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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I had a bunch of Mika-related dreams the last few days... it's a nice addition to seeing him during the day, that he also visits me in my dreams, lol! :roftl: Well, he wasn't in all of them... the first one I had the night before the gig was about the tickets/seats, because it was so chaotic that more tickets kept appearing closer to the date, I had bought a 4th row ticket just before going to sleep. Anyway I dreamt that row A was there twice, instead row C was missing, and all sorts of other crazy things related to the festival organization. :lmfao: The other dream, the night after the gig, involved hugging Mika. :wub2:  I met him before the gig and we talked a bit, and at some point I felt he needed a hug and I just hugged him, without thinking too much. He liked it and hugged me back, and it just felt really good. In reality I'd never do that, because I couldn't trust my intuition whether he might need a hug (and if, probably not by a fan...) or rather I would like to hug him :lol3: ... but it's nice to dream. :cloud: 

There were more dreams, but these are the 2 I still remember. Last night I slept like a stone, I was so tired, don't think I dreamt anything, lol! 😅

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  • 1 month later...

   Can't remember when exactly, but a few nights ago I dreamt that I was chasing someone through lots of rooms in a large building. At one point I came to a balcony and down below Mika was performing. What I find strange for me is that I didn't stop to watch him! I was far too distracted by the person I was chasing who was on another balcony across the room. I made a big leap across and off I went! :lmfao:

I did notice Mika was wearing the Resist cape and crown (again... I seem to dream about that outfit a lot!)


   Last night however was a much better dream.

   Mika was going to perform on the street where I live! Only a few seats were set up near the top of my street and I was really excited that I was sitting in the 2nd row. Mika came out of a large house across the road (not there in real life, completely made up in my dream), he was wearing a beautiful glitter suit and looked so handsome! :cloud:  He didn't have an orchestra with him but he did have a conductor, which is a bit odd I guess? I know he sang 3 songs but I can't remember what exactly, I woke up not long after that. 


  I think all the videos I've seen about the Philharmonie concert gala have seeped into my subconscious mind when I sleep! 😁

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  • 2 weeks later...

   I dreamt last night that I was in a small theatre with a small group of Mika fans. We were all stood in a circle with Mika in the middle and he was taking song requests from us! He came round to me and asked what I'd like to hear him sing. I asked if he'd sing Dr. John because I hadn't heard it live before. He gave me a bit of a confused look as if to say "Why would I sing that?!", but he did agree to sing it! Mika did say though that the song would have sounded better if he wore the rainbow feather coat but he didn't have time to go and find it! :lmfao:

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I had a Mika dream about a week ago I had forgotten about but it just came back to my memory while reading this thread. My permanent job was to take care of one of Mika's houses when he was away and when he was in it so at the begining of my dream I was with him and he was showing me his bedroom and showing me how to open the windows, make the bed and stuff like that. I got to spend a lot of time with him and I was very happy then he left for another of his houses so I stayed in his house by myself and opened the windows and closed them , got bored because I didn't have anything else to do so I just waited for him to come back :lmao:

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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  • 3 weeks later...

So I had a weird Mika dream 


Basically Mika had done a concert in Wales and his team damaged some precious rock or something so he took them to court 


But not a normal court some world court that id he won the case they would become they king of freedom (the country ) 


They won and expected Wales to have the title but Andy came over with a lebenese flag and Mika was now the king of freedom

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  • 4 weeks later...

   I had a pretty cool Mika dream last night.


