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Rest in peace, Dark Angel ....


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I have only talked to Angelique a bit, not very close to her - but she is quite impressive to me, her sweetness and else... I wish I have talked to her more...


Every minute I was thinking about her, it is really too young for her to die...

Every time I think of her my heart's heavy, sunk deep


R.I.P Angelique - you will surely be missed.

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Just back from out of town, and read this. How unbelievably sad.


I always hoped that DA would get some real life help for her many problems --

no one should have to deal with all that

she did on her own. My sympathy to her family and friends, especially

those of you here who were closest to her.

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I hadn't the strenght to post anything about Angelique till now...it's so sad to lose someone you know...even more if young and full of life like her.

She deserved to live and getting old and live serene and happy...but life isn't always fair.

I knew her, I've met her in London and she was shy and impulsive at the same time...I always thought about her as a volcano..but behind that behaviour I think that she only nedeed love and comprehension from people.

I know she was sick, I know she had problems but she had the tendency to don't care too much about her epilepsy (maybe only cause she wanted to feel "normal" and I'm so so sorry it endend in the worse way ever.

RIP Angelique, I will miss your messages on FB, your pictures and your cheeky sense of humor!

Hope you're in peace now, hope you're serene now.

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I hadn't the strenght to post anything about Angelique till now...it's so sad to lose someone you know...even more if young and full of life like her.

She deserved to live and getting old and live serene and happy...but life isn't always fair.

I knew her, I've met her in London and she was shy and impulsive at the same time...I always thought about her as a volcano..but behind that behaviour I think that she only nedeed love and comprehension from people.

I know she was sick, I know she had problems but she had the tendency to don't care too much about her epilepsy (maybe only cause she wanted to feel "normal" and I'm so so sorry it endend in the worse way ever.

RIP Angelique, I will miss your messages on FB, your pictures and your cheeky sense of humor!

Hope you're in peace now, hope you're serene now.



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OMG! I still can't belive it. :sad:::no:

she was one of the first people I've talked to here in MFC, and, although we weren't that close, I know her contribution to MFC has been absolutely important. Related to Mika and all of us.

I will miss her! a lot.... :tears:


I just hope wherever she is, she's in peace and surrounded by angels...:huglove:

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When Lucy told me that a big fan of Mika has died, I didn't recognize her at first. But my world shook when I knew it was the lovely Dark Angel...:tears:


She had something that made her unique. I remember chatting with her in a very funny place (in both senses) called the Knitting Thread. She was the queen of the thread, with her incredible sense of humor. She won our hearts with their original jokes, her bravery (I didn't get to know her, but I would have been careful if she were that fierce in real life! haha), and that feeling she gave to us that we were sharing something. That she always read us, that she learned of us, like we learned of her. She was a precious woman, someone that Mika wouldn't be able to take his eyes off. The last year I lost contact, so I didn't know anything about her until today. Excuse my mistakes but I can't express myself well in english in times like this...I'm like, 16 thousand miles away but she felt really close here. It's hard to even think about it.

It's not just a saying. I will never forget her. Rest in peace, Dark. Mika and us will continue singing for you. :wink2:

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This is such a shock. I can't believe that she's gone. I've been in tears since I found out.



Rest in peace sweet Angelique. I'll miss you so much. :tears:





I will miss you, Angelique.


Sweet dreams forever


Even though I've read the whole thread, this post made me really teary... :tears:


I've been reading this thread and for those who want to leave a few words on her fb wall, please do.

She was one of a kind and we'll never forget our sweet Angel :wub2:




I know I shouldn't have been surprised, but it shocked me when I saw how many people wrote on her wall. I hope she knows how loved she was.

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I was just looking at her FB page again today ... and left her wall page and looked at the info bit ... I don't know why ... when I scrolled down I saw her activities are Sleeping and Sleep .... It completely made me cry ... I hope she's sleeping well now ... god bless her ... :huglove:

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