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MIKA to be Judge on XFactor 7 #XF7 Italia 2013


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X Factor 2013, Simona Ventura entusiasta di Mika


Simona Ventura è entusiasta di X Factor 2013 e di Mika, il nuovo acquisto della squadra che ha conquistato tutti in un batter d’occhio. La settima edizione del talent show canoro sta andando a gonfie vele e lei, l’unica donna del gruppo, non potrebbe esserne più soddisfatta. Non solo, la conduttrice non ha paura di dire che per lei si tratta del programma più bello d’Italia.


Ha solo parole entusiastiche Simona Ventura per descrivere l’attuale esperienza con X Factor 7. Intervistata ai microfoni di TV Sorrisi e Canzoni, la conduttrice spende parole più che positive per quest’annata brillante e ricca di novità. A partire dal quarto giudice, la popstar britannica Mika, che ha sostituito Arisa e portato una ventata di simpatia ed eleganza nella trasmissione. Il ragazzo inglese ha davvero conquistato tutti, sia il pubblico che gli addetti ai lavori, facendo breccia grazie alla sua classe, all’intelligenza, ai modi garbati e all’indiscusso talento. La Ventura non è da meno e anche lei è palesemente rimasta vittima dell’incantesimo di Mika:

‘Sono tutti pazzi di lui. È dolce, ironico, acuto. Ed è gentilissimo, arriva sempre con un regalo. Sa che mi piacciono le cose di Smythson, una famosa linea di pelletteria inglese che da noi non c’è. Io in cambio gli ho fatto scoprire l’amarone, perché va matto per il vino rosso.’


Un inserimento riuscitissimo, che rappresenta la ciliegina sulla torta per un talent show di altissimo livello. Simona si sbilancia senza problemi, ritenendolo il miglior prodotto televisivo in circolazione e benedicendo il passaggio dalla Rai a Sky, sia per la trasmissione che per se stessa:

‘Sulla Rai bisognava pensare a un pubblico molto più ampio, fare contenti tutti, scegliere sempre canzoni popolari. Passare a Sky è stata la scelta migliore che potessi fare. Mi ha cambiato la vita, prima il lavoro impegnava gran parte del mio tempo, ora posso divertirmi con la tv senza perdere un momento della vita dei miei figli.’

La Ventura ha ricevuto in custodia i gruppi vocali quest’anno e non stanno mancando le critiche per le scelte finali che ha fatto. Tuttavia, Simona non si pente di niente e difende a spada tratta i propri pargoli, anche se poi con loro si cala nella parte della maestrina dalla penna rossa. Perché di questi tempi è importante far capire ai ragazzi che bisogna farsi largo nella vita a suon di lavoro e fatica, nulla giunge per caso e per arrivare in alto bisogna sudare. Sul paragone tra i Freeboys e gli One Direction, l’opinione della torinese è molto chiara:

‘Prima di tutto ho conosciuto gli One Direction e sono dei grandissimi artisti. Avercene. E sui Freeboys sto lavorando molto, li porterò lontanissimo dal mondo delle boyband e da tutto ciò che la gente si aspetta da loro.’

Di certo il gruppo sta facendo molto parlare di sè, chissà se saranno proprio questi fanciulli a regalare alla Ventura la sua seconda vittoria nella storia di X Factor.


So should we expect Simona Ventura around here soon? :naughty:

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Same here :aah:


It's just advertising and spam, it's not because you really need this Player. And I didn't get it because I use Adblock Addon in Firefox. And I really recommend you to install this Addon (I think there is a Chrome version as well), than you nearly don't have a problem with this kind of advertising any more (not only on this site, anywhere :wink2:). And please never install anything from this kind of sites, for your own safety :wink2:

Edited by DerMoment1608
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the video links work for me.



X Factor, eliminati i Freeboys della squadra di Simona




<iframe width="400" height="228" src="http://player.sky.it/external/news/50/176537" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

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Has this video of Sky-NEWS interview been posted before ???




X Factor, Mika ospite della settimana a FAD




<iframe width="400" height="228" src="http://player.sky.it/external/news/50/175108" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

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Has this video of Sky-NEWS interview been posted before ???




X Factor, Mika ospite della settimana a FAD




<iframe width="400" height="228" src="http://player.sky.it/external/news/50/175108" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>


Not that I know of... Thanks! It worked for me:huglove:

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'S A N D W I C H E S'



Back stage

seconda puntata X Factor




sorry, I can't record the sounds... hope anybody will record or download the video.... :blush-anim-cl:



When asked what's in the box,

MIKA says he is bringing a sandwich to SIMONA VENTURA.

He asks those near him how to say 'sandwich' in italian and

they say 'sandwiches' and MIKA repeats 'sandwiches' ! > > >



Edited by A. Clay
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Has this video of Sky-NEWS interview been posted before ???