   Me and my Mum were going to see Mika and I kept saying that the concert starts at 7pm and we should leave soon. Mum said we'd be fine and have plenty of time but when I looked at the clock it was already 8.30! We quickly left, driving in a Land Rover Defender (Andy's???). We went up a country lane to a small country house where Mika would be having the concert. We apologised for being late to a member of staff but they said not to worry as Mika had only sang one song so far and we hadn't missed much (I was still very annoyed at being late!).
   The concert was being held in a really small room and it was seated too. The chairs were similar to cinema seats but slightly smaller. Being late me and my Mum at first couldn't sit next to each other but a kind person offered to swap seats so that we could! It meant we had to have seats at the back though, but it wasn't too bad, we could still see Mika ahead of us!
  Mika explained that the concert would be split into 3 parts with breaks in between. Each part an hour long! Throughout the whole event he wore smart black trousers and just a plain white shirt. During the first break everyone left the room, including Mika and his band but I got the chance to apologise to him too for being late, he waved at me and said it was fine. Once everyone was back in the room Mika said this concert would be different from others, it would be a chance to tell a story and have more interaction with the audience. I kept wondering if I was allowed to stand on my seat to see him better, other people weren't even sitting anyway!
   There was another break and I really wanted to speak to Mika while everyone else left the room. I stayed behind and luckily Mika was still in the room too. He was sat near the front and he'd put his glasses on (to me they made him look a little older), he also looked really sad too. I went up to him to say I was really enjoying the concert but he still looked sad so I asked him why. He said he was thinking about his Mum and that the concert was dedicated to her, at this point he stood up and I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to hug him but I ended up putting my arm round him and we did have a proper hug! I told him how lovely it is to keep his Mum's memory alive with the concert, we talked for a little while before people came back into the room, I told him how close I am to my own Mum and that Paloma is our song.
   When everyone was back to their seats (and I did stand on mine) Mika said the next song is for someone who showed him kindness and he began to sing Paloma! Every so often he would look in my direction too :cloud:
Me and my Mum were crying at that (happy tears!) and not long after the concert ended.


And so did my dream!

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I had a weird dream last night... it was the first gig of Mika's new tour, which took place in the UK, in a town called Perugia. :naughty: A seated gig in a small theatre and my place was in the second-to-last row, on the very left side. Seat A-2, which I had expected to be in the front, so I hadn't looked for a better ticket, tho there had been offers on MFC. :doh: Apparently all the other MFCers knew, as they were in the first 3 rows. I had a good view anyway, because the audience area was sloped, but I kept thinking how stupid I was to not get a better ticket and sit with the others instead back there on my own. 😅


I can't remember dreaming much of the gig itself, more of the general atmosphere, and that was more like theatre than like an usual Mika gig. Towards the end of the gig, before the encore, I saw Mika on the stairs next to the stage. And then the dream got really weird... I  suddenly saw a 2nd Mika. And a 3rd one. :blink: It was just a short moment where I saw all 3 at the same time, but I had my camera on, so I had proof. :lmfao: After the show I could see the backstage exit behind the stage from my place, and Mika went there and waved goodbye to the audience and got in the car. I was disappointed he was gone, but then suddenly I saw him meeting fans in the first few rows. So I went there and got a hug and kisses on the cheek from him, but I was distracted by what I had seen and asked him, "do you have a doppelgänger?" and with a coy smile he said "yeah, we're triplets." :lmfao: Funnily this didn't confuse me at all, on the contrary everything just fell into place to me in that moment and made complete sense because it explained so much. :roftl: And I loved that he was finally being honest about it. :lol3: I told him "ok, see you in Dublin!", which was the 2nd gig of the tour, and I was excited to tell my friends about my new discovery - then I woke up and the dream felt so realistic that for a moment I wanted to take my phone to text my friends, until I realized that I was in my bed and not at a venue, and it had been a dream. :lmfao:


I mean, it really would explain a lot, right?! :roftl: :naughty: Like, why he always buys things in sets of 3. Or how he can handle this crazy schedule and seemingly be in 2 places at the same time. :teehee: I remember a few years ago we were joking on MFC about how Mika must have a clone. :lol3: But I'm glad it was just a dream, makes me giggle to think what weird things my (subconscious) mind can come up with. :naughty:


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  Mika appeared at the start of my dream last night but only very briefly!


   I was his dog walker and me and my Mum had taken Mel and Amira on a long walk around a large city. I got a lot of compliments from people saying how beautiful the dogs were! We came to a small square in the city when Mika suddenly came round the corner, I remember he was wearing a flat cap too. He asked how the dogs had been and said he'd take them back home but then he got really curious about what I kept in my jacket pockets! :lmfao:

I had a ball in my pocket that I didn't really want to show him in case the dogs took it! 😅

(but I did show him, it was a purple ball!)


