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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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I dreamt last night that Mika posted some video where he talked about his tour plans, and he mentioned Germany, saying something like "I KNOW that it exists!", with a wink, as if to say "I know exactly that you're always joking about this, lol!" :roftl: He said some more in that dream video (no actual tourdates tho), but that was the only bit I remembered when I woke up. :teehee:

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17 minutes ago, mellody said:

I dreamt last night that Mika posted some video where he talked about his tour plans, and he mentioned Germany, saying something like "I KNOW that it exists!", with a wink, as if to say "I know exactly that you're always joking about this, lol!" :roftl: He said some more in that dream video (no actual tourdates tho), but that was the only bit I remembered when I woke up. :teehee:

Sorry this is the wrong thread for that, you just saw the future :teehee: :naughty:

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8 minutes ago, Lulul said:

Sorry this is the wrong thread for that, you just saw the future :teehee: :naughty:


Oh, do we have a "if you could look into the future, would ya?" thread? :roftl: The tour plans video might be something he'll do - but mentioning "Germany" in combination with "tour"... he kinda did that in the one interview where he talked about wanting to do a Philharmonic tour from Berlin to Tokyo, but that was the first time this happened in 7 years, so I expect having to wait another 7 (at least) til it happens again. :mf_rosetinted: :naughty:

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25 minutes ago, mellody said:


Oh, do we have a "if you could look into the future, would ya?" thread? :roftl: The tour plans video might be something he'll do - but mentioning "Germany" in combination with "tour"... he kinda did that in the one interview where he talked about wanting to do a Philharmonic tour from Berlin to Tokyo, but that was the first time this happened in 7 years, so I expect having to wait another 7 (at least) til it happens again. :mf_rosetinted: :naughty:

Haha I hope we do :lol3:

You must have been really excited, the feeling you get when he mentions your country is amazing. At least he used the word tour with yours, he only mentioned mine once, more than ten years ago.

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1 minute ago, Lulul said:

Haha I hope we do :lol3:

You must have been really excited, the feeling you get when he mentions your country is amazing. At least he used the word tour with yours, he only mentioned mine once, more than ten years ago.


Well, no, I won't get my hopes up, he also said that a symphonic tour would be a logistical nightmare... but luckily I can travel easily to France and Italy, and I can be sure those are included in every European tour. :lol: I'm glad I don't live in one of the countries where he never comes to, but on the other hand it feels extra bad that he doesn't come here anymore, it's sometimes harder to lose something you had than if you never had it. Up until 2012 Germany was included in his European tours, and he always seemed to enjoy it, too. Well, who knows... maybe he was just hiding behind his record label / management, as he said, which he doesn't want to do anymore... so, we'll see. :dunno_grin:

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36 minutes ago, mellody said:

Well, no, I won't get my hopes up, he also said that a symphonic tour would be a logistical nightmare...

I remember thinking "are you sure about that?" when he said he wanted to do the symphonic tour, it would be a worthwhile nightmare tho.


36 minutes ago, mellody said:

I'm glad I don't live in one of the countries where he never comes to, but on the other hand it feels extra bad that he doesn't come here anymore, it's sometimes harder to lose something you had than if you never had it.

Of course he can't go to every country, but if you think about it is pretty obvious where he's going to do the next concerts. I hope I'm wrong, as you said he's more independent now.

Edited by Lulul
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Hello everyone, I'm a big fan of mika and you can call me lollipop girl :lg: I know you speak English so to make this more to your liking I'll use Google translate to tell you my dream in English


     (I hope it translates well👍🏻:wink2:


I dreamed that I was walking in a park or shopping center and I was looking for a perfume that I wanted, but the man who sold it no longer had it since he had sold his last perfume to MIKA!! then mika came up to me and gave me her perfume which i wanted and we both sat on a bench to talk and that's not all, i asked for his phone number but he didn't want to give me his cell phone number so why I had his phone number, I asked mika to take photos of me on his cell phone of mika and he did, then I asked him to send me the photos he took of me, and it would be no other way than WhatsApp! ! So I already had his phone number 📞, a perfume and that's not all :das: ajajajajs, after a long talk he offered to take pictures together!!! And I took advantage jajahaha, and the very cheeky one of me, I sat on his legs of MIKA, :teehee: he did not get uncomfortable or anything and I was all greedy not to please myself with a perfume, with a chat with him, his phone number, photos with mika and even sit on his legs ..... I gave him a kiss on the cheek! Jajahaja :teehee: he didn't say anything to me for doing that either, then I woke up and tried to go back to the dream with MIKA but I couldn't anymore.