X Factor, Mika ospite della settimana a FAD




<iframe width="400" height="228" src="http://player.sky.it/external/news/50/175108" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>


So this is interesting, because Mika doesn't just talk about X Factor.


A little after the 3:00 mark the interviewer asks him about working with Morgan, and he confirms that they have worked together on one song. He says that at first he didn't know what the experience would be like, but two weeks ago when he went to the studio he saw a completely different Morgan, playing the guitar and the piano, etc. Then she asks if he's preparing a tour and a new album, and he says yes, he's working on an album and he wants to have it done before next summer. :yay: He says he started it a month ago, and he's happy. He adds that he's a bit busy, clearly, but he's happy, and he's stimulated, and that's very important.


I know I shouldn't get excited, because who knows really how long the album will take, but still, it's nice to hear him talking about it in such definite terms. :thumb_yello:

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A SHORT video via Radio DeeJay


X Factor, il secondo live : In 3 minuti tutto il meglio della seconda puntata




E’ stato un commovente tributo a Lou Reed ad aprire la seconda puntata del live show. La gara ha visto l’esclusione dei Freeboys che perdono la sfida con Fabio.

Al termine della prima manche il meno votato dal pubblico è stato Fabio, che si è esibito con Basket Case dei Green Day.


Dopo l’esibizione di Ellie Goulding con “Burn”, è stato rivelato il vincitore del ripescaggio (Enel Green Card): è Roberta Pompa, categoria under donne di Mika. Gli altri sfidanti infatti, MrRain e Osso, hanno deciso di abbandonare la gara perché non si sentivano pronti per il palco di XF. Roberta ha quindi potuto esibirsi nella seconda manche. I meno votati della seconda manche sono stati i Freeboys, che si sono esibiti con “Let me entertain you” di Robbie Williams.

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So this is interesting, because Mika doesn't just talk about X Factor.


A little after the 3:00 mark the interviewer asks him about working with Morgan, and he confirms that they have worked together on one song. He says that at first he didn't know what the experience would be like, but two weeks ago when he went to the studio he saw a completely different Morgan, playing the guitar and the piano, etc. Then she asks if he's preparing a tour and a new album, and he says yes, he's working on an album and he wants to have it done before next summer. :yay: He says he started it a month ago, and he's happy. He adds that he's a bit busy, clearly, but he's happy, and he's stimulated, and that's very important.


I know I shouldn't get excited, because who knows really how long the album will take, but still, it's nice to hear him talking about it in such definite terms. :thumb_yello:


Good news!!!!! :thumb_yello: I don't even care when the album is done, he talks about new music and feels happy and stimulated :wub2:


Thanks for the videos, Eriko! :flowers2:

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Then she asks if he's preparing a tour and a new album, and he says yes, he's working on an album and he wants to have it done before next summer.


I hope it goes better than the time when he was working on TOOL, he kept postponing it... maybe because he has just started performing again and the pressure was too much.

SO EXCITED!!! :excite:

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So this is interesting, because Mika doesn't just talk about X Factor.


A little after the 3:00 mark the interviewer asks him about working with Morgan, and he confirms that they have worked together on one song. He says that at first he didn't know what the experience would be like, but two weeks ago when he went to the studio he saw a completely different Morgan, playing the guitar and the piano, etc. Then she asks if he's preparing a tour and a new album, and he says yes, he's working on an album and he wants to have it done before next summer. :yay: He says he started it a month ago, and he's happy. He adds that he's a bit busy, clearly, but he's happy, and he's stimulated, and that's very important.


I know I shouldn't get excited, because who knows really how long the album will take, but still, it's nice to hear him talking about it in such definite terms. :thumb_yello:


:thumb_yello: Thanks a lot for sharing this!! :blush-anim-cl: MIKA is happy, he's stimulated - and he works with the 4th alb.!! :teehee: What more can we demand?! We'll surely have it in time, within his usual 3 years interval - in spite of the fact that he's extremely busy :aah: This really "makes me happy" :fisch:




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So this is interesting, because Mika doesn't just talk about X Factor.


A little after the 3:00 mark the interviewer asks him about working with Morgan, and he confirms that they have worked together on one song. He says that at first he didn't know what the experience would be like, but two weeks ago when he went to the studio he saw a completely different Morgan, playing the guitar and the piano, etc. Then she asks if he's preparing a tour and a new album, and he says yes, he's working on an album and he wants to have it done before next summer. :yay: He says he started it a month ago, and he's happy. He adds that he's a bit busy, clearly, but he's happy, and he's stimulated, and that's very important.


I know I shouldn't get excited, because who knows really how long the album will take, but still, it's nice to hear him talking about it in such definite terms. :thumb_yello:


I haven't even watched the interview yet, but after reading your post I just wanted to express how happy I am, especially because he says he is 'stimulated', and that's exactly what I had hoped this Italian experience would be for him: not only remunerative or successful, but mainly stimulating; both on a personal and human level and both on an artistic level: and these two aspects in Mika's songwriting are anyway strictly linked. So I'm very happy :)

Ps: if he really makes this song with Morgan, I'll be veeeery curious to hear it! I really wouldn't know what to expect! ;)

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So this is interesting, because Mika doesn't just talk about X Factor.


