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I was thinking (shouldn't do that too often:naughty:) maybe someone (mod perhaps) could mail&ask Gay&Night mag. for a stack of the sept. edition for the MFC....


It can be ordered from here (it will be on sale later today). Not sure if international orders work as well.


Well I don't know, but I got this déjà vu feeling when I saw the name: gay&night. I think I remember one of the creators of that magazine, once posted a pdf version of it once, when Mika was in it... This was early 2007 I think... But I'm not sure, could have been another one as well. It was a gay mag and Dutch as well.


Yep, that was me. The interview people are talking about is my 2nd Mika interview.


... I still wouldn't be sure that that is exactly what he said, but let's see...




The English quotes that are used here are pretty much word for word what he said. I have an audio recording of it, and I was very careful to use his exact wording in the article, to make sure there wouldn't be any misquoting.


But each openly gay celebrity increases the acceptability of LGBT slightly.


Exactly. That's why it's so good that he said what he said.


And errr, I just saw on the website, that the magazine is sold out already :aah:




Nah, it's not sold out at all, tha stupid website just refuses to sell the magazine until they've received their stock. Which they should be receiving today. It's a missed opportunity, really.



Someone said it was a free magazine... I am confused now:blink:


It's available for free in all the gay bars and clubs in Holland (as well as Antwerp, Belgium). People who can't pick one up there can order it online as well, but that's not free.


Himself, he's on twitter, was even bragging about it :teehee:


I'm not sure if I would call that bragging :) It was just really great to see an interview that I did, was getting so much publicity :)


Anyway, here is the full excerpt of the interview.


I’m sure you’re tired of being asked about this, but I really do have to ask: now that you’re an established artist, you’ve sold out huge concerts and your records have sold incredibly well, does that make you more comfortable to address all those rumors about your presumed homosexuality?

‘My presumed homosexuality, I love how you say that… [laughs]’


Well, I’m trying to be careful here! I wouldn’t want to piss you off.

‘Nothing like this would ever piss me off, and why would it? It’s not a bad thing in any way whatsoever. And as far as discussing sexuality and gender: listen to my songs. It’s everywhere. Sexuality has kind of themed this record, if you have to think about it that way. That’s part of growing up. I mean, I’ve never ever labeled myself. But having said that; I’ve never limited my life, I’ve never limited who I sleep with. So, whatever. Even if I was going out with a man right now, I still wouldn’t tell you. And I wouldn’t tell anyone. I mean, I would tell you though, as my friend, but not as a journalist, you know what I mean? So, I don’t know. Call me whatever you want. Call me bisexual, if you need a term for me.’


The thing is, wouldn’t you agree that, as a young person in the industry, with lots of young fans who look up to you, and lots of people who respect you for what you do, someone like you might be the perfect role model for a teenage kid who is in the closet?

‘Well, look at the 14-year-old kids that are making their own videos to my song, the 12- and 13-year-old guys dancing around in their room… There are ways of being a role model without having to always establish yourself with a label. Let’s say if you’re a 16-year-old guy, and you’re not sure about your sexuality, you should be as free as you want. You shouldn’t have to say ‘I’m gonna label myself in order to figure out what is going to make me happy in life’. Having a role model who makes you feel like it’s allright to do whatever you want, without the pressure of a label, I think that’s a good thing as well. I think there’s a million different ways to do it, there isn’t only one. And I hope I’m right. That’s the key to it. You don’t have to pigeonhole yourself all the time. You shouldn’t stick yourself into any kind of constraints or limitations at all. And seriously, if ‘bi’ is the label that helps you do it, then do that, as I said already. Apply that to me, if that’s what you want. That’s as close as I’ll get to any label.’

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It can be ordered from here (it will be on sale later today). Not sure if international orders work as well.




Yep, that was me. The interview people are talking about is my 2nd Mika interview.




The English quotes that are used here are pretty much word for word what he said. I have an audio recording of it, and I was very careful to use his exact wording in the article, to make sure there wouldn't be any misquoting.




Exactly. That's why it's so good that he said what he said.




Nah, it's not sold out at all, tha stupid website just refuses to sell the magazine until they've received their stock. Which they should be receiving today. It's a missed opportunity, really.




It's available for free in all the gay bars and clubs in Holland (as well as Antwerp, Belgium). People who can't pick one up there can order it online as well, but that's not free.




I'm not sure if I would call that bragging :) It was just really great to see an interview that I did, was getting so much publicity :)


Anyway, here is the full excerpt of the interview.


I’m sure you’re tired of being asked about this, but I really do have to ask: now that you’re an established artist, you’ve sold out huge concerts and your records have sold incredibly well, does that make you more comfortable to address all those rumors about your presumed homosexuality?

‘My presumed homosexuality, I love how you say that… [laughs]’


Well, I’m trying to be careful here! I wouldn’t want to piss you off.

‘Nothing like this would ever piss me off, and why would it? It’s not a bad thing in any way whatsoever. And as far as discussing sexuality and gender: listen to my songs. It’s everywhere. Sexuality has kind of themed this record, if you have to think about it that way. That’s part of growing up. I mean, I’ve never ever labeled myself. But having said that; I’ve never limited my life, I’ve never limited who I sleep with. So, whatever. Even if I was going out with a man right now, I still wouldn’t tell you. And I wouldn’t tell anyone. I mean, I would tell you though, as my friend, but not as a journalist, you know what I mean? So, I don’t know. Call me whatever you want. Call me bisexual, if you need a term for me.’


The thing is, wouldn’t you agree that, as a young person in the industry, with lots of young fans who look up to you, and lots of people who respect you for what you do, someone like you might be the perfect role model for a teenage kid who is in the closet?

