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Mika is Missing: Fun Fan Theories


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18 hours ago, holdingyourdrink said:

*twiddles thumbs and drums fingers*


Wonder what he‘s doing. Probably back in the studio after shooting something in Birmingham? Or enjoying the sunny weekend and relaxing ☀️ Although I do not believe Mika has a normal workweek where the weekend is defined as „Saturday and Sunday“ :biggrin2:


True, but at least I can hope that he's spending a relaxed after-bday-weekend wih Andy and has at least 2 days off for a change. 😅 It's my favourite explanation for his silence. :lol3:


Edit: Ah no, my fave explanation would actually be that he's finishing his album, preferably the English one - or at least one of the songs he wrote with Amy. :naughty: I'm not that altruistic. :mf_rosetinted: :roftl:

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17 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Well it's out of the topic.

But I am re-watching old Mika's interviews.


I remember we were talking about flags fan action before the concert in London if I recall. 

I think I was talking with Karin about it. That in the future we can make flags while queuing. Each fan can draw his/hers country flag to show it to Mika.

And I told you a story about Mika's anecdote concerning one of his London gigs when one of the fans was furious that Mika started to sing a song in French.

I found this video today. Here is this part.

Again it shows how Mika is connected with the crowd and how it touches him personally. In both ways: negative and positive.


Thank you so much @Anna Ko Kolkowska :flowers2: :hug:

This incident always made me feel so upset and so sad for him. So I'm glad fans made it up to him thanks to the flags fanaction :wub2: Well done guys  :group_hug:

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21 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Well it's out of the topic.

But I am re-watching old Mika's interviews.


I remember we were talking about flags fan action before the concert in London if I recall. 

I think I was talking with Karin about it. That in the future we can make flags while queuing. Each fan can draw his/hers country flag to show it to Mika.

And I told you a story about Mika's anecdote concerning one of his London gigs when one of the fans was furious that Mika started to sing a song in French.

I found this video today. Here is this part.

Again it shows how Mika is connected with the crowd and how it touches him personally. In both ways: negative and positive.


That is so touching! :tears::tears::tears:

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On 8/20/2022 at 10:02 PM, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

Well it's out of the topic.

But I am re-watching old Mika's interviews.


I remember we were talking about flags fan action before the concert in London if I recall. 

I think I was talking with Karin about it. That in the future we can make flags while queuing. Each fan can draw his/hers country flag to show it to Mika.

And I told you a story about Mika's anecdote concerning one of his London gigs when one of the fans was furious that Mika started to sing a song in French.

I found this video today. Here is this part.

Again it shows how Mika is connected with the crowd and how it touches him personally. In both ways: negative and positive.



It's funny that you post this as an example of how Mika is connected with the crowd, because I always see this as an example of how a lack of communication can lead to so many misunderstandings and even bad feelings. In fact this whole thing goes way back to 2007...


Back in the early years there was always this sort of rivalry between the British and the French fans. Mika's career started in the UK, that's why several of the UK fans, especially those who had been fans from the first hour, feared to "lose" him, because very soon his success in France overtook that in the UK. I think they were just worried he didn't care about them anymore and would put his heart where the success is, but sadly some of them expressed it in a very negative way, that made it feel like they thought they "owned" him and could tell him what to do. Mika, on the other hand, you know how he is, just did his thing without really telling people about how he felt about things. You know what a huge success Parc des Princes was and how excited he was about it, but he didn't play this show in the UK, only at several occasions in France and in some other European countries. And back in 2007 he cancelled several festival performances in different countries - the biggest issue was that one or two days after he had cancelled a festival somewhere (Belgium or Denmark, I don't remember) claiming he had pneumonia, he performed the gig in Paris that was on his first DVD. I remember that many UK and also European fans were upset about this and took it as a sign that France was more important to him than anything else. The pneumonia excuse might have been by his managers, I don't know, anyway it was just a very unfortunate situation. I think 99% of his fans would have understood if he had said what he said years later in an interview, that the pressure at the beginning was too much for him, also because of a recent breakup, and he became ill all the time. It's what we all suspected on MFC, we saw how crazy his schedule was and we hoped his managers would give him a break so he could stop cancelling random performances here and there, that fans had been looking forward to, planned travels etc. - anyway all we could do was speculate about the reasons for the cancellations, but the pneumonia excuse just made it so obvious that someone (Mika or his team) was lying to us.


