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The strange world of Mika - Observer - June 12 2009


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I just read the article. Wow. I made me cry, it freally did. I dunno why, if it was the emotion behind Mika's words, the words themselves (for I do find words to have a strong emotional attachment), maybe it was feeling close to Mika with that interview, or even the complete understanding of what he was talking about (and not in the fangirly 'omg yeah i felt like that kinda once') in the 'I may not have had the exact same experiences as you but I definitely know what you're talking about and I've definitely felt and expressed emotions they way you just explained.' way.

I love him more every time I see him or hear from him.

He's one of the few people who's 'flaws' are not flaws at all, but they only make him all the more perfect.




Well put!

I agree with a lot of the things you say!:wink2:


Does anyone else see Rolf harris in that photo - on the left as we look at it - there is an eye and nose teardrop, and that cloudy thing looks like his hair - definitely an abstract pic of Rolf Harris :teehee:





What, what, what in the world are you people talking about????????????????



And look what I found searching the net for the mysterious Rolf Harris, Toy Boy indeed::kachinga:


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I must say, I did feel some sadness too.

I thought over the last year, that because things have gone so well for him, that it might have boosted his confidence considerably, but it seems, he still feels the same vunrability. I guess it will take a while longer, if at all for him to shake it.


Girls, means here it is really written so, what becomes sad? I have solved, that it is my personal perception read through. Because I am the melancholiac and I see sad even there where it is not present.


And still it has finally finished me:


" I have a final pop at working out his love life, asking whether he's in a relationship right now.

" No, " he laughs.

When were you last in a relationship? I ask.


What's the longest relationship you've had?

" Only one... and it lasted a year. "

And that's the one that recently finished?

" Well, not recently. Sadly. "

I felt always, that He has nobody. And egoistically I wished it. But having read through those words, I have begun to cry. His brief answers are penetrated by such loneliness



I thank the sky in thousand time Mika is not born in Russia. Him would crush morally have crushed

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Girls, means here it is really written so, what becomes sad? I have solved, that it is my personal perception read through. Because I am the melancholiac and I see sad even there where it is not present.


And still it has finally finished me:


" I have a final pop at working out his love life, asking whether he's in a relationship right now.

" No, " he laughs.

When were you last in a relationship? I ask.


What's the longest relationship you've had?

" Only one... and it lasted a year. "

And that's the one that recently finished?

" Well, not recently. Sadly. "

I felt always, that He has nobody. And egoistically I wished it. But having read through those words, I have begun to cry. His brief answers are penetrated by such loneliness



I thank the sky in thousand time Mika is not born in Russia. Him would crush morally have crushed


I couldn't find the post you quoted (RAK1's post) but just wanted to correct the spelling (SORRY ROSE!!!) but it's vulnerability. :roftl:


Anyway, as we're on about Mika's relationships in this thread too (or - rather - lack of :blink:) I thought my post might fit here too:


Okay, about relationships.


So Mika had some sort of crazy, private life going on doing goodness knows what with goodness knows who, yet he's only had one relationship. And that only lasted a year. (I say only, because although a year SOUNDS long, a year goes by very quickly).


I think we've all discovered that Mika is a pretty vulnerable person when it comes to his feelings. I mean look at his past, the signs are all there; being bullied at school, changing around a few times so not really keeping the same friends (or really having any), his dad being in trouble and "being held hostage".

With things like these happening to someone, it's hard for this person to trust anyone. I also got bullied when I was younger; got called fat and ugly and other insulting names throughout my school years. My confidence shrivelled to nothing (like Mika said, socially extremely insular) and you do find it hard to find relationships. Everytime I tried to get close to someone it always backfired in some way; 99.9% there were lies the other party held. One time I thought I found someone longterm and that backfired because he stabbed me in the back (metaphorically speaking).

Because of these experiences you become guarded because you've been open to attack so many times. The first cut is the deepest? Personally the pain seems to worsen.