‘Well, look at the 14-year-old kids that are making their own videos to my song, the 12- and 13-year-old guys dancing around in their room… There are ways of being a role model without having to always establish yourself with a label. Let’s say if you’re a 16-year-old guy, and you’re not sure about your sexuality, you should be as free as you want. You shouldn’t have to say ‘I’m gonna label myself in order to figure out what is going to make me happy in life’. Having a role model who makes you feel like it’s allright to do whatever you want, without the pressure of a label, I think that’s a good thing as well. I think there’s a million different ways to do it, there isn’t only one. And I hope I’m right. That’s the key to it. You don’t have to pigeonhole yourself all the time. You shouldn’t stick yourself into any kind of constraints or limitations at all. And seriously, if ‘bi’ is the label that helps you do it, then do that, as I said already. Apply that to me, if that’s what you want. That’s as close as I’ll get to any label.’


I love you, you're my hero:wub2:

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Yep, that was me. The interview people are talking about is my 2nd Mika interview.



Wow!! My memory is good! :naughty:


I'm not sure if I would call that bragging :) It was just really great to see an interview that I did, was getting so much publicity :)


No you're right, I'd be happy too! :aah: My English is still somewhat limited tho, it was the only word I could find :teehee: 'putting it out there' is perhaps more suited. Thanks for stopping by again with the full excerpt! :thumb_yello:

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Tell you what:


The first 10 people to PM me their postal addresses will get a poster of the new Gay&Night cover in the mail. It's approx. 42cm×59,4cm and will be sent to you in a folded white envelope.


Very few copies of these posters have been printed (only 250) and they will only be sent to a select number of addresses that distribute our magazine.


Sorry, I can't send any free magazines. They're heavy and stuff.

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I'm not sure if I would call that bragging :) It was just really great to see an interview that I did, was getting so much publicity :)


Anyway, here is the full excerpt of the interview.



Thank you so much for clarifying it all..:thumb_yello:

... and welcome back to MFC.

I think most of us would like to see you visit and post more often:wink2:


Tell you what:

The first 10 people to PM me their postal addresses will get a poster of the new Gay&Night cover in the mail. It's approx. 42cm×59,4cm and will be sent to you in a folded white envelope.


Thanks for offering this as well.

I'm only interested in his music but I am soure many would love to have that poster. :cool:


Edited by suzie
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Tell you what:


The first 10 people to PM me their postal addresses will get a poster of the new Gay&Night cover in the mail. It's approx. 42cm×59,4cm and will be sent to you in a folded white envelope.


Very few copies of these posters have been printed (only 250) and they will only be sent to a select number of addresses that distribute our magazine.


Sorry, I can't send any free magazines. They're heavy and stuff.


thanks for coming here and explaining all this and offering stuff!


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Tell you what:


The first 10 people to PM me their postal addresses will get a poster of the new Gay&Night cover in the mail. It's approx. 42cm×59,4cm and will be sent to you in a folded white envelope.


Very few copies of these posters have been printed (only 250) and they will only be sent to a select number of addresses that distribute our magazine.


Sorry, I can't send any free magazines. They're heavy and stuff.


omg, thank you! I hope I'm on time!

Will try the website again later today, I have to have that magazine:wub2:

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Tell you what:


The first 10 people to PM me their postal addresses will get a poster of the new Gay&Night cover in the mail. It's approx. 42cm×59,4cm and will be sent to you in a folded white envelope.


Very few copies of these posters have been printed (only 250) and they will only be sent to a select number of addresses that distribute our magazine.


Sorry, I can't send any free magazines. They're heavy and stuff.


Thanks, you're a cool guy! Hope I was in time!

The white envelope suggests it's something naughty you're sending...:naughty::mf_rosetinted:

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Thanks, you're a cool guy! Hope I was in time!

The white envelope suggests it's something naughty you're sending...:naughty::mf_rosetinted:


Hah noooooo :) All of our envelopes are white. We also have a couple of subscribers (mostly people who don't live in a city where they can pick up the magazine for free) and some of the specifically asked them if we could send the magazine in a plain white envelope because their parents/roommates don't know they're gay.

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Hah noooooo :) All of our envelopes are white. We also have a couple of subscribers (mostly people who don't live in a city where they can pick up the magazine for free) and some of the specifically asked them if we could send the magazine in a plain white envelope because their parents/roommates don't know they're gay.


Unfortunately still a lot of work to do for gay-emancipation!

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by the way its


Bisexual Day today


Sep 23 is the big day!


interesting! :)


this from the Examiner.com


Celebrate Bisexuality Day, which falls on Sept 23rd, is a day for bisexual people and their families, friends and supporters to recognize and celebrate bisexuality, bisexual history, bisexual community and culture, and the bisexual people in their lives.

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What's the opposite of bisexual?





silly me... ASEXUAL




Monosexual. As in the capacity to love only one gender... basically

"100%" gay or straight

There is also Pansexual. The believe that there is not a gender binary of male and female (there isn't theres gender queer, gender neutral, the trans umbrella...) and the ability to love more than just cisgendered male or female

Edited by Kabloomybuzz
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I did not know that! :yay:


me thinks there is some planning going on here:)


lets go out and do something big and MIKAish (or Billieish..depending on what mood you are in today!..Lollipop_girl...you know what I am talking about! )


I am up for it!

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That's 10!


Congrats, AnnaMariaPetra, Droopsy, BangBangLou, IngievV, lindemfc, robertina, FREDDIESDOUBLE, beckster22, mellody and DANI56!


Oh thank you so much!! :flowers2:

Hartelijk bedankt! Ben ik heel blij mee, super foto!:)

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