Anyway I'm digressing, this was just an example of where some of the bad feelings originated from. I think the main point about the UK vs. French fans was that both Mika and some of his (UK and other non-French-speaking) fans didn't feel accepted and appreciated by each other. Just no one said how they really felt, but Mika just did his thing without any explanation and the UK fans rejected his French songs and anything to do with France and French. They didn't understand that this is a part of him that he wants to feel free to express, and never had anything to do with them or with him rejecting them. And he didn't understand that they mainly were unhappy because they didn't understand French and felt like he didn't care about them (back then the online translators weren't as good as they're now and Mika didn't post the same thing in multiple languages, as he often does now), and not because they rejected him as a person.


I took this video 2010 in Luxembourg and I think it must've been one of the first times that he sang a French song outside of France. I never noticed back then, but when I watched back some old videos in 2020 I realized how insecure he was about the fans' reaction here, even though Luxembourg is partly French-speaking, but there also were a lot of international fans in the crowd because it was the last gig of the tour. He says something like that the song is beautiful but it's in French and that he's not sure if the reaction of the crowd is positive or negative.


Also in 2012 I remember before the London gig some UK fans wrote that they would find it very inappropriate of him to play French songs in London, and then he started the show with "Un soleil mal luné". Looking at this performance, you can see how he put all his heart and soul into it and was nervous about it because he surely knew their opinion. I don't think he got any negative reactions for it at the gig, but some complained about it later. It breaks my heart to watch this performance, not just because the song is so beautiful and heartbreaking, but also because I can now feel all the misunderstandings, fear and pain from him and his fans at the time. And it also shows so well how he communicates through his music - insecure and vulnerable, but also stating his point, "this is who I am, please accept it."


It just takes a certain sensitivity and an open heart to understand this way of communication, and I think in the struggles of our everyday life it's easy to lose this.


Btw, the fan at the Adelphi gig apologized later, she was drunk at the gig and apparently didn't realize how hurtful it was for him. Neither did I, tho I found her interruption very inappropriate, but he didn't show how upset he was. Very professional, as always - but he definitely showed his happiness about the flags at the end. :wub2:


To get back on topic, my new theory on why he's so quiet now is because he's back in the UK and he read this thread and knows we're just one city away from knowing that he's doing something for Eurovision. :naughty: Well, he could confuse us by posting from a stopover in London...? :roftl:

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17 hours ago, mellody said:


It's funny that you post this as an example of how Mika is connected with the crowd, because I always see this as an example of how a lack of communication can lead to so many misunderstandings and even bad feelings. In fact this whole thing goes way back to 2007...


Back in the early years there was always this sort of rivalry between the British and the French fans. Mika's career started in the UK, that's why several of the UK fans, especially those who had been fans from the first hour, feared to "lose" him, because very soon his success in France overtook that in the UK. I think they were just worried he didn't care about them anymore and would put his heart where the success is, but sadly some of them expressed it in a very negative way, that made it feel like they thought they "owned" him and could tell him what to do. Mika, on the other hand, you know how he is, just did his thing without really telling people about how he felt about things. You know what a huge success Parc des Princes was and how excited he was about it, but he didn't play this show in the UK, only at several occasions in France and in some other European countries. And back in 2007 he cancelled several festival performances in different countries - the biggest issue was that one or two days after he had cancelled a festival somewhere (Belgium or Denmark, I don't remember) claiming he had pneumonia, he performed the gig in Paris that was on his first DVD. I remember that many UK and also European fans were upset about this and took it as a sign that France was more important to him than anything else. The pneumonia excuse might have been by his managers, I don't know, anyway it was just a very unfortunate situation. I think 99% of his fans would have understood if he had said what he said years later in an interview, that the pressure at the beginning was too much for him, also because of a recent breakup, and he became ill all the time. It's what we all suspected on MFC, we saw how crazy his schedule was and we hoped his managers would give him a break so he could stop cancelling random performances here and there, that fans had been looking forward to, planned travels etc. - anyway all we could do was speculate about the reasons for the cancellations, but the pneumonia excuse just made it so obvious that someone (Mika or his team) was lying to us.


