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MIKA to be Judge on XFactor 7 #XF7 Italia 2013


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Besides, I'm not the one who said he was going to tour and put out a new album. He said it. But as always it will be a case of seeing before believing.


How soon everyone forgets Mika said he would rent a house in Milan so he could make his album in between tapings of X Factor episodes. "Mika says" is not evidence for anything. He wasn't addressing his fans or even the public during that lecture. It wasn't a confessional diary, it was a talk about marketing yourself aimed at random students. We have absolutely no idea what he's actually going to do next year or why. So yes, the proof will be in the pudding and I guess there's no point in discussing it further until then.

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Yes, I see this phrase every year, from time to time, whatever it concerns :fisch:


Yeah well, what I'm saying is that I'd rather be a bad fan than pretending to be excited for something that is not interesting to me at all. To each their own, they say.:thumb_yello:

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For the reasons that you wrote I really wish he didn't do a second season of XF (as they say, 'Paganini does not repeat'), simply because he has absolutely made the most out of this experience, and another one I fear might not add something new and stimulating.


Funny he said that to us when he debuted new songs from TBWKTM. "You can't repeat yourself in life".


We shall see.

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And going back to Cowells original remit for the premise of the show, looking for someone with that certain something that will wow people, not just their singing, but their personality, something that makes them outstanding.

I'm sorry but in all the UK winners I can't say I have seen anything like that. And Cowell usually likes someone that he can mould into what he wants to market, not letting someone have their personality shine out, hence why it's become bland and boring.


A question: If these shows would find someone special with "wow"-effect, with personality, who stays himself and is not pressed into a form, would it be different than for you?

Edited by DerMoment1608
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If he decide to do XF again the next year,I'm sure he has his reasons.Reasons that we might never find out.I prefer not to judge his choices,as long as I'm not in his shoes,it's not fair from my point of view.All I know is that he is an intelligent person,and he's working very hard for everything he does.I don't know how much money he got,it's not my business,but I hope he'll get ten times more if he'll sign again for the next season. :thumb_yello:


I enjoyed to see him working with his team,giving professional advices about their performances on stage,talking about songwriters,new and old songs,and music in general. During this show I discovered another side of his personality,and I can tell I wasn't disappointed at all,otherwise I won't be here anymore.And if he needs to do this again for various reasons (lasagna,money,inspiration,happiness,Mosquino's fancy suits),that's fine for me,he knows better how to manage his life and career.

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A question: If these shows would find someone special with "wow"-effect, with personality, who stays himself and is not pressed into a form, would it be different than for you?


It would depend on if they had been seriously trying for a while to get their own music heard in other places, and this was like a last resort for them.

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Ps: can I just add that I love the fact that in this big and serious discussion about Mika's career choice now and then some posts linked to Roberto Bolle and his body randomly appear? XD


I like to supply the comic relief. :naughty:


But truthfully, I appreciate the serious discussions, even if I don't always have the time to join in -- I think it shows the depth of feeling that we all have for Mika. That's the reason I love it here so much. :wub2:

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If he decide to do XF again the next year,I'm sure he has his reasons.Reasons that we might never find out.I prefer not to judge his choices,as long as I'm not in his shoes,it's not fair from my point of view.All I know is that he is an intelligent person,and he's working very hard for everything he does.I don't know how much money he got,it's not my business,but I hope he'll get ten times more if he'll sign again for the next season. :thumb_yello:


I enjoyed to see him working with his team,giving professional advices about their performances on stage,talking about songwriters,new and old songs,and music in general. During this show I discovered another side of his personality,and I can tell I wasn't disappointed at all,otherwise I won't be here anymore.And if he needs to do this again for various reasons (lasagna,money,inspiration,happiness,Mosquino's fancy suits),that's fine for me,he knows better how to manage his life and career.


I feel the same:wink2:

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Ah, so what you're saying is that we should just mindlessly praise and love everything Mika does because he is going to do it anyway? I'm sorry, but I refuse that. It doesn't make you a loyal fan. I prefer to have my own opinion and the freedom to express it and my opinion about these shows has not changed.