(without a doubt it has been one of my best dreams with mika, because yes, I have many more dreams with him, and I have them written down in a notebook with a date!!)  :mikadas:

That's all, I hope my translation was good in Google translator jsjajaja bye .... ♥︎

Edited by KAMI_83
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Some nights ago I had this veeery weird dream..

I was with him in Miami - don't ask me why, we were very close friends even if I was of course in love with him, knowing I would never have been corrisponded :teehee: - and we decided to go to the beach, but we had to pay a veeery expensive access ticket. So he paid for his ticket and I got a bit disappointed he didn't offer to pay for mine... but then he made me sit on his lap and kissed me on my cheeks and I was fully in peace with the world again.  What a woman of solid principles :floor:

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Unfortunately, I very rarely dream about Mika, or at least I can't remember it in the morning. :crybaby:


The last year I've dreamt about him maybe 3 to 5 times, one of which I can still remember, and that was the concert where he had a lot of opening acts and I woke up before he was on. :facepalm: But it was still a very good dream overall and I had a lot of fun with the people who were there (I wrote about that dream here in the thread). :original:


From that point of view, I started better this year. I dreamt about Mika last week. :yes:


There was a kind of meeting in a room with Mika before his concert and I talked to him for a while, it was very nice. :original:

But I can only remember the end of the conversation. He somehow wanted to explain how best to cut hair (or something like that :lol3:). He then took a few hairs in his fingertips and then he notices that these hairs are grey (but not at the base, there they were brown/black, only at the end they were grey, yes very logical, the grey also looked kind of coloured, however :blink:  :lol3:). He didn't like having grey hair at all. His facial expression clearly said he didn't like the grey hair. And I was like: "That's normal with aging." And he: "Is it?" And he forced himself to smile when he said that, but looked very friendly. :lol3:


Then he gave a short speech (don't remember exactly what he said). And he had payed everyone an orange shot (yes, with alcohol) and they were on the counter and you could take them. There were also some toddlers in the room and they also took the shots and drank them. And I: Can't the parents look after their children? :blink: A parent then took his child by the hand (was maybe about three) and the child could then walk normally as if he had not drunk any alcohol at all (don't even know if the parent had seen that he had drunk the shot). :blink:


I then went to the coat hooks that were on the wall, I don't remember what I wanted there because I think I already had the jacket on. Then I turned around and there was not a soul there. How had they left so quickly? :blink: I then walked through the building alone and I think I found the stage quite quickly (it was outside the building).


I am now sitting next to a friend (I don't think she even knows who Mika is in real life :lol3:). All of a sudden she stood up and so did many others. They started filming. But that was much too early? What was going on? Mika would not come for a long time yet. I reacted too slowly and all of a sudden there was like a garage door coming down between my friend and me (she was still in the concert space, me outside). And I: "Why? What's the point? I paid for the ticket, I want to see the concert. I still have a while to get in, because the concert won't start for a while, but it really didn't have to happen." :rolleyes: End! :biggrin2:

I woke up before the concert started, but I could talk to him before the concert. :fangurl:

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Okay so had a. Dream last night that Mika had an interview I however it was at like 5am (I had just woke up at 5 so yeah )  in the morning so had woken up for it but will still quite tired 

it was a singer interview and wasn’t in English however one of the guests didn’t know the language and kept looking at Mika to translate for him. I don’t remember any of the questions and within the dream feel asleep before Mika Sanger but when I woke up in the morning I couldn’t find the interview again even after checking here and Twitter   but did find that he’d sung a new song called clouds 

one of the other singers had a song called ice cream and I was trying to find out if he’d covered Mika or not 

I think I also remember finding a photo shoot linked to the interview which was Mika sitting on a throne 

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Seems like it's been a week of Mika fans having Mika dreams and it was my turn last night! :biggrin2:


   I dreamt that it was a really hot summer's day and I decided to take a walk to a large park. In my dream the park was beautiful, very large and well maintained. I went to relax and lay down under a tree. Some more people were coming by, sitting down and having picnics. I heard Mika's name mentioned by someone and immediately sat up. I listened in on a conversation where someone said Mika was coming to the park very soon.