Anyway I'm digressing, this was just an example of where some of the bad feelings originated from. I think the main point about the UK vs. French fans was that both Mika and some of his (UK and other non-French-speaking) fans didn't feel accepted and appreciated by each other. Just no one said how they really felt, but Mika just did his thing without any explanation and the UK fans rejected his French songs and anything to do with France and French. They didn't understand that this is a part of him that he wants to feel free to express, and never had anything to do with them or with him rejecting them. And he didn't understand that they mainly were unhappy because they didn't understand French and felt like he didn't care about them (back then the online translators weren't as good as they're now and Mika didn't post the same thing in multiple languages, as he often does now), and not because they rejected him as a person.


I took this video 2010 in Luxembourg and I think it must've been one of the first times that he sang a French song outside of France. I never noticed back then, but when I watched back some old videos in 2020 I realized how insecure he was about the fans' reaction here, even though Luxembourg is partly French-speaking, but there also were a lot of international fans in the crowd because it was the last gig of the tour. He says something like that the song is beautiful but it's in French and that he's not sure if the reaction of the crowd is positive or negative.


Also in 2012 I remember before the London gig some UK fans wrote that they would find it very inappropriate of him to play French songs in London, and then he started the show with "Un soleil mal luné". Looking at this performance, you can see how he put all his heart and soul into it and was nervous about it because he surely knew their opinion. I don't think he got any negative reactions for it at the gig, but some complained about it later. It breaks my heart to watch this performance, not just because the song is so beautiful and heartbreaking, but also because I can now feel all the misunderstandings, fear and pain from him and his fans at the time. And it also shows so well how he communicates through his music - insecure and vulnerable, but also stating his point, "this is who I am, please accept it."


It just takes a certain sensitivity and an open heart to understand this way of communication, and I think in the struggles of our everyday life it's easy to lose this.


Btw, the fan at the Adelphi gig apologized later, she was drunk at the gig and apparently didn't realize how hurtful it was for him. Neither did I, tho I found her interruption very inappropriate, but he didn't show how upset he was. Very professional, as always - but he definitely showed his happiness about the flags at the end. :wub2:


To get back on topic, my new theory on why he's so quiet now is because he's back in the UK and he read this thread and knows we're just one city away from knowing that he's doing something for Eurovision. :naughty: Well, he could confuse us by posting from a stopover in London...? :roftl:


Thank you Karin for this overview. 

All depends of the point of view, of the knowledge of the past and even of the country you are from :wink2:

It shows that all these rivalry between fans has been existing from the beginning. In the past it was maybe more between countries. Now I can see it as well between fans of different age (boomers and youngsters). 

I am very empathetic and sometimes one word can "kill" me or make me feel special. And it's as well about feeling someone else's emotions. I can feel his/hers pain as well as happiness.

Watching Mika on stage fascinates me. Several times I mentioned that the best part of the gig is when Mika talks to the audience. And I love filming it because it makes the gig special. Every time it's different and connected with the crowd. 


I don't have this long gig experience as you have but I remember first time (times) when Mika was singing Yo-Yo. It was at Caribana festival. Then in London. I've seen how concentrated he was. Insecure as well. 

That makes him human. Even if he has been performing for years, he still have this fear, vulnerability in front of the audience. He can make a great show and do with us what he wants but still there is this part of a human wanting to be accepted.


I wonder if it's a coincidence that both songs you posted here are about a solitude. And it sounds like Mika being in from of thousands people feels alone. Maybe at that time it was his message? 

Anyway if you tell Mika not to do something - he will do it fore sure :lol3:



And to comment the last part of your post. Yes, I wonder too if Mika reads our forum from time to time. Maybe we should ask him about it? :das: But if he confirms?....


Edited by Anna Ko Kolkowska
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2 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

I wonder if it's a coincidence that both songs you posted here are about a solitude. And it sounds like Mika being in from of thousands people feels alone. Maybe at that time it was his message? 


Yes, I think that's how he often felt back then - not sure if during the show, but rather afterwards, I think this contrast can be very hard. It's even hard for us, probably much more for him.

That both of these French songs are about solitude might not be a coincidence because I think he has a better connection to his emotions, or feels more comfortable in expressing them, in the French language. It makes sense because due to his experiences his brain would probably connect French to a happy childhood and English to getting bullied if he said anything. So as a non-French speaker you miss a lot of the things he's sharing about himself and his emotions if you don't get a translation, he just doesn't share that much in English. Or at least used to, I think it has gotten better meanwhile - now it's more that the English (interview and talking at gigs) occasions are rare.


2 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

And to comment the last part of your post. Yes, I wonder too if Mika reads our forum from time to time. Maybe we should ask him about it? :das: But if he confirms?....