Perhaps this is another reason why Mika never said anything during his first few years in the limelight - not just because his private life is private (and rightly so) but because it can be too painful to talk about it. Because of the rejections and failures you get it also leads you to feel ashamed. Of course this depends on the person, but I believe this could be correct in Mika's case and in mine, to some extent. There are bound to be things you're not proud of.


Mika lives in his little world to protect him from the harsh reality and there are times when I do as well. You divulge into your own mind when you're in trouble. I grew up really naive with harshness mixed in and I guess, in some respect, Mika's upbringing was a bit similar. However living in your own world can leave you being paranoid about things because you can imagine things that aren't there. Mika said about make believe relationships.


The thing with Mika, which is opposite for me, is that Mika seems (or seemed) happy to be in intimate company with others but sometimes I get the sense that he's afraid of commitment. And understandably, if things have gone so wrong for him many times before.


I should really come up with a conclusion now lol...I've kinda forgotten the point I was trying to make


Well, Mika and I have a lot of similarity (i.e. the bullying, difficulty trusting others, low self esteem) but the road has taken us down different routes. He's had sexual partners with one relationship and I've had practically nothing. But, it appears that we've both come out having the same problem: Fear.


I think a relationship is something Mika would love, likewise with me, but Fear gets in the way and holds us back. Or it f***s it up.


So what's this about maturity? There's 6 years difference between Mika and I but I think our conclusion about love could be similar. We've had some similar experiences but also some very different ones. The fact is everyone is different and we take life's lessons differently. What makes some stronger makes some weaker. I don't think there's any real "do this at this age and you turn out like this" rule.

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So, this is my first post.

To be honest this article was the first one I read about mika. And please no wrong thoughts now-I am just not a fan, I just "dicovered" him. Will tell about this in the introduction area after I posted this post because this one is the reason I registered. :)


I read the article online and I found it very intresting. It sort of made me feel for mika and everything he went through. It makes you realise where the melancholy in his songs come from. In addition it is really fascinating how he takes part in all the creative processes. But I think everything I could say has already been said. I think the word "odd" was a bit overused by the author but it doesn't actually matter. Odd is good. I think everything that makes you sort of non mainstream is good but it took me quite a while to see that. I know the feeling of not fitting into something myself very well so I sort of relate to mika (and many others as I read here) aswell. And I also think I have to read it again-took a while because I had to look up a lot of words. I fear I have forgotten something.


I had to read it online since I don't know where to get the observer here and the only reason to get it would be the frontcover. Even if it wasn't mika, I would love it (comes with a little love to photography itself). It just expresses so much. Even though it is a very colorful pic it just shows a feeling of being lost and being unsure. Sorry, don't know how to put stuff like this in words. Neither in english nor in my motherlanguage german.


Does someone has it in a really highsolution (or whatever the word is)? I would love to print it as a poster size or at least bigger than small. I have looked through last pages but didn't found anything "good" (good for a poster I mean, thank you for the scans by the way)

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I couldn't find the post you quoted (RAK1's post) but just wanted to correct the spelling (SORRY ROSE!!!) but it's vulnerability. :roftl:


Anyway, as we're on about Mika's relationships in this thread too (or - rather - lack of :blink:) I thought my post might fit here too:


Okay, about relationships.


So Mika had some sort of crazy, private life going on doing goodness knows what with goodness knows who, yet he's only had one relationship. And that only lasted a year. (I say only, because although a year SOUNDS long, a year goes by very quickly).


I think we've all discovered that Mika is a pretty vulnerable person when it comes to his feelings. I mean look at his past, the signs are all there; being bullied at school, changing around a few times so not really keeping the same friends (or really having any), his dad being in trouble and "being held hostage".

With things like these happening to someone, it's hard for this person to trust anyone. I also got bullied when I was younger; got called fat and ugly and other insulting names throughout my school years. My confidence shrivelled to nothing (like Mika said, socially extremely insular) and you do find it hard to find relationships. Everytime I tried to get close to someone it always backfired in some way; 99.9% there were lies the other party held. One time I thought I found someone longterm and that backfired because he stabbed me in the back (metaphorically speaking).