   I didn't think I was dressed appropriately to meet Mika, I was just in a t-shirt and shorts, so I got up to go back home and change but a lady at the park gate wouldn't let me out. She said Mika was coming very soon and his security team were guarding the perimeter. Mika then came through the gate with bodyguards! He nodded to me with a smile when he saw me and then walked by towards a large stage that was set up in the park.

   I went down to the stage where a crowd was gathering, a few seats were out for people too. A young girl asked me if I was going to Mika's gig in France, I said I'd have to save up for it first. I didn't have time to sit down before Mika came on stage. He saw me straight away and asked me to join him! We just stood there on stage talking about his upcoming concerts together. He also asked if I was coming to France, again I said only if I could afford it. Mika said money was no worry because he would pay for me! We then sang Grace Kelly together partly in French. He left straight after that and I went to talk to other Mika fans in the park :biggrin2:

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And... here's another one! My first Mika dream ever, that I can recall anyhow.


It wasn't much, just a simple performance that he was putting on at a small local venue with wooden floorboards and a baby grand on a thrust stage surrounded by velvet folding seats on three sides. I think it was literally just him and a pianist on the stage, and the audience wasn't that full yet, which leads me to think that I was there super early (or maybe it was a rehearsal?).


My vantage point kept changing, but toward the end of the dream, he hopped off the stage into the front row where I was (I think he'd stashed a green jacket or some such personal item away in one of the seats down the row from me). We exchanged a few words, but the main thing I remember was how warm and unassuming he was. I was determined not to fangirl all over him, and in the end, it was easy to just say hi and listen.


I have celebrity dreams every now and then, and most of the time, they end up in the same place - the recollection of "Oh, they're just people after all." Even if they're really good at playing up their strengths and talents for the whole world, with the help of many unseen people. Including us! :groupwave:

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I had Mika one of my dreams a few nights ago, From what I remember I was in a cafe drinking coffee and he was at a table next to me, so I went to talk to him I was pretending i didn't know who he was so it could just be a normal conversation.


then my younger brother woke me up.


I could of had a full blown conversation with the imaginary Mika in my head :(

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On 1/20/2022 at 8:51 AM, TinyLove_CJ said:

We then sang Grace Kelly together partly in French.


Hmm, maybe you were having a premonition of his tweets/insta posts today? I like that you were singing Grace Kelly in French, although I don't know how well the chorus translates (although I have tried, lol). Does Mika even sing it in French anymore?


Anywho, that's my random thought for a Friday... g'night y'all, and sweet Mika dreams to you!



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14 hours ago, Aki Celeste said:

Hmm, maybe you were having a premonition of his tweets/insta posts today?

I do believe in clairvoyance and premonitions so maybe on a subconscious level my brain was in sync with Mika ??? 🤔


It is strange though because I don't speak French! 🤣

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I wasn't going to post this but somehow I still remember it nearly 15 hours later so I feel the need to now 


Basically Mika was at a hotel and was in the hall way where you could buy flowers from this hotel and this lady with her kid (kid wasn't relevant but I remember him there) came over to get some flowers and Mika told her that these flowers were rubbish and not worth the money and she said "Oh Your girlfriend not happy with you then" and Mika just went "Well they weren't right for my lover or something,( Its the my lover but I remember vividly)  and She imminently understood and started using he/Him pronouns, I think they started chatting about their respective Partners until Mika had to leave cause someone was ill 


I think I was the receptionist or something and just being nosy or maybe I was the mum but It more felt like I was on looking 

Wonder if I'll have any Mika dreams tonight

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I just woke up and in my dream I had a Mika dream that I was watching TV at midnight at my grand parents and that Mika was on a few minutes in a very short episode of a christmas/new year serie that was on every night at midnight and he was dressed in very dressy glittery clothes and not singing but acting. He looked so freaking beautiful like a prince :fangurl: :swoon: I was very amazed because I hadn't read anything about that program on MFC.
Then I woke up and I wanted to write my dream on MFC but I was only dreaming I had woken up lmao because I just woke up for real now :lmfao:
Last night I looked at my photo when I'm hugging Mika, I think that is why I got this beautiful Mika dream:wub2: Actually I remember it was on in February although it had obviously meant as a Christmas New Year show and I remember laughing telling myself it was on in February because Mika's always late :lmfao:

Edited by crazyaboutmika
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So on a technicality idk if it counts as a Mika dream or a Max dream but posting anyway 


Basically I found out he had a sister called Alice and that. She could sing so I told her she should go on the voice but then it was mikas birthday so she went to give him a gift and just ended up telling him she was going to audition (idk if mika was a judge ) so instead mika thought it would be good to bring her in to sing at a concert and surprise Max because he didn’t know she could sing and basically the dream ended with her and Max talking



(there was  another name but I forgot it, her name changed half way though in my dream, I think she also went from cousin to sister)


idk if Max has any siblings 

I know the voice stems was cause I’ve been going though and watching old episodes recently 

And I guess I’m giving Max a sibling cause Mika doesn’t need more haha 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a short Mika dream last night.


