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MIKA to be Judge on XFactor 7 #XF7 Italia 2013


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So... chill out. That's my advice. :drinks_wine:


Oh, Deb! You made me already look forward to Friday (with that glass of wine) and it's only Wednesday! I have no idea why this week seems to be longer than usually :aah: Lol! But yes, a good advice.

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. . . Will there ever come a day where people interested in talking/reading about Mika's XFactor judging will be able to do so without random negativity being spewed at them?


I don't know who they think they are, but there are a few DOUR characters in this MFC who can be consistently counted on to counter MIKA breakthroughs with negativity.


[OK, now BRING IT ON 'cause I dared say wot's been on my mind like forever! No stupid :mf_rosetinted: for me.]

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Ps why have you posted the pic of Mika fiancee, do u know her? :naughty:


I know every secret:mf_rosetinted:


Just like you felt the need to comment on THAT comment, instead of just brushing it off. :dunno:


I mean, we ALL should just let it go at this point. I think we know by now who's for and who's against this X Factor "adventure."




While I don't think Ingie's comment was "spewing negativity" at anyone in particular, just directed at the situation itself, you do have a valid point. There DOES need to be an end to all the moaning about X Factor, IMO. Whether we like it or not, Mika is committed to it, and he's going to be doing it until December, so those who aren't happy about it need to, as we Americans say, "suck it up" and get over it. Whinging isn't going to change anything -- he's not going to cancel his contract with XF or anything. Just avoid this thread, avoid the headache! Or, if you simply must read, restrain yourself from continuing to antagonize those who have a differing opinion -- it is what it is (another popular saying around here these days) and wishing it were otherwise isn't going to make it so. No sense in continuing to :banghead: and :throw:


So... chill out. That's my advice. :drinks_wine:


What did I do now? I didn't even say anything about the whole X-factor show. I just said I was going to enjoy the Jay Leno show. Quite frankly, I have stopped paying attention to the whole X-factor thing. I don't see my comment as negative as I wasn't even commenting on X-factor. I don't really care that he's a judge on X-factor anymore, but I am not watching it because I'm also not watching a show in Japanese if I don't understand the language.

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And yet, you felt a need to come to this thread to say that.



Will there ever come a day where people interested in talking/reading about Mika's XFactor judging will be able to do so without random negativity being spewed at them?


Yes, so? Isn't this a forum in which I am allowed to post in whatever thread I wish to post in? For your information, I have stopped caring about X-factor and am not watching it for I do not understand Italian. My post did not include any commentary on the show or Mika's role as a judge and I am not going to comment on it because I haven't watched any of it. Instead of seeing everything as something negative, you could also just shrug it off and continue to live your life. You chose to see it as a negative post. I did not intend it to be negative.

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Wise words, as usual.


But I understand both sides, the need of expressing one's feeling about this controversial challenge is comprehensible.


Yes, I don't mean to stifle anyone's need to express themselves, but I just believe that at some point we have to let it go and move on, otherwise it starts to feel like that movie Groundhog Day -- you know, where Bill Murray keeps waking up every morning to "I Got You Babe" and the same things happen over and over and over again? :hypo:


Anyhow, I sort of *have* to read this thread if I want to moderate it, but I promise to at least try to sit on my hands and not actually *post* in it any more. :baghead:

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I don't know who they think they are, but there are a few DOUR characters in this MFC who can be consistently counted on to counter MIKA breakthroughs with negativity.


[OK, now BRING IT ON 'cause I dared say wot's been on my mind like forever! No stupid :mf_rosetinted: for me.]


I'm just going to go ahead and assume you meant four. And as it's quite the passive aggressive comment, I'm going to assume it is aimed at me. Which is fine, if that is your opinion. I don't see criticising his choices as necessarily being negative as I have been supportive of all his other choices apart from these reality tv shows. I don't see how me saying I am excited about Jay Leno and Kiss FM is negative either.


