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TICKET GIVEAWAY! MIKA in Lyon, 13th April 2024

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Hello, my dear Mika Fan Club!


It's been a while, but guess what?




MIKA’s incredible APOCALYPSE CALYPSO tour has left us wanting more and more, hasn't it? Well, would you believe that his management have reached out to the MFC with a very special "Thank You"  from MIKA for all the support of the tour and the new album: FREE SHOW TICKETS!


Next Saturday, 13th April, MIKA will take to the stage in Lyon (France) for a special promotional show in a secret location yet to be revealed… and MIKA would like to invite us!


And since, as we all know, a MIKA show is more like a party than just a concert, why not bring your friends? So Mika is offering up to 6 tickets per person for you to each bring a group of friends or family members to come and dance with us!


The show is for ages 12+ (those ages 12-17 need to be accompanied by an adult) and is open to ANYONE who can get to Lyon next Saturday. We have been given a BUNCH of tickets, so tell all your friends and family to join Mika Fan Club in celebrating the return of MIKA to Lyon!


Send the following details FOR EACH PERSON WHO WILL BE ATTENDING THE CONCERT to mfc.contest@gmail.com NO LATER THAN 17.00 CEST (5pm) ON FRIDAY 5TH APRIL 2024.


  • Date of birth
  • Email address (children 12-17 may use parents' email address)


Please also include the total number of tickets required.


NOTE THIS EMAIL ADDRESS! Entries received after this deadline or sent to other email addresses will be disqualified.


Please be sure to write "LYON" in the email subject line.

One entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified.


AGAIN, the show is for ages 12+ BUT those ages 12-17 must be accompanied by an adult age 18+.

This giveaway does not include transportation, just entrance to the show. Please only enter if you are sure you can attend! THERE WILL BE NO SUBSTITUTIONS OR CHANGES POSSIBLE.

NOTE: You will receive a confirmation email with details including the exact location and time at a later date.

Now HURRY and get your email in !!!

Good luck! :crossed:




Bonjour mon cher Fan Club Mika !


Cela fait un moment, mais devinez quoi ?




L’incroyable tournée APOCALYPSE CALYPSO de MIKA nous donne de plus en plus envie, n’est-ce pas ? Eh bien, croiriez-vous que son management a contacté le MFC avec un "Merci" très spécial de la part de MIKA pour tout son soutien à la tournée et au nouvel album : BILLETS DE SPECTACLE GRATUITS !


Samedi 13 avril prochain, MIKA montera sur scène à Lyon (France) pour un show promotionnel spécial dans un lieu secret encore dévoilé… et MIKA souhaite nous inviter !


Et comme on le sait tous, un spectacle de MIKA s'apparente plus à une fête qu'à un simple concert, pourquoi ne pas y inviter vos amis ? Mika vous propose donc jusqu'à 6 billets par personne pour que vous puissiez chacun amener un groupe d'amis ou des membres de votre famille pour venir danser avec nous !


Le spectacle s'adresse à partir de 12 ans (les 12-17 ans doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte) et est ouvert à TOUTE PERSONNE pouvant se rendre à Lyon samedi prochain. Nous avons reçu un tas de billets, alors dites à tous vos amis et à votre famille de rejoindre le Fan Club de Mika pour célébrer le retour de MIKA à Lyon !


Envoyez les détails suivants POUR CHAQUE PERSONNE QUI ASSISTERA AU CONCERT à mfc.contest@gmail.com AU PLUS TARD À 17h00 CEST (17h00) LE VENDREDI 5 AVRIL 2024.


     PRÉNOM, puis NOM
     Date de naissance
     Adresse e-mail (les enfants de 12 à 17 ans peuvent utiliser l'adresse e-mail de leurs parents)


Veuillez également inclure le nombre total de billets requis.


NOTEZ CETTE ADRESSE EMAIL ! Les inscriptions reçues après cette date limite ou envoyées à d'autres adresses e-mail seront disqualifiées.


N'oubliez pas d'écrire "LYON" dans l'objet de l'e-mail.

Une entrée par personne. Les inscriptions multiples seront disqualifiées.


ENCORE, le spectacle s'adresse aux 12 ans et plus MAIS les 12-17 ans doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte de 18 ans et plus.

Ce cadeau n'inclut pas le transport, juste l'entrée au salon. Merci de ne participer que si vous êtes sûr de pouvoir y assister ! IL N'Y AURA AUCUNE SUBSTITUTION OU CHANGEMENT POSSIBLE.


REMARQUE : Vous recevrez ultérieurement un e-mail de confirmation contenant des détails, notamment le lieu et l'heure exacts.


Maintenant, DÉPÊCHEZ-VOUS et recevez votre email !!!


Bonne chance! :crossed:


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What!!!! This is beyond exciting!!!! That is so kind of Mika and his team...

I live an hour away from Lyon I cannot believe my luck, fingers crossed!!!


Thanks for organizing this <3 

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   What an amazing competition! And very kind of Mika and his team to offer these tickets! Good luck everyone! 🤞

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Oh my god... I'm gonna cry (pure joy) !! It's a so good new, I hope I can be fortunate 🤞🍀 !

Thanks to the management, it's very kind to want to thank us and offer these tickets 🙏

Edited by Cornélie Berté
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Oh my god it's very kind and totally awesome !!

I hope to be lucky❤️


Are the results going to be announded on friday only ? I cant wait ! 🙊

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Just a reminder -- in looking at the first entries we've received. We need the full name, email address and date of birth for each member in your group!



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59 minutes ago, dcdeb said:

Just a reminder -- in looking at the first entries we've received. We need the full name, email address and date of birth for each member in your group!

Oh, I just send a request for 2 tickets, but only my name. I hope it works for me, I can have just one ticket if the mail is already sent…? 

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What an amazing giveaway! Thanks to all involved in organising 😀


Good luck to everyone entering! 

I’m sure the show will be amazing! Enjoy 😀

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This is fantastic! Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to manage it, but I hope those who can go have an awesome time! What am I saying, of course they will! :glasses:

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Fantastic action! Thanks so much. 
I live two hours away from Lyon and would love to see MIKA with my boyfriend. I saw him last week in Genève, but that’s not enough !

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Is Bloom correct that this is the private concert organised by McDonalds which Mika's team is now offering tickets for?


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1 hour ago, Jaela said:

Is Bloom correct that this is the private concert organised by McDonalds which Mika's team is now offering tickets for?


It could make sense 😊.

Fingers crossed everybody!!

I really don’t know if I will be able to attend, but I’m thrilled for this opportunity! 


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6 hours ago, Jaela said:

Is Bloom correct that this is the private concert organised by McDonalds which Mika's team is now offering tickets for?



Yes, that's right.

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