Never. He too much enjoys letting us guess. :rolleyes:

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16 hours ago, mellody said:


It's funny that you post this as an example of how Mika is connected with the crowd, because I always see this as an example of how a lack of communication can lead to so many misunderstandings and even bad feelings. In fact this whole thing goes way back to 2007...


Back in the early years there was always this sort of rivalry between the British and the French fans. Mika's career started in the UK, that's why several of the UK fans, especially those who had been fans from the first hour, feared to "lose" him, because very soon his success in France overtook that in the UK. I think they were just worried he didn't care about them anymore and would put his heart where the success is, but sadly some of them expressed it in a very negative way, that made it feel like they thought they "owned" him and could tell him what to do. Mika, on the other hand, you know how he is, just did his thing without really telling people about how he felt about things. You know what a huge success Parc des Princes was and how excited he was about it, but he didn't play this show in the UK, only at several occasions in France and in some other European countries. And back in 2007 he cancelled several festival performances in different countries - the biggest issue was that one or two days after he had cancelled a festival somewhere (Belgium or Denmark, I don't remember) claiming he had pneumonia, he performed the gig in Paris that was on his first DVD. I remember that many UK and also European fans were upset about this and took it as a sign that France was more important to him than anything else. The pneumonia excuse might have been by his managers, I don't know, anyway it was just a very unfortunate situation. I think 99% of his fans would have understood if he had said what he said years later in an interview, that the pressure at the beginning was too much for him, also because of a recent breakup, and he became ill all the time. It's what we all suspected on MFC, we saw how crazy his schedule was and we hoped his managers would give him a break so he could stop cancelling random performances here and there, that fans had been looking forward to, planned travels etc. - anyway all we could do was speculate about the reasons for the cancellations, but the pneumonia excuse just made it so obvious that someone (Mika or his team) was lying to us.


Anyway I'm digressing, this was just an example of where some of the bad feelings originated from. I think the main point about the UK vs. French fans was that both Mika and some of his (UK and other non-French-speaking) fans didn't feel accepted and appreciated by each other. Just no one said how they really felt, but Mika just did his thing without any explanation and the UK fans rejected his French songs and anything to do with France and French. They didn't understand that this is a part of him that he wants to feel free to express, and never had anything to do with them or with him rejecting them. And he didn't understand that they mainly were unhappy because they didn't understand French and felt like he didn't care about them (back then the online translators weren't as good as they're now and Mika didn't post the same thing in multiple languages, as he often does now), and not because they rejected him as a person.


I took this video 2010 in Luxembourg and I think it must've been one of the first times that he sang a French song outside of France. I never noticed back then, but when I watched back some old videos in 2020 I realized how insecure he was about the fans' reaction here, even though Luxembourg is partly French-speaking, but there also were a lot of international fans in the crowd because it was the last gig of the tour. He says something like that the song is beautiful but it's in French and that he's not sure if the reaction of the crowd is positive or negative.


Also in 2012 I remember before the London gig some UK fans wrote that they would find it very inappropriate of him to play French songs in London, and then he started the show with "Un soleil mal luné". Looking at this performance, you can see how he put all his heart and soul into it and was nervous about it because he surely knew their opinion. I don't think he got any negative reactions for it at the gig, but some complained about it later. It breaks my heart to watch this performance, not just because the song is so beautiful and heartbreaking, but also because I can now feel all the misunderstandings, fear and pain from him and his fans at the time. And it also shows so well how he communicates through his music - insecure and vulnerable, but also stating his point, "this is who I am, please accept it."


It just takes a certain sensitivity and an open heart to understand this way of communication, and I think in the struggles of our everyday life it's easy to lose this.


Btw, the fan at the Adelphi gig apologized later, she was drunk at the gig and apparently didn't realize how hurtful it was for him. Neither did I, tho I found her interruption very inappropriate, but he didn't show how upset he was. Very professional, as always - but he definitely showed his happiness about the flags at the end. :wub2:


To get back on topic, my new theory on why he's so quiet now is because he's back in the UK and he read this thread and knows we're just one city away from knowing that he's doing something for Eurovision. :naughty: Well, he could confuse us by posting from a stopover in London...? :roftl:


@mellody thank you so much for writing this -- I wanted to say something, but just couldn't find the time... or the words.