Because of these experiences you become guarded because you've been open to attack so many times. The first cut is the deepest? Personally the pain seems to worsen.

Perhaps this is another reason why Mika never said anything during his first few years in the limelight - not just because his private life is private (and rightly so) but because it can be too painful to talk about it. Because of the rejections and failures you get it also leads you to feel ashamed. Of course this depends on the person, but I believe this could be correct in Mika's case and in mine, to some extent. There are bound to be things you're not proud of.


Mika lives in his little world to protect him from the harsh reality and there are times when I do as well. You divulge into your own mind when you're in trouble. I grew up really naive with harshness mixed in and I guess, in some respect, Mika's upbringing was a bit similar. However living in your own world can leave you being paranoid about things because you can imagine things that aren't there. Mika said about make believe relationships.


The thing with Mika, which is opposite for me, is that Mika seems (or seemed) happy to be in intimate company with others but sometimes I get the sense that he's afraid of commitment. And understandably, if things have gone so wrong for him many times before.


I should really come up with a conclusion now lol...I've kinda forgotten the point I was trying to make


Well, Mika and I have a lot of similarity (i.e. the bullying, difficulty trusting others, low self esteem) but the road has taken us down different routes. He's had sexual partners with one relationship and I've had practically nothing. But, it appears that we've both come out having the same problem: Fear.


I think a relationship is something Mika would love, likewise with me, but Fear gets in the way and holds us back. Or it f***s it up.


So what's this about maturity? There's 6 years difference between Mika and I but I think our conclusion about love could be similar. We've had some similar experiences but also some very different ones. The fact is everyone is different and we take life's lessons differently. What makes some stronger makes some weaker. I don't think there's any real "do this at this age and you turn out like this" rule.


I've been through a similar experience to you, but it left me with a wall I built round myself, because I didn't want to get hurt again.

Never did find my Mr Right yet, but that's okay. I live my life on my terms, which saves anyone else from being hurt either.

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So, this is my first post.

To be honest this article was the first one I read about mika. And please no wrong thoughts now-I am just not a fan, I just "dicovered" him. Will tell about this in the introduction area after I posted this post because this one is the reason I registered. :)


I read the article online and I found it very intresting. It sort of made me feel for mika and everything he went through. It makes you realise where the melancholy in his songs come from. In addition it is really fascinating how he takes part in all the creative processes. But I think everything I could say has already been said. I think the word "odd" was a bit overused by the author but it doesn't actually matter. Odd is good. I think everything that makes you sort of non mainstream is good but it took me quite a while to see that. I know the feeling of not fitting into something myself very well so I sort of relate to mika (and many others as I read here) aswell. And I also think I have to read it again-took a while because I had to look up a lot of words. I fear I have forgotten something.


I had to read it online since I don't know where to get the observer here and the only reason to get it would be the frontcover. Even if it wasn't mika, I would love it (comes with a little love to photography itself). It just expresses so much. Even though it is a very colorful pic it just shows a feeling of being lost and being unsure. Sorry, don't know how to put stuff like this in words. Neither in english nor in my motherlanguage german.


Does someone has it in a really highsolution (or whatever the word is)? I would love to print it as a poster size or at least bigger than small. I have looked through last pages but didn't found anything "good" (good for a poster I mean, thank you for the scans by the way)


Hello and welcome!:thumb_yello:

Nice first post.

I agree with a lot of what you are saying!

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Hello and welcome!:thumb_yello:

Nice first post.

I agree with a lot of what you are saying!


thank you. (meanwhile I managed it to introduce myself, too)


@CazGirl: I feel you in some parts. Couldn't discribe it better.

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I couldn't find the post you quoted (RAK1's post) but just wanted to correct the spelling (SORRY ROSE!!!) but it's vulnerability. :roftl:


Anyway, as we're on about Mika's relationships in this thread too (or - rather - lack of :blink:) I thought my post might fit here too:


Okay, about relationships.


