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First MIKA song you heard *ever*


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I had Grace Kelly, Love Today, and Lollipop on my iPod for a long time but didn't really listen to them, but I was listening to my sister's iPod on shuffle and SITM came up, that's when I fell in love!!!! After borrowing her iPod and listening to it about 50 times, I realized how much I really liked Mika! Still my favorite song to this day :wub2:

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Mine was Grace Kelly. Mika sang it on Later with jools just as I was about to turn the TV off. I was transfixed but didn't catch his name. It was three months or so till I heard it again and found out he was called Mika. Then I googled him and found the MFC.

Happy days (2 years ago now) then last year it was Doncaster and this year the London meet.

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Well in…. feb 07 I was on youtube looking for a particular song called “lollipop” (it went you are my lollipop, you make my heart go giddy up) or school or something like that. And I found “lollipop” by mika.

I LOVED the song but I didn’t have internet at home and so didn’t find out much about Mika. I also heard happy ending and grace Kelly, and I really liked mika and played those songs alot but I didn’t google him or anything… as I said, I didn’t have internet. ( :crybaby: alllllll that wasted time… :tears: ) Then in….. September I was in London for a week and I saw the LICM piano book. I brought it because I loved all the colour, was surprised at how easy the songs were (I later found out because that was because they were all messed up) and basically brought the album and DVD the next week. Loved it so much and had about 6 months before I discovered the MFC. I signed up, but never got an activation email, and forgot about it. Two months later I logged in and saw someone had PM’d me, and I answered them and they got me activated. So since July it’s been getting worse (or better) every day and MIKA IS MY LIFEBLOOD! haha

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the first mika song i heard was Grace Kelly, I saw Mika peforming it at Dancing with the stars and I was with my Granddaddy and he said that noone could pay him enough to go and see Mika in concert I laughed but secretly I knew that I was gonna love this man forever:wub2: lol.

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I had Grace Kelly, Love Today, and Lollipop on my iPod for a long time but didn't really listen to them, but I was listening to my sister's iPod on shuffle and SITM came up, that's when I fell in love!!!! After borrowing her iPod and listening to it about 50 times, I realized how much I really liked Mika! Still my favorite song to this day :wub2:


Wait.....What's SITM?

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it was Grace Kelly on MTV's EMA's last year this month!



which i didn't give a sh*t, even took a toilet break in the middle of the song:lmfao:


that weekend they aired the award show again then i thought "hmm isn't that song catchy:blink:"


then followed :google-->youtube-->babs&sou productions-->,MFC...:wub2:

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