You may have your own opinion and I may have my own. The point is Mika does NOT CARE about anybody's opinion but his own. He has his own head, his own life, he makes his own decisions about his career. And believe me, he knows much more about musical industry than any of us. The only thing you have influence on is to be here or not, to listen to his music or not. In all other cases I would keep calm and relax. Because your disagreement spoils your mood only and of course it's your dicision to feel bad about XF. Just saying :wink2:

What I mean is I won't be happy if he makes second XF but I prefer to rely on Mika's decisions because I have no choice. No, I have a choise to leave but another XF won't make me to do it :)

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You may have your own opinion and I may have my own. The point is Mika does NOT CARE about anybody's opinion but his own. He has his own head, his own life, he makes his own decisions about his career. And believe me, he knows much more about musical industry than any of us. The only thing you have influence on is to be here or not, to listen to his music or not. In all other cases I would keep calm and relax. Because your disagreement spoils your mood only and of course it's your dicision to feel bad about XF. Just saying :wink2:

What I mean is I won't be happy if he makes second XF but I prefer to rely on Mika's decisions because I have no choice. No, I have a choise to leave but another XF won't make me to do it :)


:thumb_yello: Wise words - which I fully support ...:blush-anim-cl:




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You may have your own opinion and I may have my own. The point is Mika does NOT CARE about anybody's opinion but his own. He has his own head, his own life, he makes his own decisions about his career. And believe me, he knows much more about musical industry than any of us. The only thing you have influence on is to be here or not, to listen to his music or not. In all other cases I would keep calm and relax. Because your disagreement spoils your mood only and of course it's your dicision to feel bad about XF. Just saying :wink2:

What I mean is I won't be happy if he makes second XF but I prefer to rely on Mika's decisions because I have no choice. No, I have a choise to leave but another XF won't make me to do it :)


Thanks God he does not care :) Because sometimes the results are just surprisingly stunning! :thumb_yello:

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You may have your own opinion and I may have my own. The point is Mika does NOT CARE about anybody's opinion but his own. He has his own head, his own life, he makes his own decisions about his career. And believe me, he knows much more about musical industry than any of us. The only thing you have influence on is to be here or not, to listen to his music or not. In all other cases I would keep calm and relax. Because your disagreement spoils your mood only and of course it's your dicision to feel bad about XF. Just saying :wink2:

What I mean is I won't be happy if he makes second XF but I prefer to rely on Mika's decisions because I have no choice. No, I have a choise to leave but another XF won't make me to do it :)


You'd be surprised how often he does care...


And no it doesn't spoil my mood. The whole point of a forum is to have discussions. You can't have a discussion if you tell the person you disagree with to either shut up or leave because I assume it spoils YOUR mood. But that is not my problem.


You keep giving me arguments about how intelligent he is and how it must be an awfully wise decision to do this talent show and he knows best how to handle his career blabla, but honestly, once again the only thing I said was that he only did xfactor for the money (which he has said so HIMSELF) and yes he had fun. I once again never said that was a bad thing. Secondly I claimed he was TOO GOOD for these shows. Which I don't see as a bad thing. Thirdly, he is the one who claimed he was going to release a new album plus tour next year. Yes, xfactor Italy is a genius career move...if he wants to be a celebrity in Italy. Mika has made mistakes in his career in the past few years. I'm sure he would have initially preferred his latest album to sell millions and to go on an extensive tour but that didn't happen so he needed something else to make the same amount of money. Whethervthat is for himself or his new music.


You know, instead of always jumping on me whenever I say something you disagree with mainly because I say it, I suppose, you could also just look at my arguments and comment on that just like I look at your arguments and comment on them. That is how a discussion works. Not saying Mika knows best so you can choose to stay or leave.

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The point is Mika does NOT CARE about anybody's opinion but his own.


If he truly doesn't care what people think then he should be forthright and honest about these things instead of manipulating and telling people what they want to hear. We wouldn't even have these disagreements if that were the case. I understand why people don't care if he does X Factor or whatever but I don't understand the endless abundance of blind faith in someone whose actions don't correspond to their words.


I could have a lot more respect for this choice if he had just said 6 months ago that this music thing did not turn out the way he had hoped on the business side so he is looking for other career options that are just as lucrative as selling CDs once were for him. Oh and actually I enjoy all of this because why would I want to spend 24 months on a tour bus when I can be rich and famous sitting in a judge's chair or selling watches, etc.