A.Clay, I vividly recall you telling my friend and me off for a video posted on youtube of Blame it on the weather, in which you could hear us sing along. You almost called it blasphemy as according to you, we were not allowed to sing along until Mika told us to. I don't feel comfortable with being a fan that way. I prefer to sing and dance along if I feel like it. When discussing this particular issue (not in as much detail) Mika told the two of us that he does appreciate people singing along. What I'm saying is, I don't feel comfortable with being the kind of fan who posts pictures of Mika every single minute to comment on how hot he is. I'm not the kind of fan who watches a tv show in a language I don't understand just so I can look at his face. If that is the kind of fan you are, then that's fine, if that makes you happy. But don't go around basically saying we're bad fans for not doing the things you think a real fan should do.


As for the question who I think I am. First and foremost, I'm a fan of Mika's music and the artist behind the music, not of his pretty looks and cute smile.


As for saying what was on your mind, I much prefer people to speak up front instead of being passive aggressive. You should know better than that.


Anyways, I will go back to my rock.

Edited by IngievV
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Yes, I don't mean to stifle anyone's need to express themselves, but I just believe that at some point we have to let it go and move on, otherwise it starts to feel like that movie Groundhog Day -- you know, where Bill Murray keeps waking up every morning to "I Got You Babe" and the same things happen over and over and over again? :hypo:


Anyhow, I sort of *have* to read this thread if I want to moderate it, but I promise to at least try to sit on my hands and not actually *post* in it any more. :baghead:


But I get blamed again and I haven't even said anything about this whole X-factor thing since the episode aired. I was even indifferent about the whole Willy video.

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What did I do now? I didn't even say anything about the whole X-factor show. I just said I was going to enjoy the Jay Leno show. Quite frankly, I have stopped paying attention to the whole X-factor thing. I don't see my comment as negative as I wasn't even commenting on X-factor. I don't really care that he's a judge on X-factor anymore, but I am not watching it because I'm also not watching a show in Japanese if I don't understand the language.


I wasn't directing my post to just you, Ingie. I think what I said applies equally to people on both sides of this discussion. People who are happy that Mika is doing X Factor and The Voice are free to enjoy it, but they don't have to complain or jump all over someone who expresses the opposite point of view. If everyone would just let it go for a bit and try to see/understand the opposite point of view, instead of trying to change other people's minds or become defensive, I don't think there would be any problem here. There's room for everyone to hold an opinion without arguing around and around in circles endlessly. Just my two cents. And now I really will stop posting here. :wink2:

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I wasn't directing my post to just you, Ingie. I think what I said applies equally to people on both sides of this discussion. People who are happy that Mika is doing X Factor and The Voice are free to enjoy it, but they don't have to complain or jump all over someone who expresses the opposite point of view. If everyone would just let it go for a bit and try to see/understand the opposite point of view, instead of trying to change other people's minds or become defensive, I don't think there would be any problem here. There's room for everyone to hold an opinion without arguing around and around in circles endlessly. Just my two cents. And now I really will stop posting here. :wink2:


I know, but others have directed their posts at me. I am not trying to change anyone's mind and I certainly don't have a problem with anyone enjoying the show. Just getting a bit tired of being blamed for f*ck all.

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I wasn't directing my post to just you, Ingie. I think what I said applies equally to people on both sides of this discussion. People who are happy that Mika is doing X Factor and The Voice are free to enjoy it, but they don't have to complain or jump all over someone who expresses the opposite point of view. If everyone would just let it go for a bit and try to see/understand the opposite point of view, instead of trying to change other people's minds or become defensive, I don't think there would be any problem here. There's room for everyone to hold an opinion without arguing around and around in circles endlessly. Just my two cents. And now I really will stop posting here. :wink2:


I couldn't agree more, this is exactly my point of view. As I wrote on a previous post, this is just a few months experience, some of us (me included) will enjoy it and some of us won't, and that's perfectly right this way! It shows that Mika's fans are not a group of sheep but individual people with their own opinions. Once we have shared and confronted these opinions (which we have already done, I have written essays on this subject XD), we respectfully agree to disagree, and those who are interested will follow this adventure, those who are not won't follow it, I see nothing bad in this! :)

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What I'm saying is, I don't feel comfortable with being the kind of fan who posts pictures of Mika every single minute to comment on how hot he is. I'm not the kind of fan who watches a tv show in a language I don't understand just so I can look at his face. If that is the kind of fan you are, then that's fine, if that makes you happy. But don't go around basically saying we're bad fans for not doing the things you think a real fan should do.