After Mika had left, I went on to dream about witches and football!

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Quite a few Mika dreams recently, I'm here for it! 😁 


   I dreamt last night that I was in Barcelona to see Mika in concert. It started off with me in my hotel room trying to avoid people while I got ready for the concert. I didn't talk to anyone at all before heading out! 
   At the concert I wasn't too far from the stage and had a really good view of Mika. He was dressed all in white with a new white cape too! Secretly I knew a very special moment was coming up, the music for Lollipop started and Mika picked me out from the audience to come up and sing with him! After Lollipop we sang Tiny Love together but a different version where the lyrics were sort of opposites to the original, so for example instead of "And if it all goes bad, and our love sets like the sun" we sang: "Our love will go bad and it will set like the sun." and then "you don't get me high...". It was a bit odd but also kind of beautiful in a weird way, we danced together while we sang too!
   After the concert a lot of people wanted to know how I knew Mika so I took a few fans back to a restaurant to answer questions. Turns out I was a distant cousin of Mika and he wanted to support me in my music career! 😅
   More and more people wanted to ask questions but I managed to sneak out and head back to my hotel room. In the room, Mika had left me a letter and some gifts as a thank you for singing with him. There was even a necklace for my Mum and a new collar for my dog! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of a funny one last night. I had a job as Mika's assistant (:swoon:). We'd just finished a show in a fancy hotel and were tidying up, and I acted as a liaison with the fans, telling them where the next gig was and to come to the side door so I could let them in early.  We then left and I drove ahead with Mika (in his car, he was driving...) to help set up the next gig. Which seemed to be taking place in someone's living room. And not a fancy one, more like a 1960s mid terrace council house. :lol3: Anyway, he was running soundchecks, and signalled that I could let the fans in, as they were causing a lot of noisy distractions outside. :wags_finger: I opened the side door and a stream of fans rushed in, taking up various positions around the house. One girl laid full length across the sofa (the prime viewing spot) and refused to move because she wanted to save seats for her friends. So everyone else just sat on her. :lmfao: :floor:


Kinda woke up at that point. Shame, best job I've ever had! :mf_rosetinted::wub2:

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  • 1 month later...

I dreamt that Mika announced a gig on the same day when it took place, it was in a small venue in a small Italian town in the middle of nowhere. For some reason I managed to go, but I arrived late, the venue was half empty and Mika seemed completely unmotivated. After just a few songs he left the stage and I waited for him to come back but he didn't. So I also missed him outside, because I didn't expect him to leave yet. Still I was glad that I had been able to attend the gig. Weird dream, I didn't even feel sad, just confused about this strange gig-nogig situation. :lmfao: 

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Didn't sleep too well last night but I did have a strange Mika dream though!


   I received a copy of the 2022 MFC yearbook which I was really excited about because it could sync it to my TV! (Don't ask me how, it just did.)

   All I had to do was double tap a picture in the book and either that or a video would appear on my TV screen. The very last page of the book said "Tap for a surprise" with no picture at all, but when I did tap the page a music video appeared on my TV of a newly released single from Mika!

  It was called "Someone Like You" and had an electric melody to it. The music video started off with Mika dressed like an Egyptian pharaoh, he was asleep by an indoor pool when a large Newfoundland puppy came and woke him up. Mika stroked the dog and began to get up. He had a long gold chain around his neck which Mika pulled off and threw in the pool. He began to sing his new song while walking away with the dog by his side.


   I woke up quite suddenly today so I didn't see the rest of the music video! To be honest I can imagine Mika making a video like that! 


Now, to order a copy of the yearbook and start tapping.... :lmfao:

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3 minutes ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

I received a copy of the 2022 MFC yearbook which I was really excited about because it could sync it to my TV!

I don't think that sounds too impossible. It'll probably be a normal thing by the 50th MFC anniversary yearbook :D

All of this is so specific but I could see him making that videos as well!