   Me and a bunch of other Mika fans were doing an indoor obstacle course. We'd been told at the start that once we complete the course there will be something special at the end. I don't really remember any of the actual obstacles apart from near the end I came to a long dark tunnel, I could just make out a small light at the end. I got through the tunnel with a few other people, it came out into a small enclosed courtyard with beautiful flowers growing along the walls. On the left side, a laptop had been placed on a stone pedestal. I went over and saw that a video was ready to play.

   I pressed play and the other people gathered round. It was a short video from Mika saying he hoped we enjoyed the obstacle course and that he would sing a new song. But the video ended there. No one realised though that Mika had crept up behind us from a hidden door! When me and the other fans did realise we were so excited! Mika looked gorgeous in my dream. He wore a pale pink suit but had no shoes on, I could also tell that he had nothing under the jacket! :teehee:  His hair was curly and he looked tanned, practically glowing! Everyone got the chance to talk to him and hug him too. But I woke up before the dream went any further! So no new song :(

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24 minutes ago, TinyLove_CJ said:

Had a short Mika dream last night.


   Me and a bunch of other Mika fans were doing an indoor obstacle course. We'd been told at the start that once we complete the course there will be something special at the end. I don't really remember any of the actual obstacles apart from near the end I came to a long dark tunnel, I could just make out a small light at the end. I got through the tunnel with a few other people, it came out into a small enclosed courtyard with beautiful flowers growing along the walls. On the left side, a laptop had been placed on a stone pedestal. I went over and saw that a video was ready to play.

   I pressed play and the other people gathered round. It was a short video from Mika saying he hoped we enjoyed the obstacle course and that he would sing a new song. But the video ended there. No one realised though that Mika had crept up behind us from a hidden door! When me and the other fans did realise we were so excited! Mika looked gorgeous in my dream. He wore a pale pink suit but had no shoes on, I could also tell that he had nothing under the jacket! :teehee:  His hair was curly and he looked tanned, practically glowing! Everyone got the chance to talk to him and hug him too. But I woke up before the dream went any further! So no new song :(

No new song but hugging Mika is lovely :cloud:

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34 minutes ago, crazyaboutmika said:

No new song but hugging Mika is lovely :cloud:


It really would be a dream come true if I could hug Mika one day, hopefully after the London gig there might be small chance of meeting him!

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So didn’t directly have a mika dream but he was involved so I’ll put that bit

so while I was on a train I saw that he was on a 4h podcast (I think he was on for 2 hours ) and on the podcast he talked about new music and then his mother  but was saying when he was young he didn’t think she loved him however realised later when He had to go hospital she did.


i woke up after so that was all I remember 


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22 hours ago, TinyLove_CJ said:


It really would be a dream come true if I could hug Mika one day, hopefully after the London gig there might be small chance of meeting him!

I'm afraid many fans will want to but there still might be a chance you never know :crossed:

After Bercy in 2016 I was about to talk with him and hand him my book because he was right in front of me and if silly people had not jumped on him forcing him to get right back into his car I would have but I had to wait until la cigale three years later to be able to give him my book finally so I broke into happy tears once it was in his hand :crybaby:

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On 2/20/2022 at 7:07 PM, TinyLove_CJ said:


It really would be a dream come true if I could hug Mika one day, hopefully after the London gig there might be small chance of meeting him!

It would be a dream if I wouldn’t hide behind someone as a first reaction :facepalm: although I don’t really have to, I am so short he could easily oversee me :biggrin2:

But all kidding aside, I do hope it will come true for you one day!! You just have to be patient and very lucky to be at the right place at the right time ☺️

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3 hours ago, crazyaboutmika said:

After Bercy in 2016 I was about to talk with him and hand him my book because he was right in front of me and if silly people had not jumped on him forcing him to get right back into his car I would have but I had to wait until la cigale three years later to be able to give him my book finally so I broke into happy tears once it was in his hand :crybaby:

Such patience!! And it was rewarded! So happy for you it did come true in the end :thumb_yello:

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