I was sitting right next to the fan at the Adelphi gig, and yes, she had had one too many gin & tonics -- it's not that she didn't feel some resentment at Mika singing in French when he was in London, I'm sure she did. If I'm honest, I think many of us who don't speak French feel a bit "left out" whenever he sings in that beautiful language. :dunno_grin: I mean, I happen to love many of the French songs, but I'd rather he sang "Rain" or something else in English -- simply because it's easier for me to sing along then, not because I don't like France.


I cringed when this fan made her comments, as I could see they upset Mika, and I was sure that if it hadn't been for the gin, she wouldn't have said anything -- at least not that Mika would have heard. I was relieved that the rest of the gig seemed to go smoothly. And then was appalled when he later gave that interview talking about the incident!


Anyhow, I guess I should get back on topic -- we should be speculating as to where Mika is and what he is doing at this moment! And wondering when and where he will pop up next. Toulon on Friday? Or hopefully somewhere sooner?! :making-a-wish:


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1 hour ago, dcdeb said:

If I'm honest, I think many of us who don't speak French feel a bit "left out" whenever he sings in that beautiful language. :dunno_grin: I mean, I happen to love many of the French songs, but I'd rather he sang "Rain" or something else in English -- simply because it's easier for me to sing along then, not because I don't like France.


I'm fine with it meanwhile, in fact if he plays Rain at every gig, I wouldn't mind to hear sth different instead, no matter in which language. I'd just like him to play a bit with the setlist, surprise us with random songs like he did in Zurich in 2019, when he spontaneously played LYWID and Good Guys. I think at the festivals it might have been possible, they're not such huge shows like the arena gigs on the Revelation tour, where he said he'd mess up the whole show if he did some spontaneous songs.


I'm just happy when he talks in English, but that's probably because at most gigs I'm going to (most gigs in general) he talks in a language I hardly understand. Especially in a concert setting, over the speakers, it's hard for me - mostly I can only make out what he said when I'm watching my videos later. 😅🙈 So if he chooses to sing a French song at an English gig, it'd just be very interesting to hear in English what he has to say about it, like the stories he tells about his Mum, "the lady in pink" before Elle me dit. He doesn't *need* to explain anything, but it becomes a lot more relatable if he does, then everyone would understand why this song is important to him, no matter if we understand the exact lyrics or not.


I think this thread is not just for speculations but also to keep us busy while Mika is quiet, so I guess some random chat is fine. :naughty:

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19 hours ago, mellody said:

To get back on topic, my new theory on why he's so quiet now is because he's back in the UK and he read this thread and knows we're just one city away from knowing that he's doing something for Eurovision. :naughty: Well, he could confuse us by posting from a stopover in London...? :roftl:

If he's already in the UK, it would also not be wrong to visit his new family members at Chester Zoo. :naughty:



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3 minutes ago, Prisca said:

Als hij al in het VK is, zou het ook niet verkeerd zijn om zijn nieuwe familieleden in Chester Zoo te bezoeken.:stout:



Yessss Prisca...that would be nice! And than..we want to see pictures!! 🐫 🐫 

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5 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


I just wonder if he found time to see our video  yet. For the moment no comments about "camels in his life" .


Bored Cabin Fever GIF

Yeah, I wonder if he has been online at all (or at least in the social media) since his video where he thanks for the birthday messages.


@mellody I think, said often that Mika takes holidays in August around his birthday. I guess that's exactly what he is doing right now. :dunno_grin:



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1 hour ago, mellody said:

I think at the festivals it might have been possible, they're not such huge shows like the arena gigs on the Revelation tour, where he said he'd mess up the whole show if he did some spontaneous songs.


He did surprise us with Modern Times, Yo-Yo (transforming it into the acoustic beginning as the festivals progressed), Billy Brown, Popular Song, Who‘s Gonna Love Me Now and Tomorrow. Of course they weren’t spontaneous, but there was still a surprise effect 😊


I was actually really hoping for Stuck in the Middle at every show, because he did it at Salle Pleyel (which later turned out to be the stage/light set he toured with this tour). I wasn’t as energetic/giving it more love during the show back then as do now, due to obvious reasons :blush: (no I didn’t faint! I just gaped in disbelief, I’m such a fangurl :facepalm:), maybe I should have!! 