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18 minutes ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

Didn't sleep too well last night but I did have a strange Mika dream though!


   I received a copy of the 2022 MFC yearbook which I was really excited about because it could sync it to my TV! (Don't ask me how, it just did.)

   All I had to do was double tap a picture in the book and either that or a video would appear on my TV screen. The very last page of the book said "Tap for a surprise" with no picture at all, but when I did tap the page a music video appeared on my TV of a newly released single from Mika!

  It was called "Someone Like You" and had an electric melody to it. The music video started off with Mika dressed like an Egyptian pharaoh, he was asleep by an indoor pool when a large Newfoundland puppy came and woke him up. Mika stroked the dog and began to get up. He had a long gold chain around his neck which Mika pulled off and threw in the pool. He began to sing his new song while walking away with the dog by his side.


   I woke up quite suddenly today so I didn't see the rest of the music video! To be honest I can imagine Mika making a video like that! 


Now, to order a copy of the yearbook and start tapping.... :lmfao:


This sounds very like it could be a Mika music video in some way. A pharaoh? Why not, timeless fashion! The Newfoundland puppy? It’s because he’s a tall man so it actually looks like a normal sized puppy! The gold chain in the pool? Rebelling against capitalism! 

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Just randomly I found this video on youtube from 2010 where Mika describes in detail a dream he had, that his front tooth kept growing - so instead of our weird dreams of Mika, here you can listen to Mika's weird dream for a change. :teehee: (starting ca. 2:12)




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42 minutes ago, mellody said:

Just randomly I found this video on youtube from 2010 where Mika describes in detail a dream he had, that his front tooth kept growing - so instead of our weird dreams of Mika, here you can listen to Mika's weird dream for a change. :teehee: (starting ca. 2:12)




This actually happens to rabbits FYI.


And yes… HOW did he get a bit of sheet stuck between his front teeth :lol3:

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Haha thank you!! "HOW did you make that mistake twice? Stupid!"


All of the intros to Toy Boy from 2010 were a fever dream. My favourite is the one where he calls a girl a nasty bitch (for insulting the puppet) and replies to a guy's marriage proposal all in the span of 2min.

If he wants to keep his promise of only getting weirder with age, he has his work cut out for him!


Edited by CharlotteL
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Had a short Mika dream last night but a good one!


   I was sat in a small room with quite a few other people too. Mika was stood at the front giving a talk to us all, he said he would like to introduce his new PA and invited me up to stand next to him! I was so excited to be working with him! He told the audience a little bit about me and what I would be doing and then asked me what am I most looking forward to in my new job. Probably a bit cheesy but I replied "spending time with you!" :biggrin2:  

He didn't seem to mind and gave me a hug! :wub2:  

   He then announced a title of a new single from his album, a song called 'Fruits'. I remember too he was wearing a very smart green suit. 


Short and sweet dream but lovely!

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Today I woke up and I had the feeling that I dreamed something, but I didn't remember it. A few minutes ago what I dreamed came to mind and it was this: 

Here in Mexico there is an application for chatting and as a means of communication, it is called WhatsApp, I suppose it is like Skype in the US, so in WhatsApp there is already a new option for artists, singers or celebrities to create a chat group with the fans! and Mika made a group, he published his things and news and then Mika greeted everyone through the chat, and said "greetings to Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Argentina" and I was excited.

That was what I dreamed of, and it was beautiful ♡ 

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Today I dreamed about Mika, this dream was moving and full of emotions

I dreamed that Mika was 47 years old, but apparently that was not the case, since he looked about 50 or 60, he was full of gray hair and dressed elegantly as before, he continued giving concerts but was already going to retire completely, I saw that Mika He was on stage singing but that would be his last show, and I asked to take a photo with him and he accepted. After Mika finished singing, and there was a big TV like a cinema, on which Mika put a video clip on that screen, edited with moments and memories in each of his concerts throughout his career, as the videos went on. The years went back until they reached the last video where Mika performed a concert at the Parc de Princes in 2007, I was crying because of the nostalgia and the memories. 