So Mika had some sort of crazy, private life going on doing goodness knows what with goodness knows who, yet he's only had one relationship. And that only lasted a year. (I say only, because although a year SOUNDS long, a year goes by very quickly).


I think we've all discovered that Mika is a pretty vulnerable person when it comes to his feelings. I mean look at his past, the signs are all there; being bullied at school, changing around a few times so not really keeping the same friends (or really having any), his dad being in trouble and "being held hostage".

With things like these happening to someone, it's hard for this person to trust anyone. I also got bullied when I was younger; got called fat and ugly and other insulting names throughout my school years. My confidence shrivelled to nothing (like Mika said, socially extremely insular) and you do find it hard to find relationships. Everytime I tried to get close to someone it always backfired in some way; 99.9% there were lies the other party held. One time I thought I found someone longterm and that backfired because he stabbed me in the back (metaphorically speaking).

Because of these experiences you become guarded because you've been open to attack so many times. The first cut is the deepest? Personally the pain seems to worsen.

Perhaps this is another reason why Mika never said anything during his first few years in the limelight - not just because his private life is private (and rightly so) but because it can be too painful to talk about it. Because of the rejections and failures you get it also leads you to feel ashamed. Of course this depends on the person, but I believe this could be correct in Mika's case and in mine, to some extent. There are bound to be things you're not proud of.


Mika lives in his little world to protect him from the harsh reality and there are times when I do as well. You divulge into your own mind when you're in trouble. I grew up really naive with harshness mixed in and I guess, in some respect, Mika's upbringing was a bit similar. However living in your own world can leave you being paranoid about things because you can imagine things that aren't there. Mika said about make believe relationships.


The thing with Mika, which is opposite for me, is that Mika seems (or seemed) happy to be in intimate company with others but sometimes I get the sense that he's afraid of commitment. And understandably, if things have gone so wrong for him many times before.


I should really come up with a conclusion now lol...I've kinda forgotten the point I was trying to make


Well, Mika and I have a lot of similarity (i.e. the bullying, difficulty trusting others, low self esteem) but the road has taken us down different routes. He's had sexual partners with one relationship and I've had practically nothing. But, it appears that we've both come out having the same problem: Fear.


I think a relationship is something Mika would love, likewise with me, but Fear gets in the way and holds us back. Or it f***s it up.


So what's this about maturity? There's 6 years difference between Mika and I but I think our conclusion about love could be similar. We've had some similar experiences but also some very different ones. The fact is everyone is different and we take life's lessons differently. What makes some stronger makes some weaker. I don't think there's any real "do this at this age and you turn out like this" rule.


It's *funny* because you're post made me realise things about myself. And it makes me realise that a lot of people here have many things in common too.


I wasn't bullied at school, but it was not always easy for me, as both my parents are teachers. And we live in a small town and so everyone knew who my parents were when I was at school. I didn't have many friends then because it wasn't considered "cool" to hang out with the "intellectual" I was (cause you see, if your parents are teachers, then you're an intellectual, and intelligence seems to be something totally uncool for kids...).


It became even more hard when my French teacher was my mum and my History teacher was my dad. You know, the mean things you *accidentally* hear about your parents or yourself... It's not always easy.

Now it's all right. I have friends and no one cares about my parents any more.


I'm not a self-confident person. And I've never been. I won't say this is because of my parents, that wouldn't be fair at all, but I guess I was too sensitive about the way the other kids saw me at school.


It's funny, cause I'm at uni, and everything goes well for me, I have good marks, I have friends, I am HAPPY, but I also have this Fear you're talking about Caz... This lack of self-confidence. I'm always anxious about every little thing, never sure of myself, always doubting about everything.


I've never been in a "real" relationship either and I guess this lack of self-confidence has something to do there....


This article, it's not a normal article is it?:naughty:

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thank you. (meanwhile I managed it to introduce myself, too)


@CazGirl: I feel you in some parts. Couldn't discribe it better.


It's *funny* because you're post made me realise things about myself. And it makes me realise that a lot of people here have many things in common too.