There is no crime in that. I am disappointed with how that affects me but I am not going to judge Mika harshly for it once the initial shock wore off. But I don't think it's right to tell fans "I am doing X Factor because it is so special and different from every other talent show and don't worry I am staying in Milan so I can record my album when I'm not working on the show." And 10 minutes later he's signed onto some other talent show and he's so busy juggling both of them and the Swatch project it's a miracle he got any sleep muchless wrote any music.


It is amazing to me that so many have the capacity to rationalize away these contradictions or just pretend that they didn't happen at all. For me it is not so easy to just look to the future as if whatever Mika says this week is going to come to fruition. I hope as everyone does that he is serious about an album and tour in the foreseeable future but if he signs on for a second season then he is not serious. Certainly not serious about making the kind of album and the kind of tours we've come to expect from him. It's as simple as that.

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It is amazing to me that so many have the capacity to rationalize away these contradictions or just pretend that they didn't happen at all. For me it is not so easy to just look to the future as if whatever Mika says this week is going to come to fruition. I hope as everyone does that he is serious about an album and tour in the foreseeable future but if he signs on for a second season then he is not serious. Certainly not serious about making the kind of album and the kind of tours we've come to expect from him. It's as simple as that.


As for me, I can be agree or disagree with him, but I clearly see, that if I was rather unhappy with the french Voice, it didn't change a thing.

I admired watching XF (taking into account, that it is the first TV show of this type I have watched in my life), but I'm not eager to see him in the Voice at all. So, I'm not that supportive blind fan. Anyway, I'm looking forward the next FX season, because for me it was very useful. To the end of the show I was able to understand everything he said.

So, what I wanted to say. It is up to a fan to decide about the attitude to Mika's deeds. I just prefer the thread to have less venom.

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You'd be surprised how often he does care...


What can I say... He may read your opinion, my opinion, many other fan's opinions and make a conclusion. And he decided to make The Voice as well in the end :fisch:


Yes, xfactor Italy is a genius career move...if he wants to be a celebrity in Italy. Mika has made mistakes in his career in the past few years.


I didn't say it was wise! And perhaps XF was a mistake (well I personally don't think so) but it was his mistake then and he has the right to make it and to learn from it. He said once he never listens to anybody's pieces of advice and usually makes opposite... Perhaps we should be careful here :aah:


You know, instead of always jumping on me whenever I say something you disagree with mainly because I say it, I suppose, you could also just look at my arguments and comment on that just like I look at your arguments and comment on them. That is how a discussion works. Not saying Mika knows best so you can choose to stay or leave.


I don't jump on you and I agree with you in many other things, I just don't metion it usually, sorry :blush-anim-cl: But I still think Mika knows best. I just choose to support him and I suppose it's the best thing a fan can do. But it's my opinion. You are sure your opinion is right and that's fine. You tell yours I tell mine and it's a discussion as well :wink2:

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Moreover, it's not only about money. I bet he enjoyed the XF experience because it is a good chance no meet the new interesting people in the musical circles. He is not a robot, he needs something for his soul, he needs some inspiration, new ideas, new thoughts conveyed by some tuned people. He experienced new feelings, looked at all this business from another side and the other point of view. Which will be useful for the new album writing, I believe.

He hugely developed his personality, even learning a new language. It adds some self-confidence and the powers to go on to the new horizons (sorry for sounding so highbrow).

Of course the fans crave for a new album, but he didn't waste his time. He needs time for his own interests and for the inspiration. Otherwise he will transform into the music-writing machine.


If he decide to do XF again the next year,I'm sure he has his reasons.Reasons that we might never find out.I prefer not to judge his choices,as long as I'm not in his shoes,it's not fair from my point of view.All I know is that he is an intelligent person,and he's working very hard for everything he does.I don't know how much money he got,it's not my business,but I hope he'll get ten times more if he'll sign again for the next season. :thumb_yello:


I enjoyed to see him working with his team,giving professional advices about their performances on stage,talking about songwriters,new and old songs,and music in general. During this show I discovered another side of his personality,and I can tell I wasn't disappointed at all,otherwise I won't be here anymore.And if he needs to do this again for various reasons (lasagna,money,inspiration,happiness,Mosquino's fancy suits),that's fine for me,he knows better how to manage his life and career.

Well said both of you.

We'll never agree and I don't care for arguments.


+1 Marilyn


We should apparently have separate threads.