A little after the 3:00 mark the interviewer asks him about working with Morgan, and he confirms that they have worked together on one song. He says that at first he didn't know what the experience would be like, but two weeks ago when he went to the studio he saw a completely different Morgan, playing the guitar and the piano, etc. Then she asks if he's preparing a tour and a new album, and he says yes, he's working on an album and he wants to have it done before next summer. :yay: He says he started it a month ago, and he's happy. He adds that he's a bit busy, clearly, but he's happy, and he's stimulated, and that's very important.


I know I shouldn't get excited, because who knows really how long the album will take, but still, it's nice to hear him talking about it in such definite terms. :thumb_yello:


Thanks for sharing!!! that's great! Really happy to hear about new music coming closer, I less care about the date, though it sounds good so far but I guess it's gonna be later :naughty: Anyway he said on the Saturday Night chat that he'll share some stuff before, so I can't wait :blush-anim-cl:

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Forgive me, for not being :yay: about this, i've heard it so many times before,

and always been disappointed :sad: he's never completed anything when he said, and if he wants to write and record the whole album in a big house in La La land then when is he going to fit that in :mf_rosetinted:


I sometimes wonder about this Mika world i live in :aah::mikalove:

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Forgive me, for not being :yay: about this, i've heard it so many times before,

and always been disappointed :sad: he's never completed anything when he said, and if he wants to write and record the whole album in a big house in La La land then when is he going to fit that in :mf_rosetinted:


I sometimes wonder about this Mika world i live in :aah::mikalove:

But he does seem to have found his stride. Tbh I don't mind waiting for the album while he's doing all this other stuff. I'm enjoying it, even though I'm not Italian. More people are getting to know him through the X Factor and the success of Popular Song.

Who's to say he and Morgan won't release the song they write, before the album comes out. Singles can come out apart from the album itself.

I'm not trying to think too far ahead. I'd sooner enjoy what's happening now and in the near future. Tbh, I'd sooner that the next album comes out after Mika comes to the attention of the UK again, otherwise he won't sell any in Britain, and that would be so sad. He needs to be established as a pop icon in the UK and USA, then he'll stand a chance with the new album.

So I can be patient.

But he seems to have found the secret to the multi-tasking he needs to do. He's not always had the knack of doing it, which is why the albums have been delayed. But that was then, this is now, and now, Mika seems to have everything under control.

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Ps: if he really makes this song with Morgan, I'll be veeeery curious to hear it! I really wouldn't know what to expect! ;)


Oh, don't say that! I was hoping Italian fans to come and tell their opinion what to expect :naughty: Any ideas?

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But he does seem to have found his stride. Tbh I don't mind waiting for the album while he's doing all this other stuff. I'm enjoying it, even though I'm not Italian. More people are getting to know him through the X Factor and the success of Popular Song.

Who's to say he and Morgan won't release the song they write, before the album comes out. Singles can come out apart from the album itself.

I'm not trying to think too far ahead. I'd sooner enjoy what's happening now and in the near future. Tbh, I'd sooner that the next album comes out after Mika comes to the attention of the UK again, otherwise he won't sell any in Britain, and that would be so sad. He needs to be established as a pop icon in the UK and USA, then he'll stand a chance with the new album.

So I can be patient.

But he seems to have found the secret to the multi-tasking he needs to do. He's not always had the knack of doing it, which is why the albums have been delayed. But that was then, this is now, and now, Mika seems to have everything under control.


To be honest Marilyn, i'm not enjoying what's going on with Mika at the moment, and i know that's not going to change for a long while yet, so i just have to wait for him to return to what is important TO ME , this swatch quiz is the only thing entertaining me at the moment and that's :insane:


How do you think he will come to the attention of the UK certainly not through xcraptor Italian, as not everyone can watch it, so i'm told, and he had the opportunity to succeed in US, with those amazing acoustic shows, but he didn't follow through with that, a missed opportunity in MY OPINION :tears:

Edited by buttonslovesu
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Oh, don't say that! I was hoping Italian fans to come and tell their opinion what to expect :naughty: Any ideas?


Ahah, well, knowing Morgan, it could be something experimental, weird, but with a (maybe not immediate) sense of melody. I think that- if it really comes out- it could be interesting to say the least. Morgan can add the weirdness of the musical arrangement, and Mika can add his usual musical taste, his sense of melody and his lyric depth. I think that if they find the right way the two of them can cooperate to create something original :)

At least I hope so! ;)


Ps: if you want to know what Morgan's music is like, my favourite song by him is 'amore assurdo', it has something hypnotical. But that's not exactly 'mainstream' ;)

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