I wasn't bullied at school, but it was not always easy for me, as both my parents are teachers. And we live in a small town and so everyone knew who my parents were when I was at school. I didn't have many friends then because it wasn't considered "cool" to hang out with the "intellectual" I was (cause you see, if your parents are teachers, then you're an intellectual, and intelligence seems to be something totally uncool for kids...).


It became even more hard when my French teacher was my mum and my History teacher was my dad. You know, the mean things you *accidentally* hear about your parents or yourself... It's not always easy.

Now it's all right. I have friends and no one cares about my parents any more.


I'm not a self-confident person. And I've never been. I won't say this is because of my parents, that wouldn't be fair at all, but I guess I was too sensitive about the way the other kids saw me at school.


It's funny, cause I'm at uni, and everything goes well for me, I have good marks, I have friends, I am HAPPY, but I also have this Fear you're talking about Caz... This lack of self-confidence. I'm always anxious about every little thing, never sure of myself, always doubting about everything.


I've never been in a "real" relationship either and I guess this lack of self-confidence has something to do there....


This article, it's not a normal article is it?:naughty:


Seems my post has something in this thread and the other one lol :naughty::blush-anim-cl: But it's nice to see that some people are realising things about themselves...whether it be through the article, or even my post (! :shocked:) or just perhaps through life. It's funny how even the smallest of actions can affect one person. The negatives tend to affect people more than positives...we take postives for granted. Even just simple, polite manners can make someone's day, y'know?



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interesting post caz. :thumb_yello: i also found some similarities with mika through the article, but for me it concerned more my career. i also was bullied at school, and can totally confirm what you said about it causing low self-esteem and somewhat of a paranoia. when it comes to relationships, i got over it in my early-20s, when i had my first long-term and wonderful relationship, which showed me i am worth being loved. but when it comes to building professional relationships / networking for the job/career, i'm still quite handicapped.


anyway, what i wanted to say: mika talked about getting bullied and therefor building his own little world. and later, he said sth like that he became a musician because that was what made him tick when he was a little boy. it made me realize you probably never really get out of that little world you built for yourself. when i got bullied, my "alternative world" that made me happy was being a fan of different bands - nkotb, take that, and all the other 90s boybands. for nkotb i built up a fanclub back then, and at school i much rather developed crosswords for the fanclub magazine than anything else, because with that i was in my own little world and far away from the real one. and now i'm a huge mika fan and run the german fanclub website. not a big development from back then (except that the artist and the music is much better now! :roftl:).


the only other thing i loved doing as a teenager was singing and playing guitar. i absolutely wanted to become a pop star, but didn't get much support from my family. i wonder if i'd had a mum like mika's, would i be a pop star too now? :bleh: well, i don't really want it anymore, i like being at home and on my own too much for leading the life of a pop star. :naughty: but i'm not really happy with my current job either, and sometimes i wonder if maybe it was a mistake to not pursue a career somewhere in music (not necessarily meaning popstar), cause that was all i loved and wanted when i was younger. :dunno:

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Is it me who need more sleep or Mika has a roller bandage on his foot?





I noticed it Sunday but then forgot to mention it, then saw it again a few mins ago when I saw it on the Captions thread.

I wonder if he hurt his foot while doing the shoot, or if it's just a prop?

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I noticed it Sunday but then forgot to mention it, then saw it again a few mins ago when I saw it on the Captions thread.

I wonder if he hurt his foot while doing the shoot, or if it's just a prop?

Hes just cool/strange enough to do that for no reason. Just as part of the shoot. Hehe :)


I know its not the place for it, but i just read this.

Wait, Mika's relationship lasted a year.

I knew not of this, with whom???

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Hes just cool/strange enough to do that for no reason. Just as part of the shoot. Hehe :)


I know its not the place for it, but i just read this.

Wait, Mika's relationship lasted a year.

I knew not of this, with whom???


I'm thinking this relationship is the one he alluded to when LICM came out, when he said he'd been in love once.

Can't believe no one remembers this!!!:blink:

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