas ça jusqu’au bout et se pose des questions, tandis que le professionnel est toujours fluide, courageux et libre. Je leur souhaite de trouver cette liberté totale!


Qu’est-ce qui vous attend après Star Académie?


Ce sont des mois intenses d’écriture. On m’attend en France et en Italie, mais d’abord et avant tout, j’irai passer quatre jours chez moi aux ÉtatsUnis. Avec la covid, j’ai été beaucoup suspendu dans les airs ces derniers temps et j’ai hâte de rentrer à la maison.


Le Variété de Star Académie, dimanche 19 h, à TVA.

La quotidienne de Star Académie, lundi au jeudi 19 h 30, à TVA.




As artistic director, Mika has undoubtedly left his mark on Star Académie's 2021 vintage. Rigor, laughter and freedom are at the heart of what he shared with us.

Mika, are you proud of your work as artistic director at Star Académie? I have a funny concept of pride. I'm never too proud of anything. I am too impatient to be proud. I do know, however, that I enjoyed doing this job and that a few times I stopped and said to myself, “Wow! we've never seen that elsewhere! " But beyond the fireworks or the flowers, what I liked the most were moments like when Maëva and Annabel took over Boom Boom Boom, because I had the impression that the song did not 'belonged more. I took great pleasure in rediscovering something that I had previously written.

What does it do for you to share your knowledge with young artists?

They make me laugh! They have this so nice lightness. At some point, you think you've seen it all, but young people always come with new perspectives.

What would you like them to take away from your learning?

That you have to work to survive in this business, no matter how old you are.


«Here, we do things well, but without taking the lead !»

We think we have seen it all, but young people always come with new perspectives.»


Competitions and singing contests are great, because there are lights and screens everywhere. But how are you going to defend yourself when you have to go find that light and put it on yourself? It is with rigor that we get there!

In this sense, your teaching was benevolent, but also very honest!

There is no point in being false and saying outrageously, "Oh, you touch me, I'm moved!" Sometimes yes, but it must remain exceptional. I think that with young artists you need a mixture of tenderness and enthusiasm, but also honesty and rigor. You don't have to be harsh and pick on people, but have the candor to quickly say what's right and wrong, and not get hung up on it.

Did you have time to chat with the other academics at the Academy?

I mainly spoke with Ariane Moffatt and Lara Fabian. They have a very maternal gaze towards Academicians. They give a lot of themselves with frankness. They generously share what they feel in their hearts as much as in their heads. It never feels like they're reading a script on an iPad, like you'd see in the United States, for example. And they make me laugh! There is so much that viewers don't see. For example, during the Special Requests medley with Gregory Charles, Lara was standing in her chair and singing almost louder than the Academicians. It's fantastic because it shows that, no matter how serious you are in life, when there is music, it's time to let go!

You who have visited television sets around the world, would you be able to identify the special ingredient in the Quebec recipe?

It's the mix between the sequences that are really worked on and the others that are much more in the spirit of the moment, even improvised. This mixture is very Quebecois and like the people here, I think. For example, in Quebec, you can eat in a restaurant where all the dishes are extremely studied and worked on and of international level, but it is always done with a rather cool energy. Here, we do things well, but without taking the lead!

Academicians are extremely supportive of each other ... Have you ever experienced a similar collegiality at the start of your career?

No. Although my public profile started in my twenties, I was on stage from the age of eight. When you start so young and have to perform in front of 3000 people, it changes our mentality in relation to others. It's a funny job where you are surrounded by a lot of people while being very lonely at times. I admit that seeing the Academicians sing together after the Variety, relieved of their evening, warmed my heart. Suddenly I saw the kids in them, and it touched me.

What do you wish them?

Being on stage is almost tribal. During a two hour concert, your voice, your feet, your gaze must speak to people, and it becomes almost ceremonial, because you feel possessed by something that has nothing to do with everyday life. It’s extremely cathartic! What differentiates amateurs from professionals is that the amateur doesn't take it all the way and asks questions, while the professional is always fluid, courageous and free. I wish them to find this total freedom!

What to expect after Star Académie?

These have been intense months of writing. I am expected in France and Italy, but first and foremost, I will spend four days at home in the United States. With covid, I've been hanging in the air a lot lately and can't wait to get home.

Le Variété de Star Académie, Sunday 7 p.m., at TVA.

The daily Star Académie, Monday to Thursday 7:30 p.m., at TVA.


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7 Jours

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12 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

What to expect after Star Académie?

These have been intense months of writing. I am expected in France and Italy

I wonder if he is expected in Italy for X Factor, I see some rumors that he'll be a judge again 

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14 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

it becomes almost ceremonial, because you feel possessed by something that has nothing to do with everyday life.


possessed? No idea what he means. :mf_rosetinted::teehee:



  • Haha 5
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