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20 hours ago, mellody said:

To get back on topic, my new theory on why he's so quiet now is because he's back in the UK


3 hours ago, dcdeb said:

we should be speculating as to where Mika is and what he is doing at this moment! And wondering when and where he will pop up next. Toulon on Friday? Or hopefully somewhere sooner?! :making-a-wish:


1 hour ago, Prisca said:

If he's already in the UK, it would also not be wrong to visit his new family members at Chester Zoo. :naughty:




56 minutes ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

I just wonder if he found time to see our video  yet. For the moment no comments about "camels in his life" .

My theory is that he actually took Anna‘s advice and went into the desert to hang out with some camels! (And to record some more bits for the movie he‘s writing for).

I am sure he realized that there weren’t enough camels in his life. And his dreams of camels maybe had a meaning he needed to explore :biggrin2:

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8 minutes ago, holdingyourdrink said:


He did surprise us with Modern Times, Yo-Yo (transforming it into the acoustic beginning as the festivals progressed), Billy Brown, Popular Song, Who‘s Gonna Love Me Now and Tomorrow. Of course they weren’t spontaneous, but there was still a surprise effect 😊


I was actually really hoping for Stuck in the Middle at every show, because he did it at Salle Pleyel (which later turned out to be the stage/light set he toured with this tour). I wasn’t as energetic/giving it more love during the show back then as do now, due to obvious reasons :blush: (no I didn’t faint! I just gaped in disbelief, I’m such a fangurl :facepalm:), maybe I should have!! 


Yes, for London he really changed the setlist around a little. I also love what he did with Happy Ending, adding this extra bit that is a little different every time, it makes his songs that I heard at every gig since 2007 just so much more interesting. But except for London he didn't experiment much with the setlist. He started playing Rain at some point and then kept it, I had hoped he might play something different at each gig instead of Rain - as you say, Stuck in the Middle, or I'm still waiting to hear I See You again, as it was on his Merch T-Shirt. Or Modern Times, which he hasn't played in Europe at all. It's not my fave song but still would be nice to hear it live. Well, I'm very happy that we got to hear WGLMN in London. :wub2:

I just think at the Italian gigs, especially the arena gigs, he can't experiment much with the setlist. Maybe at the theatre gigs, maybe it's even part of the concept if he says the theatre gigs put the spotlight on him as a songwriter. As a songwriter you can experiment much more than as a performer, so there's hope he might do that at his gigs as well. :biggrin2:

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There's a lot I could say about the way he was treated in the UK, but I won't because a) it'll sound like invective and ire, and b) I need to sleep at some point. I'm so over idiots at the moment.


But... its too quiet. He needs to post something.  @Prisca could the Whisperer work magic please? :flowers2: :pray:



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9 minutes ago, mellody said:

I also love what he did with Happy Ending, adding this extra bit that is a little different every time

YES I agree, I really love this part. I already get goosebumps as soon as I see Clement come forward. I really love this addition to the song.


10 minutes ago, mellody said:

as you say, Stuck in the Middle, or I'm still waiting to hear I See You again, as it was on his Merch T-Shirt. Or Modern Times, which he hasn't played in Europe at all.

Ohhh „I See You“ is my heart song, because I’m just as much a little stalker as the narrator :lol3: but truly, I almost dare not say it, but if he plays Stuck in the Middle and I See You at a gig I’m attending, I think I am going to be both over the moon AND a sobbing mess :lol3:


And OH! I forgot to mention Promiseland!! I was supposed to be at the NYC gig at the beginning of the tour. I am so sad I missed it, but that was a wonderful surprise to the setlist!!

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1 minute ago, holdingyourdrink said:

I think we need to summon @Priscafirst! Wait; aren’t you the Prisca Whisperer? This might actually work :biggrin2:

I thought she is actually the Michelle Whisperer. :lmfao:

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2 minutes ago, Hero said:

But... its too quiet. He needs to post something.  @Prisca could the Whisperer work magic please? :flowers2: :pray:

I see, you found the forum. :naughty::teehee:


We'll hear from him by Friday at the latest anyway. Let's hope he hasn't caught a bug again. :facepalm:



:bye: Mika


I hope you like the fact that the MFC has adopted two camels for you. :camel2::camel2:


We haven't heard from you in five days. You know, we are spoiled, 5 days are sooooo long for us. :pinkbow:


I hope you enjoy your social media free time. Cat Relaxing GIF by The Dodo

We know we'll hear from you on Friday. But it's also not forbidden to give a sign of life earlier on Instagram or Twitter. :fangurl:

PLEASE! :pray:  :puppy_eyes:





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