No I don't think we should have separate threads. No matter how we differ in our thoughts, it all comes from our love of Mika. This is a forum, so all views and opinions of Mika on X Factor are worth discussing on one thread. I would never want MFC to become two factions.

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I understand why people don't care if he does X Factor or whatever but I don't understand the endless abundance of blind faith in someone whose actions don't correspond to their words.


I don't have a blind faith in him. I follow his choices and his decisions because I'm his fan and not his mother :dunno: Well, perhaps it looks like a blind faith I don't know :aah::doh:

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What can I say... He may read your opinion, my opinion, many other fan's opinions and make a conclusion. And he decided to make The Voice as well in the end :fisch:




I didn't say it was wise! And perhaps XF was a mistake (well I personally don't think so) but it was his mistake then and he has the right to make it and to learn from it. He said once he never listens to anybody's pieces of advice and usually makes opposite... Perhaps we should be careful here :aah:




I don't jump on you and I agree with you in many other things, I just don't metion it usually, sorry :blush-anim-cl: But I still think Mika knows best. I just choose to support him and I suppose it's the best thing a fan can do. But it's my opinion. You are sure your opinion is right and that's fine. You tell yours I tell mine and it's a discussion as well :wink2:


I support him too otherwise I wouldn't be here. But because I care too much I would hate for him to do it again because I feel like it won't get him anywhere apart from in Italy. And honestly if Mika knew best we wouldn't be having this discussion as wd'd be queueing for the Origin of Love Arena tour right now. Doesn't mean I know better though. However I do not support things I can't get behind just because Mika does it.

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ingie, i never claimed you said you would leave if mika did another xfactor. but some fans *did* unfollow him on twitter or stopped travelling to his gigs, because of his other projects and because he doesn't do as much in their country as they hoped he would. and some who are against xfactor sound like they might go the same way if he does another one, tho i don't know how serious they mean it. although of course it's everyone's own decision what they do, this is simply something i can't understand (at least not as long as his gigs are mostly just a 1-2 hour flight away), and that's why i said i wouldn't stop supporting him as a musician because of his other projects - not because i wanted to imply that you would. :wink2:


btw i also have to disagree with mousetrap... i don't mind at all if people complain when he does another xfactor. i'd complain too. just not that much maybe, i'd mostly ignore it like i did this time, and save up my anger for the time when the promised album doesn't come. :naughty: each to their own tho. :wink2:

actually i noticed i complain much less about his decisions since i complained to him on twitter about exchanging the old band, particularly martin and cherisse. and then got to know the new band. ok i still think he should've kept cherisse :teehee:, but in fact i like tim even more than martin, since i met him in person.


I hope as everyone does that he is serious about an album and tour in the foreseeable future but if he signs on for a second season then he is not serious. Certainly not serious about making the kind of album and the kind of tours we've come to expect from him. It's as simple as that.


and that's where i disagree with you, or at least i'd wait longer than you to judge it. :teehee: first, the album was not only mentioned by him in that lecture, but in several (italian) interviews. so at least he promised it to the italians. :naughty: second, i think he also said somewhere that he does have a couple of songs ready to record, which of course might be a lie (i know he has been lying before about how much he had ready for the album), but we can't know for sure. he wasn't busy 24/7 before that swatch release, might have had some time to write then. and at least he seems pretty sure already about the sound of his new album. whether that's just in his head so far, or already on his computer, no idea. but personally i won't call him a liar regarding the release of his album before the end of 2014, if there is no album by then. :teehee: and i'm sure if there is an album, it's the kind of album i'd expect, because whatever else he might do, or what lies he might tell, i trust him that he puts 100% of himself into his music. he won't settle for "just ok" with the songs he records, i believe him that much. :original:

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I support him too otherwise I wouldn't be here. But because I care too much I would hate for him to do it again because I feel like it won't get him anywhere apart from in Italy. And honestly if Mika knew best we wouldn't be having this discussion as wd'd be queueing for the Origin of Love Arena tour right now. Doesn't mean I know better though. However I do not support things I can't get behind just because Mika does it.


But every person always sure that his/her decision is the right one at the moment even if everybody tell opposite. I just rely on his good intentions and that's enough for me :wink2:

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But every person always sure that his/her decision is the right one at the moment even if everybody tell opposite. I just rely on his good intentions and that's enough for me :wink2:


I personally want him to be the best he can be so I don't settle for good intentions :naughty:

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