As for the question who I think I am. First and foremost, I'm a fan of Mika's music and the artist behind the music, not of his pretty looks and cute smile.


I never said you were a bad fan, but I fail to see how coming to the X Factor thread to say you're excited about something else is anything but a passive aggressive attempt at negativity.


Also, I feel like you're trying to imply that if someone finds Mika pretty that they're just shallow, and in turn, not real fans like you. I'm able to find someone attractive and admire their talent and personality at the same time. In fact, I usually have to admire them first before I can find someone attractive.

I find his reactions to the people auditioning really interesting. Who he defends, who he says no to, the expressions on his (admittedly pretty) face. But I feel like I'm being told I'm not a real fan. :tears:

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I never said you were a bad fan, but I fail to see how coming to the X Factor thread to say you're excited about something else is anything but a passive aggressive attempt at negativity.


Also, I feel like you're trying to imply that if someone finds Mika pretty that they're just shallow, and in turn, not real fans like you. I'm able to find someone attractive and admire their talent and personality at the same time. In fact, I usually have to admire them first before I can find someone attractive.

I find his reactions to the people auditioning really interesting. Who he defends, who he says no to, the expressions on his (admittedly pretty) face. But I feel like I'm being told I'm not a real fan. :tears:


Well then that is your perspective of things. I am quite the impulsive person and I post things without any intentions other than to say what is on my mind at that exact moment. I have no interest in stirring things up.


And I also think Mika is pretty. It's just not what I'm most interested in, while others do prioritise that. Which is fine. To each their own. I have never implied being any more of a real fan than anyone else here. Once again that is your perspective. I only said I am a different kind of fan than that.


And if you like the show then why should you care what anyone else says? I haven't even directed any post at you apart from the moment you commented on mine and I cannot recall ever purposely trying to give anyone the impression that their not real fans. I NEVER said that people who do like X-factor aren't real fans. It's just not my cup of tea and as this is a discussion forum, I am allowed to state my opinion. But in this particular case I didn't even mention the episode so why so serious?

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Ok, so now, please, can someone explain me what happened with this strange traditionnal group with costumes?! :blink:

How could they get 4 "SI"?? :aah: And they've got a fan club (these yellow T-shirts)?

I need explanations from our Italian friends, because I'm starting to doubt on Mika's musical taste :naughty:

(it's in the 4th part)


Ready for second show tonight everybody? (or, let's say, everybody liking this Mika's XF adventure :wink2:)

Like last week I will not be able to watch the Cielo diffusion on Friday, so once again I hope that Eriko or someone else will find a video for us pliiz :huglove::huglove:

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Me too! I enjoy it so much - and learning Italiano gladly :thumb_yello:

I so wish I could see it on my TV!

Ok, so now, please, can someone explain me what happened with this strange traditionnal group with costumes?! :blink:

How could they get 4 "SI"?? :aah: And they've got a fan club (these yellow T-shirts)?

I need explanations from our Italian friends, because I'm starting to doubt on Mika's musical taste :naughty:

(it's in the 4th part)


That I would like to know too,they even have groupies! :blink:

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I declare myself a "fan" of Michele Bravi, I think this is his surname. He has a special voice and as Mika said, the guy sings without making effort :wub2: Love it and love the song he chose :wub2:


Agree! but I still don't get why he liked the chinese girl :dunno:


Btw,the vids from Dailymotion has disappeared :aah:

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Ok, so now, please, can someone explain me what happened with this strange traditionnal group with costumes?! :blink:

How could they get 4 "SI"?? :aah: And they've got a fan club (these yellow T-shirts)?

I need explanations from our Italian friends, because I'm starting to doubt on Mika's musical taste :naughty:

(it's in the 4th part)


Ready for second show tonight everybody? (or, let's say, everybody liking this Mika's XF adventure :wink2:)

Like last week I will not be able to watch the Cielo diffusion on Friday, so once again I hope that Eriko or someone else will find a video for us pliiz :huglove::huglove:

I'm on the train, i'm bored so i'm posting random.


Usually I never watch talent shows but, just for couriosity as a Mika fan living near XF locations, i saw this audiction live and i had fun. I had not fun during humiliating situations for young competitors or because bad words / vulgar moments or quite boring moments but i had fun for example because the traditional group you mentioned.