Mika watched the video and you could see that he was proud of what he had achieved, but at the same time he was sad and I watched it and I really felt a lot of emotions because his last concert he was going to give was the first concert I went to. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

I dreamt last night that Mika did a gig in Munich (my hometown) and I missed it because I had been following him for a few days already and for some reason I thought the Munich gig would be a day later, although on the tourdates list it said the 30th but I thought it would be on the 31st. :doh: So I returned home (which actually was the home where I lived as a teenager, that house doesn't exist anymore) and went to bed, and only then I realized the gig was that evening and I hurried to get there. For some weird reason no one even mentioned the gig online, so I assumed none of my friends were there either, in fact none of the fans that Mika knows, so I just knew he would be disappointed and in a bad mood and certainly not planning to come back to Munich again. :crybaby: Anyway I woke up when I arrived at the venue, so I don't even know if I still was in time before the gig was finished. :rolleyes:


Who knows, maybe there really wasn't a gig in my dream after all but I just dreamt in my dream that there would be?! :lmfao: :insane:

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   I dreamt last night that I got to see a Mika concert for free!


   It started off with someone showing me around a small concert venue before anyone else went in. There were two seated places left and I could look first to see if I wanted them. However the seats had really bad visibility of the stage so I said I'd leave it and didn't take them. When I was looking at the stage though I noticed an air vent right above it, I had this idea of finding where the air vent started so I could crawl through and see Mika without paying!

  There were some small shops behind the venue and I went round to one of them to work out where the air vent connects to the venue. I eventually found it at the top of a staircase and crawled all the way through! The concert had already started and I was quite happy watching Mika down below, when suddenly I fell through the metal hatch! I fell right next to Mika on the stage (he could have caught me!), he found it hilarious that I'd been hiding up there all along and said I could sit near the stage instead. He reminded me a little bit of Elvis in the dream, Mika was wearing a white suit with a short cape attached and his hair was cut rather short too. 

   It wasn't long though until someone said that guards were coming to check that everyone had a ticket. Mika told me I had to leave and helped me back into the air vent. I crawled back down and went back to the shops and hid amongst other people, luckily the guards never found me! 😁

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I had another Mika dream last night... in that dream, MFC was a real place, maybe a bit like a youth club where you can just go and hang out whenever you feel like it. MFCers kept coming and going, and occasionally Mika showed up, I also remember seeing Andy at some point, and a few of Mika's team. I don't remember a lot of details, except for one specific situation where I was sitting on a bench, reading a book, and Mika came, laid down on the bench, smiled at me and put his feet (without shoes) on my lap. He was wearing soft fluffy socks and that made me smile. In my dream that was a gesture of "I'd like to hang out with you, asking for your attention whenever you're ready". If he had put his head on my side, it'd have been like "I want your attention now!". Dunno why he couldn't just sit next to me in that dream, but well, I liked the fluffy socks, lol! :lol3: Then a few Italian fans came and wanted to ask Mika something about their homework, but he declined politely, so they left - and I admired his calm and confident way of saying no to something he didn't want to do. And at the same time I wondered if I could have helped them because they looked a bit disappointed, but then decided that my Italian wasn't good enough. Mika sat next to me then and we talked about these and other things. I think the dream must've been quite long but this is the only part I remember clearly. Anyway, these are my favourite dreams, when Mika just comes over and shows me that he wants to spend time with me. :wub2:

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I keep dreaming that Mika is having a concert at my house. I think it’s a recurring dream where he has an entire US tour just in my home.


The problem is that having people crowding in my house ends up being pure chaos every time.


It always ends up being so overwhelming and confusing that I never even get to watch Mika perform or meet him at any point in the dream, because I’m running around trying to keep order.


Of course it is hilarious and ridiculous when I wake up, but I’m always very stressed in the dream as it’s happening.


I think the “stage” is the kitchen, which ends up being even more ridiculous than the rest of the dream, as there is definitely no room for a concert in there.

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