They come from some valley on the italians mountains.

In some italian regions there are very traditionals groups who play music. It is nothing cool, nothing new and international, but is just another way to make music.

I must say that two guys were very funny in a genuine way.

There was a standing ovation in the public also because the fan club of the group was there. Probably all the citizens of their valley!

4 yes were for the fun moment but maybe because the two guys are musicians and they play their own music with traditionals instruments to make happy people who live in the mountains. Probably the 4 yes are also for the courage/brave to present a cover by a singer woman, a kinf of music totally different from mountain music they compose.

I don't think they will pass next auditions but... who knows.


Anyway i'm quite atonished by you (in general) international fans who watch a local tv show in another language, i admire your devotion!!!


Bye bye

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Agree! but I still don't get why he liked the chinese girl :dunno:


Btw,the vids from Dailymotion has disappeared :aah:



Maybe because the girl is uncommon and we know Mika likes things out of the ordinary. And yes I've noticed the same, the vids disappeared :dunno:

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Maybe because the girl is uncommon and we know Mika likes things out of the ordinary. And yes I've noticed the same, the vids disappeared :dunno:


Uncommon,but not in a bright way :aah: Oh well,we'll see,maybe he saw something that I don't...


@Allegra: Thanks for your explanation,I liked their clogs :thumb_yello:

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...otherwise it starts to feel like that movie Groundhog Day -- you know, where Bill Murray keeps waking up every morning to "I Got You Babe" and the same things happen over and over and over again?

Dear Deb you rock!

Even the italian prime minister mentioned this movie. Because the government was falling again cause the same old problems and cause the old same people!!! :aah:

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Uncommon,but not in a bright way :aah: Oh well,we'll see,maybe he saw something that I don't...


@Allegra: Thanks for your explanation,I liked their clogs :thumb_yello:


Lol, she is very weird indeed! but,as someone wrote before, after that performance she sang a Chinese song that unfortunately was cut in the final editing, so the judges' choice was based also on that. And I have to admit that I liked her too XD I mean, apart from the trembling voice (you can see she was nervous!) she could potentially add something weird and new to the programme! :D but I don't think she will get into the programme XD


My favourites of the first episode were Michele Bravi (the guy who sang Cat Stevens' song) and the band 'street clerks', that sang their own song that imo was very beautiful (Mika liked it very much too, he was impressed :) ).


Then I think Galup, the boy who forgot half the lyrics has a lot of potential, and both Roberta Pompa (lol at Mika's reaction) and Fabio (the one with the beatles tattoo, who sang a very difficult Italian song) sing very well. And I enjoyed the folk duo's performance too :) waiting for tomorrow's episode (I'll watch it on Cielo)!

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hey guys! this evening i'm going to my friend's house to watch x factor 'cuz i don't have sky :) it'll be the show they recorded in genova! I was there and mika did his entrance near me!!! it was a day so lucky that i've done a necklace with the 1 cent coin I found that day!! :fangurl:



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I really liked Roberta Pompa! :wub2:


And I have and earworm of "Sola" for some days now :aah: And after listening to the original version I must say her performance was very good, because after hearing her version I thought "That's a good song", so I looked up the original and wasn't very impressed with the original version, so her performance must have made the difference for me.


Agree! but I still don't get why he liked the chinese girl :dunno:


Valmont has told a little bit more about her audition:


We were discussing this with the girls who were with me at the auditions: too many cut and paste, often a too rapid medley.

With the chinese girl, for instance, they cut the part where she sang a Chinese song, much better than the Barbra Streisand song, which was the reason why they let her pass at the Bootcamp. Without that, the decision was unintelligible in my opinion.


Ok, so now, please, can someone explain me what happened with this strange traditionnal group with costumes?! :blink:

How could they get 4 "SI"?? :aah: And they've got a fan club (these yellow T-shirts)?


I don't like these kind of music and fun either, I think it's silly. But obviously there a people who like it, so it has its place :dunno:


Btw,the vids from Dailymotion has disappeared :aah:


Oh, that's bad, she was the only one who uploaded vids of the show. And they were deleted for sure for copyright-reasons I guess, so she probably won't upload again :huh:

Edited by DerMoment1608
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